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==13: FEB 22==
==10. FEB 22==
===Assigned Work===
:*Hibbing, Chapter 4: Drunken Flies and Salad Greens (96-117) (21)
:*Pollan, Michael. Part 2: The Western Diet (pp. 101-136) (35)
:*Sandel, C6 "The Case for Equality" Justice (141-151) (10)
:*Alfino, Taxonomy of Successes and Failures of the US Industrial Food System (in shared folder)
===In-class content===
:*Philosophical Moral Theories: Justice
:*Resisting Industrial Foods
===Philosophical Moral Theories: Justice as Fairness===
===Pollan, Part II of ''In Defense of Food''===
:*You might immediately think of Justice in terms of "public justice," especially courts and criminals and cases.  Or you might think of big social questions about justice, like economic justice or justice and anti-discrimination.  But we also talk about justice on the personal level. This is where we will start today.
:*Part II : Western Diet and diseases of civilization
:*We already have an political / ethical theory, Libertarianism, that has a view of Justice. Now we add a contrasting theory, Rawls' theory of "justice as fairness".  We'll briefly review the account in Sandel, 140-141, but I will also asking you to watch a couple of videos on Rawls for next class.
:*'''Chapter 1: The Aborigine in all of us'''
:*Today we will focus on fairness in private contracts (Rawls' gives us a "social contract" view in our next class.)
::*Summer 1982 - W. Australia aborigines study -- "metabolic syndrome" -- defined, theorized as signature disease of western diet. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/metabolic-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351916 A visual for metabolic syndrome.]
::*O'Dea's results p. 87.  Note that she didn't look for a silver bullet, a single factor.  Just the diet change.
:*Initial tests of fairness in both individual and social contracts: Fairness might exist if there is an willingness to accept the outcome from either party's perspective.  This is usually thought of as assessing claims and interests and balancing them between or among parties involvedImagining a dispute between two people, "Could you be satisfied with the outcome for either partyAt the level of society, "Would you feel justly treated being anyone in the society?"
::*Major premise: Compare us to many traditional diet populations and the difference in diseases profile is starkIt might be the "whole diet pattern" rather than a single imbalance(The imbalances are symptoms.) [Lots of evidence that as cultures move toward industrial food brands and more female labor market participation, they start to acquire more dietary disease.]
===Sandel, M C6 "The Case for Equality"===
:*'''Chapter 2: The Elephant in the Room'''
:*'''Note: We are only covering up to p. 151 today.'''
::*Group of early 20th c intellectuals/doctors (bot 90) noticed absence of chronic disease in populations they traveled to. 
::*British doc Dens Burkitt:  "Western Diseases" -- diseases attributable to western diet and lifestyle.
::*Pollan chooses the story of Weston Price from this group.
:*Nature of a contract: You think it is all in the words said or writting, but no! Contracts have to be "constructed" in light of background understandings of fairnes and relationship and foreseeable and unforeseeable circumstances.
::*Two objections to hyp that Western diet is to blame: disease/race theory (but evidence from mixed ethnicity/race cultures like US suggests not), demographic theory (we live longer, so we get more disease). In both cases, the evidence refutes the claim.
::*Fairness of contract may dep. on circumstances of execution: '''The Lobster Cases'''
::*Weston Price -- b. 1870.  diseases of teeth are effects of Western diet.  1939 major work after global travels looking at teeth. Lots and lots of teeth.  kind of an amateur scientists, but collected important data (and seen right by later dental research).  hard to find control groups.  Price found big differences in Vit A and D.  (Note comment about Masai -- . Multiple successful diets for omnivores.)  p 98: note comparison of groups with wild animal flesh and agriculturalists.
:::*1st case: You order, eat, but refuse to pay for the lobsters. '''Obligation to repay for benefit'''In this case, the fact that you benefitted matters.
::*First to make comparisons of grass fed / winter forage fed animals to find vitamin differences. Example today from grass fed cows. [https://www.pureeiredairy.com/blank-t1jyw Pure Eire Dairy] Better 06/03 ratios.
:::*2nd case: Lobsters arrive and you decline delivery. Can you get out of the contract because you didn't benefit? Obligation based on "reliance", I made the effort to get the lobsters relying on your word. Unjust to pull outIn this case the fact that you didn’t benefit doesn’t matter.
::*Decline of nutrition in current vegetables and fruits: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss/]
:::*3rd case: You order lobsters and then cancel the order 5 minutes later. Can the lobster person say "deal is a deal"?  Debatable.  Consider cases of “refundable deposits”.  
::*Two main concepts underlying contracts:
::*Albert Howard 99 -- "father" of organic farming movement; early 20th century; similar time period, making argument against synthetic nitrogen (more later).  both pioneers in what would later be seen as an ecological approach to food production.
:::*autonomy -- respecting the rationality of the parties to the contract, including reasonable expectations and reliance.
::*Important: Among first to see a connection between dietary diseases of the food system as part of an "ecological dysfunction". (This is a theme that will occupy a lot of our attention in our discussion and reading about the history of agriculture.)
:::*reciprocity of benefits and obligations - when are you “on the hook?”
:*Seeing Autonomy and Reciprocity in examples of fair/unfair contracts
:*'''Chapter 3: The Industrialization of Eating'''
::*'''Baseball card''' trade among diff aged siblings (undermines autonomy - taking adv of know/maturity diff)
::*'''Leaky toilet case''' contractor fraud in the leaky toilet case (undermines autonomy - old people lose touch. Can't take advantage.) Can you hear Kant cheering in the background?
::*'''Hume's home repairs case''' -- no consent but still obligation. (Imagine a local example at a group house.)
::*'''Sam's Mobile Repair Van''' -- read 148 -- did the question, "What are the odds you can fix it?" create "reliance" and obligation.  Was the clock running? What if he fixed the car?  Would benefit alone confer obligation.  Take away: make things very clear, especially if you have limited funds! 
::*'''Squeegee men'''-- potential for benefit to be imposed coercively
:*Point: Contract should be fundamentally fair and guarantee autonomy and reciprocity.
::*Thesis: Calling for a more ecological way of thinking about food.  Think of food as mutual adaptation of plants and animals to humans.  Propagation/place in ecology of food chain. 
::*Example of fruit: ripeness, transportation, high nutrient state.  Corn vs. corn syrup.  (Note point about possible future humans who could use HFCS.) Also true of milk in history of agriculture. Pollan doesn't quite give the details on milk.  Not like a light switching on.  [Textbook example of gene-culture co-evolution.  Selective advantage for those who keep lactase expression going past breast feeding.  You can always leave it to natural selection to favor those who can get on with the new diet.]
:*p. 151: Stop here for 10/7.
:*Types of Changes that Mark the Western Industrial Diet
:*Two main principles
::*'''1. From Whole Foods to Refined'''
::*equal basic liberties for all
::*differences in social and economic equality must work to advantage of the least well off.
:*Justifying the Difference Principle
:::*prestige of refined products: prior to roller technology, white rice and flour would be labor added, story of grain rollers 107, Refined flour is the first industrial fast food.  Fresh flour lasts days. 108: specific details germ/endosperm, but also local mills, water power.  Fortified bread.  B vitamins added back in to reduce pellagra and beriberi.  
::*Why not be libertarian about it?
:::*1996: added folic acid.
::*Concept of morally arbitrary criteria for distributing benefits of labor: birth, class, somewhat taken care of with equality of education and opportunity, but starting points are still different.
:::*Jacobs and Steffen study:  epidemiological study showing effects of whole grains, but also that groups not eating whole grains, but getting equivalent nutrients did not enjoy benefits.  alludes to possible '''holism''' in effects. Sugar intake since 1870's.  [http://www.sugar-and-sweetener-guide.com/consumption-of-sugar.html Sugar data]  
::*Even if you could solve that problem, you would still have the problem of relying on the moral arbitrariness of natural talent -- a "natural lottery"
::*Even if you could solve that problem, you'd have the arbitrariness of what the society values (try being a basketball player in the middle ages.
::*Rawls thinks he's found a form of egalitarianism that mediates between morally arbitrary distributions and overburdening the most talented members of the society.   
::*'''2. From Complexity to Simplicity'''
::*diminished incentives
::*rewarding effort
:*In the end, Rawls view of justice does not involve rewards based on moral desertodd result. In trying to avoid morally arbitrary features, he arrives at something like "respect for persons as fairness" as the morally relevant feature.
:::*The flip side of food degradation is soil degradation.  Nitrogen fertilizers.  simplification through chemical processing.  Control.  Documented nutrient decline in foods (also article above).  Note on the Haber-Bosch process for synthetic NPK.  Digression on Fritz Haber and Clara Immerwahr [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haber].
:::*Simplification of plant species in industrial foods.  Again, appearance of greater variety in industrial food store, but products actually represent a small variety plants and animals.  116 for details.  Decline in nutrition levels in foods since mid-20th century.
:::*details on loss of food crop diversity. [https://civileats.com/2015/10/05/u-s-farms-becoming-less-diverse-over-time/](Examples from intact food production cultures like Italy.)
:::*Corn and soy are very efficient plants for producing carbs, but now supply sig % of calories in Am diet (about 800).
===Hibbing, Chapter 4: Drunken Flies and Salad Greens===
:::*Conclusion: there may be a false economy in industrial food production.  Varietals, soil, diversity of food have values that are lost in assessing costs at the retail level. 
:*'''History of research''' on finding personality traits that predict politcs:  First, are authoritarian orientations identifiable as personality traits? 
::*'''3. Quality to Quantity'''
:*Nazi research - Erich Jaensch J and S type personalities; background of trying to understand WW2 atrocities; hypothesis of authoritarian personality Theordor Adorno, note quote at p. 100. F-scale for Fascism. No validity, but interesting for using non-political questions. Han Eysenck's work on "tenderminded/toughminded"; 1960's Glenn Wilson. conservatism as resistance to change and adherence to tradition.  "C-scale"
:::*Industrial food system has favored cheap macro-nutrients over cheap whole foods. (whole foods in Italian significantly cheaper than in the US. Part of the reason is climate, part government ag policy.)
::*70's and 80s research on RWA - right wing authoritarianism.  measure of submission to authority, willingness to restrict freedoms, harsh punishment, heightened hostility to out-groupsSound familiar?  Proud Boys, Oathkeepers
:::*Decline in nutrient content (118-119: review), "nutritional inflation," interest in "phytochemicals" -- seem related to anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.   
::*But, note: Hibbing et al assessment: 102: criticisms persist in effort to find an "authoritarian personality".  But claim, "there is a deep psychology underlying politics"
:::*False food value lesson from "'''nutritional inflation'''" :  You get a larger variety of X fruit or veg with less nutrition, but it's cheaperProblem is that you have a limited volume of food intake, so you lose value in the end and possibly compromise nutrition. Simplification of species diversity and monoculture of ag.  corn and soy are very efficient producers of carb calories.  but then we draw less food diversity by focusing on these two.
:*103: Personality Theory research: Big Five model:
:::*Decline in food nutrient content from food grown in impoverished soil. Some details on how soils matter: Growing time affects mineral and vitamin levels ('''bio-accumulation'''). [Note on negative examples of bio-accumulation: mercury in fish.] Some evidence that organic plants have chemicals related to immune responses.   
::*openness to experience, ** p. 104
::*conscientiousness, ** p. 105
::*Two of these (**) are relevant to political orientationConscientiousness connected to research on "cognitive closure"
:::*"Overfed and Undernurished" - Industrial ag succeeded in growing more calories per acre, but at a cost.   
:*"What Foundation is Your Morality Built?" 105ff: review of Haidt's Moral Foundations Theory  (We will get to this next week from Haidt). Note that strong theories have overlapping evidence from many different fields!
:::*Cites Bruce Ames, serious researcher interest in micronutrition and cancer.  Interesting theory (unproven) that "satiety" mechanisms are tied to nutrition such that a malnurished body always feels hungry. [Note that we have more theory about this now - Microbiome research.]
:*108ff: Values theory of Shalom Schwartz.  diagram at 109.  10 core values on axis of individual vs. collective welfare and group loyalty versus ind. pleasure.  Diagram also looks like an ideological spectrum.
::*'''4. Leaves to Seeds'''
:*Why are political orientations connected to so many other preferences? 
:::*Shift from leaves to seeds decreases anti-oxidants and phytonutrients in our diet.   
::*Theory 1. Politics drives other preferences.  Hibbing et. al. skeptical of this. 
::*Theory 2. Broad orientations drive politics and preferences. 
::*Theory 3. Differences come from differences on bedrock social dilemma and mesh with other choices.   
:*PTC polymorphism (sensitivity to bitterness) linked to conservatismPreliminary research from them suggesting that sensitivity to "androstenone" is correlated with acceptance of social hierarchies.
:::*Mentions Susan Allport's ''The Queen of Fats''
:::*More seeds tilt in the fat profile of the food product toward O6.  Less healthy fat.  O3 fats spoil faster, so tend to be removed from industrial food.  Nutritional advice to move toward seed oils didn't originally distinguish O3 from O6. 
:::*Lipidphobia led us to shift to seed oils (give up butter --which has some 03 fats and move to corn -- which is high in 06 fats) and that led to a change in ratio of O6/O3 from 3:1 to 10:1.  note the connection p. 129 between fat profile and sense of "food security" -- interesting digression here.  Could we have a deep fear of hunger that still leads us to choose overeating, especially of caloric foods? 
:::*O3 decline also related to mental health130
::*'''5. From Food Culture to Food Science'''
:::*Shift from reliance on national / ethnic food cultures to science.  Lots of wisdom and nutrition understanding in traditional cuisines.
===Resisting Industrial Foods===
:*You can reverse each of the trends Pollan identifies in his discussion of industrial food and the Western Diet that it supplies.
:*'''From Refined to Whole foods / Simple to Complex'''
::*Apple confections to apples, [https://www.myfooddiary.com/foods/1435292/starbucks-bran-muffin Starbucks muffins] to a home made muffin (digression on [https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=1213856 Bob's Red Mill muffins],
::*Orange juice to oranges to fruit salads (note on ascorbic and citric acid).
::*Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
::*Cook with brown rice when possible.  Treat flour as a fresh food.
:*'''Quantity to Qualtity:  "Pay more eat less".''' 
::*Comparisons of taste (and nutrition) between industrial and non-industrial foods.  Taste (in a basic food) as guide to soil quality. (Often associated with organic, but conceptually quite distinct.)
::*Nutrients lost in poor soil. Synthetic fertilizers don't address soil quality.
::*Industrial foods often large, but water logged.  (50cent egg lessons here.) "nutrition deflation" - For the same volume of big industrial produce you are getting less nutrition. 
:*'''From Processed Seeds to whole Seeds and more Leaves.''' 
::*Omega 6 and 3 issue.  Fiber and microbiota. How do you get more plants in your diet? "Trade up" dishes that are carb/fat based to dishes that incorporate leaves and vegetable fiber.
:::*Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
:::*Industrial products with corn syrup and corn based chemistry to, well, corn!
:*'''Engage in local food culture, which is often more diverse and fresher.'''
::*Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).  Locally "Linc Foods".
::*Nutrients lost in the supply chain transit time.
:*'''Connect with traditional ethnic cuisines.'''
::*Ethnic cuisines have a long history of creating nutritious and tasty diets (not just dishes) under conditions of food scarcity. Italians refer to "cucina povera".  High and low (humble) cuisine. Pre-urban cuisines had greater use of higher quality oils (digress on Italian oil buying habits), access to fresh herbs (expensive in urban food culture, but part of "cucina povera").  In terms of practicality, traditional cuisines often create diversity of dishes from common patterns of herbs, spices, and cooking methods.  Compare to stocking and supplying an international/global cuisine kitchen.  Food waste. A foodie could have a very austere yet satisfying and practical kitchen modelling cooking on a traditional "cucina povera".
===SW2: Assessing Industrial Foods===
:*'''Stage 1''': Please write an 800 hundred word maximum answer to the following question by '''Sunday, February 26, 2023, 11:59pm.'''
::*Topic: What are the most serious problems with the US Industrial Food System and Industrial Diet?  Focus on this question in your answer, but allow some room to acknowledge what industrial processes and systems do well.  Allow about 1/4 of your answer (200 words) to address this question: What are the main lessons for protecting yourself from the worst effects of the Western industrial diet?
:*'''Advice about collaboration''': Collaboration is part of the academic process and the intellectual world that college courses are based on, so it is important to me that you have the possibility to collaborate.  I encourage you to collaborate with other students, but only up to the point of sharing ideas, references to class notes, and your own notes, '''verbally'''.  Collaboration  is also a great way to make sure that a high average level of learning and development occurs in the class.  The best way to avoid plagiarism is to NOT share text of draft answers or outlines of your answer.  Keep it verbal.  Generate your own examples. 
:*Prepare your answer and submit it in the following way. '''You will lose points''' if you do not follow these instructions:
::# To assure anonymity, you must remove your name from the the "author name" that you may have provided when you set up your word processing application. For instructions on removing your name from an Word or Google document, [[https://wiki.gonzaga.edu/alfino/index.php/Removing_your_name_from_a_Word_file click here]].
::# Format your answer in double spaced text, in a typical 12 point font, and using normal margins. Do not add spaces between paragraphs and indent the first line of each paragraph. 
::# '''Do not put your name in the file or filename'''.  You may put your student ID number in the file, but '''not in the filename'''. Save your file for this assignment with the name: "IndustrialFoods".
::# To turn in your assignment, log into courses.alfino.org, click on the "#0 - SW2 - Assessing Industrial Foods" dropbox.
::# If you cannot meet a deadline, you must email me about your circumstances (unless you are having an emergency) '''before''' the deadline or you will lose points. 
:*'''Stage 2''': Please evaluate '''four''' student answers and provide brief comments and a score. Review the [[Assignment Rubric]] for this exercise.  We will be using the Flow and Content areas of the rubric for this assignment. Complete your evaluations and scoring by ''’Saturday, March 4, 2023 11:59pm.'''
::*To determine the papers you need to peer review, open the file called "#Key.xls" in the shared folder. You will see a worksheet with saint names in alphabetically order, along with animal names.  Find your saint name and review the next four (4) animals' work below your animal name. If you get to the bottom of the list before reaching 4 animals, go to the top of the list and continue. 
::*Use [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOI7j5oxnVd7Sv192fVFYVSiuK5bfwpBLkossVXjC2jir75Q/viewform?usp=sf_link this Google Form] to evaluate '''four''' peer papers. Submit the form once for each review.
::*Some papers may arrive late.  If you are in line to review a missing paper, allow a day or two for it to show up.  If it does not show up, go back to the key and review the next animal's paper, continuing until you get four reviews. Do not review more than four papers.
:*'''Stage 3''': I will grade and briefly comment on your writing using the peer scores as an initial ranking.  Assuming the process works normally, most of my scores probably be within 1-2 points of the peer scores, plus or minus. 
:*'''Stage 4''': Back-evaluation: After you receive your peer comments and my evaluation, take a few minutes to fill out this quick "back evaluation" rating form: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfukAB_Jmv3GO72xjZiCuPz3ZrVMP1SL-B_WGi171QxFBvPyg/viewform?usp=sf_link].  '''Fill out the form for each reviewer, but not Alfino.'''  '''You must do the back evaluation to receive credit for the whole assignment.'''  Failing to give back-evaluations unfairly affects other classmates.
::*Back evaluations are due '''TBD'''.

Latest revision as of 18:07, 22 February 2023

10. FEB 22

Assigned Work

  • Pollan, Michael. Part 2: The Western Diet (pp. 101-136) (35)
  • Alfino, Taxonomy of Successes and Failures of the US Industrial Food System (in shared folder)


  • Resisting Industrial Foods

Pollan, Part II of In Defense of Food

  • Part II : Western Diet and diseases of civilization
  • Chapter 1: The Aborigine in all of us
  • Summer 1982 - W. Australia aborigines study -- "metabolic syndrome" -- defined, theorized as signature disease of western diet. A visual for metabolic syndrome.
  • O'Dea's results p. 87. Note that she didn't look for a silver bullet, a single factor. Just the diet change.
  • Major premise: Compare us to many traditional diet populations and the difference in diseases profile is stark. It might be the "whole diet pattern" rather than a single imbalance. (The imbalances are symptoms.) [Lots of evidence that as cultures move toward industrial food brands and more female labor market participation, they start to acquire more dietary disease.]
  • Chapter 2: The Elephant in the Room
  • Group of early 20th c intellectuals/doctors (bot 90) noticed absence of chronic disease in populations they traveled to.
  • British doc Dens Burkitt: "Western Diseases" -- diseases attributable to western diet and lifestyle.
  • Pollan chooses the story of Weston Price from this group.
  • Two objections to hyp that Western diet is to blame: disease/race theory (but evidence from mixed ethnicity/race cultures like US suggests not), demographic theory (we live longer, so we get more disease). In both cases, the evidence refutes the claim.
  • Weston Price -- b. 1870. diseases of teeth are effects of Western diet. 1939 major work after global travels looking at teeth. Lots and lots of teeth. kind of an amateur scientists, but collected important data (and seen right by later dental research). hard to find control groups. Price found big differences in Vit A and D. (Note comment about Masai -- . Multiple successful diets for omnivores.) p 98: note comparison of groups with wild animal flesh and agriculturalists.
  • First to make comparisons of grass fed / winter forage fed animals to find vitamin differences. Example today from grass fed cows. Pure Eire Dairy Better 06/03 ratios.
  • Decline of nutrition in current vegetables and fruits: [1]
  • Albert Howard 99 -- "father" of organic farming movement; early 20th century; similar time period, making argument against synthetic nitrogen (more later). both pioneers in what would later be seen as an ecological approach to food production.
  • Important: Among first to see a connection between dietary diseases of the food system as part of an "ecological dysfunction". (This is a theme that will occupy a lot of our attention in our discussion and reading about the history of agriculture.)
  • Chapter 3: The Industrialization of Eating
  • Thesis: Calling for a more ecological way of thinking about food. Think of food as mutual adaptation of plants and animals to humans. Propagation/place in ecology of food chain.
  • Example of fruit: ripeness, transportation, high nutrient state. Corn vs. corn syrup. (Note point about possible future humans who could use HFCS.) Also true of milk in history of agriculture. Pollan doesn't quite give the details on milk. Not like a light switching on. [Textbook example of gene-culture co-evolution. Selective advantage for those who keep lactase expression going past breast feeding. You can always leave it to natural selection to favor those who can get on with the new diet.]
  • Types of Changes that Mark the Western Industrial Diet
  • 1. From Whole Foods to Refined
  • prestige of refined products: prior to roller technology, white rice and flour would be labor added, story of grain rollers 107, Refined flour is the first industrial fast food. Fresh flour lasts days. 108: specific details germ/endosperm, but also local mills, water power. Fortified bread. B vitamins added back in to reduce pellagra and beriberi.
  • 1996: added folic acid.
  • Jacobs and Steffen study: epidemiological study showing effects of whole grains, but also that groups not eating whole grains, but getting equivalent nutrients did not enjoy benefits. alludes to possible holism in effects. Sugar intake since 1870's. Sugar data
  • 2. From Complexity to Simplicity
  • The flip side of food degradation is soil degradation. Nitrogen fertilizers. simplification through chemical processing. Control. Documented nutrient decline in foods (also article above). Note on the Haber-Bosch process for synthetic NPK. Digression on Fritz Haber and Clara Immerwahr [2].
  • Simplification of plant species in industrial foods. Again, appearance of greater variety in industrial food store, but products actually represent a small variety plants and animals. 116 for details. Decline in nutrition levels in foods since mid-20th century.
  • details on loss of food crop diversity. [3]. (Examples from intact food production cultures like Italy.)
  • Corn and soy are very efficient plants for producing carbs, but now supply sig % of calories in Am diet (about 800).
  • Conclusion: there may be a false economy in industrial food production. Varietals, soil, diversity of food have values that are lost in assessing costs at the retail level.
  • 3. Quality to Quantity
  • Industrial food system has favored cheap macro-nutrients over cheap whole foods. (whole foods in Italian significantly cheaper than in the US. Part of the reason is climate, part government ag policy.)
  • Decline in nutrient content (118-119: review), "nutritional inflation," interest in "phytochemicals" -- seem related to anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • False food value lesson from "nutritional inflation" : You get a larger variety of X fruit or veg with less nutrition, but it's cheaper. Problem is that you have a limited volume of food intake, so you lose value in the end and possibly compromise nutrition. Simplification of species diversity and monoculture of ag. corn and soy are very efficient producers of carb calories. but then we draw less food diversity by focusing on these two.
  • Decline in food nutrient content from food grown in impoverished soil. Some details on how soils matter: Growing time affects mineral and vitamin levels (bio-accumulation). [Note on negative examples of bio-accumulation: mercury in fish.] Some evidence that organic plants have chemicals related to immune responses.
  • "Overfed and Undernurished" - Industrial ag succeeded in growing more calories per acre, but at a cost.
  • Cites Bruce Ames, serious researcher interest in micronutrition and cancer. Interesting theory (unproven) that "satiety" mechanisms are tied to nutrition such that a malnurished body always feels hungry. [Note that we have more theory about this now - Microbiome research.]
  • 4. Leaves to Seeds
  • Shift from leaves to seeds decreases anti-oxidants and phytonutrients in our diet.
  • Mentions Susan Allport's The Queen of Fats
  • More seeds tilt in the fat profile of the food product toward O6. Less healthy fat. O3 fats spoil faster, so tend to be removed from industrial food. Nutritional advice to move toward seed oils didn't originally distinguish O3 from O6.
  • Lipidphobia led us to shift to seed oils (give up butter --which has some 03 fats and move to corn -- which is high in 06 fats) and that led to a change in ratio of O6/O3 from 3:1 to 10:1. note the connection p. 129 between fat profile and sense of "food security" -- interesting digression here. Could we have a deep fear of hunger that still leads us to choose overeating, especially of caloric foods?
  • O3 decline also related to mental health. 130
  • 5. From Food Culture to Food Science
  • Shift from reliance on national / ethnic food cultures to science. Lots of wisdom and nutrition understanding in traditional cuisines.

Resisting Industrial Foods

  • You can reverse each of the trends Pollan identifies in his discussion of industrial food and the Western Diet that it supplies.
  • From Refined to Whole foods / Simple to Complex
  • Apple confections to apples, Starbucks muffins to a home made muffin (digression on Bob's Red Mill muffins,
  • Orange juice to oranges to fruit salads (note on ascorbic and citric acid).
  • Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
  • Cook with brown rice when possible. Treat flour as a fresh food.
  • Quantity to Qualtity: "Pay more eat less".
  • Comparisons of taste (and nutrition) between industrial and non-industrial foods. Taste (in a basic food) as guide to soil quality. (Often associated with organic, but conceptually quite distinct.)
  • Nutrients lost in poor soil. Synthetic fertilizers don't address soil quality.
  • Industrial foods often large, but water logged. (50cent egg lessons here.) "nutrition deflation" - For the same volume of big industrial produce you are getting less nutrition.
  • From Processed Seeds to whole Seeds and more Leaves.
  • Omega 6 and 3 issue. Fiber and microbiota. How do you get more plants in your diet? "Trade up" dishes that are carb/fat based to dishes that incorporate leaves and vegetable fiber.
  • Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
  • Industrial products with corn syrup and corn based chemistry to, well, corn!
  • Engage in local food culture, which is often more diverse and fresher.
  • Markets
  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Locally "Linc Foods".
  • Nutrients lost in the supply chain transit time.
  • Connect with traditional ethnic cuisines.
  • Ethnic cuisines have a long history of creating nutritious and tasty diets (not just dishes) under conditions of food scarcity. Italians refer to "cucina povera". High and low (humble) cuisine. Pre-urban cuisines had greater use of higher quality oils (digress on Italian oil buying habits), access to fresh herbs (expensive in urban food culture, but part of "cucina povera"). In terms of practicality, traditional cuisines often create diversity of dishes from common patterns of herbs, spices, and cooking methods. Compare to stocking and supplying an international/global cuisine kitchen. Food waste. A foodie could have a very austere yet satisfying and practical kitchen modelling cooking on a traditional "cucina povera".

SW2: Assessing Industrial Foods

  • Stage 1: Please write an 800 hundred word maximum answer to the following question by Sunday, February 26, 2023, 11:59pm.
  • Topic: What are the most serious problems with the US Industrial Food System and Industrial Diet? Focus on this question in your answer, but allow some room to acknowledge what industrial processes and systems do well. Allow about 1/4 of your answer (200 words) to address this question: What are the main lessons for protecting yourself from the worst effects of the Western industrial diet?
  • Advice about collaboration: Collaboration is part of the academic process and the intellectual world that college courses are based on, so it is important to me that you have the possibility to collaborate. I encourage you to collaborate with other students, but only up to the point of sharing ideas, references to class notes, and your own notes, verbally. Collaboration is also a great way to make sure that a high average level of learning and development occurs in the class. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to NOT share text of draft answers or outlines of your answer. Keep it verbal. Generate your own examples.
  • Prepare your answer and submit it in the following way. You will lose points if you do not follow these instructions:
  1. To assure anonymity, you must remove your name from the the "author name" that you may have provided when you set up your word processing application. For instructions on removing your name from an Word or Google document, [click here].
  2. Format your answer in double spaced text, in a typical 12 point font, and using normal margins. Do not add spaces between paragraphs and indent the first line of each paragraph.
  3. Do not put your name in the file or filename. You may put your student ID number in the file, but not in the filename. Save your file for this assignment with the name: "IndustrialFoods".
  4. To turn in your assignment, log into courses.alfino.org, click on the "#0 - SW2 - Assessing Industrial Foods" dropbox.
  5. If you cannot meet a deadline, you must email me about your circumstances (unless you are having an emergency) before the deadline or you will lose points.
  • Stage 2': Please evaluate four student answers and provide brief comments and a score. Review the Assignment Rubric for this exercise. We will be using the Flow and Content areas of the rubric for this assignment. Complete your evaluations and scoring by ’Saturday, March 4, 2023 11:59pm.
  • To determine the papers you need to peer review, open the file called "#Key.xls" in the shared folder. You will see a worksheet with saint names in alphabetically order, along with animal names. Find your saint name and review the next four (4) animals' work below your animal name. If you get to the bottom of the list before reaching 4 animals, go to the top of the list and continue.
  • Use this Google Form to evaluate four peer papers. Submit the form once for each review.
  • Some papers may arrive late. If you are in line to review a missing paper, allow a day or two for it to show up. If it does not show up, go back to the key and review the next animal's paper, continuing until you get four reviews. Do not review more than four papers.
  • Stage 3: I will grade and briefly comment on your writing using the peer scores as an initial ranking. Assuming the process works normally, most of my scores probably be within 1-2 points of the peer scores, plus or minus.
  • Stage 4: Back-evaluation: After you receive your peer comments and my evaluation, take a few minutes to fill out this quick "back evaluation" rating form: [4]. Fill out the form for each reviewer, but not Alfino. You must do the back evaluation to receive credit for the whole assignment. Failing to give back-evaluations unfairly affects other classmates.
  • Back evaluations are due TBD.