Reconstruction of 2009 Feder Editorial on Health Care

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Feder, "Federal Action is Required"

reconstruction notes:

GC: Federal action is required to improve healthcare in the U.S.

P1/IC: The Healthcare system is broken.

P1: The 45 Million Americans without healthcare insurance face higher costs and bad health care outcomes (22,000 die annually).
P2: Even people with healthcare insurance experience rising costs and a burden covering increases in cost.
P3: 57 million Americans had problems paying their health care bills in 2007.

P2/IC:Fixing the economy will require Federal attention to health care.

Difficulty paying for health care is a factor in half of all bankruptcies.
When people have trouble paying for health care, they use high cost credit cards, which is inefficient.

P2: Either the market will solve these problems or the government should.

P3/IC: The market isn't solving the problem.

Without government action, health care providers have no incentive to focus on disease prevention or covering all people.