Is ballroom dancing a sport or an art?

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Ballroom dancing is the most beautiful and aesthetic sport. After all, ballroom dancers are still athletes. Competitions, competitions and all kinds of championships teach dancers endurance and require tremendous willpower. Therefore, before going to a ballroom dance studio, you need to decide whether a person is ready to play sports and dance at the same time. Also learn more about ballroom dance music at So, ballroom dancing is one of the sports and requires a serious approach. Ballroom dancing is reminiscent of figure skating, there are a large number of complex movements. That is why it is necessary to have strong muscles to perform them. In addition, partners should have well-developed body flexibility. All this requires many hours of training and a serious attitude to business. If we are talking about strength and endurance, then just think about it, during the performance of the Jive dance (this is the one that at first looks like rock and roll), the speed of a trained dancer can reach 9.5 km / h! In this case, the pulse can increase to 188 beats / min! Dancers are able to be in a state of increased performance for a long time - from 30 minutes. It's about endurance, if anything. For you to understand, these indicators are equal to the sports characteristics of marathon runners, skiers, cyclists, swimmers and biathletes! And even more than that: ballroom dancing implies a combined nature of loads - aerobic, anaerobic and mixed periods of the body's work allow you to naturally improve all parts of the body's oxygen supply system. Sports ballroom dancing is a sport. The dancers involved in them are real athletes! So what is art then, you ask? Art is when it's beautiful. This is when it hits. This is when you have been practicing for 20 years and you see all the same 10 dances, but you sit at one of the tournaments, shaking your snot on your fist from the podium, looking at the beauty of the finalists on the floor in the Viennese waltz. Art is about something eternal... Of course, ballroom dancing is beautiful costumes of partners, their legs, shoes, hairstyles ... But look at these backs of standardists on the floor! Look at the shoulders of the Latins, who wrap their delicate partner in Rumba? And those necks? And the looks? It is beautiful! And if this is already when it is realized, when the Personality of the partner is formed and this boy / young man / man understands what he is doing on the floor, it turns into art - bewitching, attractive, catchy. Plus, dancers are intellectuals: you cannot dance either of the two programs without thinking, without thinking. It's not about improvisation, which is full of dancing lately, although it will come in handy to be able to cope with it. The point is in classical intellectual development: in understanding the processes in your body, knowledge of at least the basics of interaction, a culture of behavior, the ability to calculate variations several steps ahead. Ballroom dancing has always been an elite sport. But the point here is not even that it is expensive or cheap. The bottom line is that elitist is a layer of a thinking society that accepts culture and transmits values ​​to the outside world. In the end, it's up to you to decide whether ballroom dancing is a sport or an art ! However, ballroom dancing will not be in vain for anyone. This sport trains all muscle groups, teaches endurance and the desire to win. And elegance and grace will always help to be in the spotlight.