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==16. MAR 21==
==16: MAR 21. Living in the Matrix / Working with Political Difference 2==
===Assigned Work (Heavy Reading Day)===
:*Rachel Lauden, ''Cuisine and Empire'' Introduction and Chapter 6, "Christian Cuisine"
:*Haidt, Chapter 12, "Can't We all Disagree More Constructively?" (276-312) (36)
:*Watch Mother Noella segment from Pollan's "Cooked" series (video file in Shared folder)
:*Minor point from Grocery store discussion -- Following the "logic of the grocery store", what do you think the next big change in food retail is? 
:*What is your culinary cosmos?  (Notes from C1 of Lauden.) [https://wiki.gonzaga.edu/alfino/index.php/Philosophy_of_Food_Fall_2020_Class_Notes_and_Reading_Schedule#Lauden.2C_Rachel.2C_.22Intro.22_and_C1.2C_.22Mastering_Grain_Cookery.22]
:*Context for Christian cuisine: Biblical vegetarianism.  The three plates of the Judaic food convenant. [https://wiki.gonzaga.edu/alfino/index.php/Philosophy_of_Food_Fall_2018_Class_Notes#Soler.2C_Jean._.22The_Semiotics_of_Food_in_the_Bible.22]
:*Rachel Lauden, ''Cuisine and Empire'' Introduction and Chapter 1, "Mastering Grain Cookery, 20,000 to 300 bce", p. 1-55  (54)[https://wiki.gonzaga.edu/alfino/index.php/Philosophy_of_Food_Fall_2020_Class_Notes_and_Reading_Schedule#Lauden.2C_Rachel.2C_.22Intro.22_and_C1.2C_.22Mastering_Grain_Cookery.22]
===Mother Noella Cheese Segment from "Cooked"===
===Small Group Exercise: Working with the Moral Foundations in Political Contexts===
:*Story Mother Noella and the appreciation of creation through cheese. The bacteria come from the earth, from death, and hold the promise of nourishing life!  A good example of culinary cosmos thinking.
::*'''Bumper Sticker / Slogan reading'''
:*Story of the wooden cheese vat. Background on dangers of pre-industrial milk and cheese processing. She switches to steel barrel and gets ecoli bacteria.  Experiment.  ''Lactobacillus'' in the wood digest lactose in milk, turns to lactic acid which kills the ''ecoli'' bacteria.  Health inspectors relent.
::*Extending Haidt's examples of using bumper sticks and slogans to illustrate the moral foundations, please follow these links [http://www.cafepress.com/+political+bumper-stickers] [https://www.zazzle.com/political+bumper+stickers] and browse political bumper stickers together. Keep these questions in mind as you browse:
:*Loss with "blank slate" processing.  Less diversity of bacteria, less diversity of flavor.
:::*Can you identify specific moral foundations at work in some of the bumper stickers?
:*[US limits importation of soft cheeses, like soft Percorino.]
:::*Do you notice that some are based exclusively in denigrating an opposing view vs. making an affirmation?
:*US approach - lowest quality milk goes into industrial cheese making.  
:::*Why do so many people like to use bumper stickers?  Do you? Why or why not?
:*Handling of cheese during fermentation determines flavor profiles and texture. "Feet of God"
:*Mother Noella at 17:30. Death and the promise of life.  Resurrection.
:*Connection between cheese ecology and other ecologies like fields to forests.  
:*War and peace on the cheese rind!
===Rachel Lauden, ''Cuisine and Empire'' Introduction and Chapter 6, "Christian Cuisine"===
===Haidt, Ch 12, "Can't We All Disagree More Constructively?"===
:*'''100-400 c.e.''' --
:*Evidence of polarization in American politics; changes in political culture. compromise less valued. 
::*Early Christian "communions" were simple communal meals, often in homes. Not unique to small sects. Separation of food rituals from Romans - don't eat meat sacrificed to Rome. 
:*Looking for a '''theory of ideologies''', which might be thought to drive political identity formation.
::*Bread as metaphor for Christian community (read p. 168).
::*Two senses:
::*Separation from Judaic food rituals - blood not prohibited, pork ok.  Focus on humble low meat cuisines.  Meat as luxury. Avoid alcohol and sweets.  Fasts on Wednesday and Friday.  Ascetic communities tried raw food diets.  Cooking thought to be connected to passions.  Early Christian take on some elements of Stoic thought, also about food.
:::*1. Fixing orientation (all of the "big" theories we've studied have focused on evidence of persistent traits, especially in adults.  
::*Garum, a fish sauce prized in Roman times, prohibited as it was thought to change cold and wet humors of fish to hot and dry, stimulating passions.
:::*2. Fixing the specific fusion of issue-position and label acceptance.  
:*"right" and "left", simplifications, but basis of study and comparative to Europe in some ways, historical origins in French Assembly of 1789, basis in heritable traits - twins studies.  L/R don't map wealth exclusively.
:*Old answers: people choose ideologies based on interests.  blank-state theories.  
:*'''350-1450 c.e.''' --
:*One more time through the modern genetic/epigenetic/phenotype explanation pattern (note what's at stake: if you misunderstand the determinism here, you'll misunderstand the whole theory):
::*Constantine's toleration of Christianity in 313. Shift to Constantinople and Byzantine Church as Western Empire falls apartChristianity becomes official religion of Eastern empireByzantine court cuisine closer to Hellenistic cuisine of Eastern empire. 
::*1: Genes make brains - Australian study: diff responses to new experiences: threat and fear for conservative, dopamine for liberal. (recall first draft metaphor)
::*Laws ending sacrifice.  
::*2: Dispositional traits lead to different experiences, which lead to "characteristic adaptations" (story about how we differentiate ourselves through our first person experience. mention feedback loops)(Lots of parents would corroborate this.) Does the story of the twins seem plausible?
::*No meat or dairy on half the days of the yearInfluence of Galen's "Humoral eating theory"  
::*3: Life narratives; McAdams study using Moral Foundations Theory to analyze narratives, found MFs in stories people tell about religious experience. Thesis: different paths to religious faithWe "map" our moral foundations onto our faith commitment to some extent.
::*Expansion of Christianity into slavic landsInteresting note on apparent "summit" in Kiev
:*So, an '''ideology''' can be thought of as the political version of a narrative that fits with a personal narrative you tell about your experience. Note the complexity here.  You can tailor your narrative to you.   
:*'''1100-1500 c.e.''' --
:*Political narratives of Republicans and Democrats.  
::*Increase in wealth in Europe led to pan-European Catholic high cuisine. Nobility of Europe increasing an intermarried network.  Nobles travelled with cooks and cookbooks.  Catholic monastic orders like Cistercians operated across Europe, maintained food and culinary traditions of Catholic cuisine.
::*Haidt, Graham, and Nosek study: Liberals worse at predicting conservatives responses.   Interesting point: the distortion of seeing things as a liberal makes liberals more likely to believe that conservatives really don't care about harmBut conservatives may be better at understanding (predicting) liberal responses because they use all of the foundations.  (File this with Hibbing Chs. 5 and 6)
::*Theory of Christian culinary cosmos developed as reconquest of Arab domination of Europe led to recovery of Galen and theory of humoral eating.  Also, Islamic cuisine influences: sugar, marzipan, almonds, eggplant (caponata), oranges "syrup," "sherbert," "candy" have arabic derivations.  Disgression on the famous "La Pasticceria Maria Grammatico, Erice, Sicily" [https://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/story-maria-grammatico-and-her-famous-pasticceria-sicily]
::*Odd feature of high Catholic cuisine - use of disguise and fantasy.  Sieves molds to shape foods into other shapes Read at 179.  Development of sauces using blood distinguished Catholic cuisine from islamic and jewish.  Meanwhile, humble cuisines varied by region and available grains, meats from small animals and birds more than cows and pigs. 
::*Technology - Promoted also by monasteries, mills became more prevalent. Big change in household food labor equation: An hour on the "rotary quern" a day for a family of fiveSalted and dried fish (cod) come in from the north.  (Still common in European food stores, not so much American.) [https://www.google.com/search?q=rotary+quern+images&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS860US860&oq=rotary+quern+images&aqs=chrome..69i57.3473j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Rotary Quern images]
:*'''1450-1650 c.e.''' -- Global Expansion of Catholic Cuisine, esp of Iberian Peninsula.
:*Muller on difference bt conservative and orthodox. Post-enlightenment conservatives: want to critique liberalism from Enlightenment premise of promoting human well being.  follow conservative description of human nature. 290. - humans imperfect, need accountability, reasoning has flaws so we might do well to give weight to past experience, institutions are social facts that need to be respected, even sacralized(Consider countries in which judges are abducted or blown up.)
::*[Side note on Alfred Crosby, ''The Columbian Exchange'' [https://www.amazon.com/Columbian-Exchange-Biological-Consequences-Anniversary/dp/0275980928/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+columbian+exchange&qid=1647884833&sprefix=Th+columbian+exc%2Caps%2C230&sr=8-1]
:*Moral and Social Capital -- moral capital: resources that sustain a moral community (including those that promote accountability and authority.)moral capital not always straightforward good (293), also, less trusting places, like cities, can be more interestingSocial capital more about the ties we have through our social networks which maintain trust and cooperation relationships.   
::*Spanish and Portuguese exploration and conquest: Cuba, Mexico, Aztecs, Phillipines.  Jesuits to the East: Goa, China, Japan.
::*Early global food industries run by Jesuits and order of nunsJesuits: sugar, cacao, and mate' from Americas.  Nuns operated plantations in Peru, Mexico, Manilla, Macao, Guatemala, ...
::*Jesuits operated major cacao plantations in Guatemala and the Amazon, shipping to their operations in Spain, Italy, and S.E. Asia. Played a major role in the technology transfer of chocolate making to Europe.   
::*European encounter with first peoples and religions of Americas sharpened differences of culinary cosmos. Some human sacrifice, unfamiliar foods: insects, bats, spikers, worms...
::Catholics in Asia - Jesuits in Goa, IndiaMore exchange, intermarriage, curries and sauces,
::Importance of technology: Story of Maize processing. Mesoamericans understood how to treat maize with alkali (nixtamalization).  Brings out vitamins like B3Lack of this technology in southern Italy and the American south led to pellagra outbreaks (lack of B3).
:*'''1650 and beyond'''  
::*Emergence of Modern cuisines as European nobility decline, Protestantism changes view of culinary cosmos.
::*Blindspot: not valuing moral capital, social capital, tends to over reach, change too many things too quickly.  Bertrand Russell:  tension between ossification and dissolution..
::*Strength: 1) regulating super-organisms  (mention theory of "regulatory capture"); 2)solving soluble problems (getting the lead out - might have had big effect on well-being.  note this was a bipartisan push back against a Reagan reversal of Carter's policy).
:*Libertarians.  Today's political libertarian started out as a "classic liberal" prioritizing limited gov and limited church influence of government. 
::*Note research suggesting how libertarians diverge from liberals and conservatives on the MFs.
::*Libertarian wisdom: 1) markets are powerful -- track details -- often self-organizing, self-policing, entrepreneurial)
:*Social Conservatives
::*wisdom: understanding threats to social capital (can't help bees if you destroy the hive)
:*Putnam's research on diversity and social capital : bridging and bonding capital both decline with diversity.  sometimes well intentioned efforts to promote ethnic identity and respect can exacerbate this.
===Summarizing Theories of Political Difference===
:*[[Image:Synthesizing Research on Political and Moral Difference.jpg|600px]]
::*Issues have lifespans that can range from months to years.  Some issues get settled (e.g. gay marriage) while other remain contested (abortion).  Since issues can get people to vote, political parties sometimes keep issues alive even when polling tells us that most people have moved on (again abortion, gun rights).  Some issues are “live” but untouched by the major political parties (health care, penal reform), sometimes because advocacy would promote more opposing votes than supporting votes.
::*Labels can apply to parties and people.  Democrats were “centrists” when Clinton was president, but now there are more progressive voices.  Parties manage labels to avoid losing adherents, but parties can also be “taken over.” Some would says Republicans have been taken over by right wind authoritarianism.  Dems are less centrist now. Polarization rules.
:*'''Political Parties'''
::*In a two party system, political parties have to reach 51% to win.  They do this by trying to map labels onto people.  If you are cynical, you might say they “manage” opinion by tracking trends and testing out issues to see “what sells”. 
::*People are obviously at the heart of moral life.  We have our own “moral matrix” and beliefs about “basic social dilemmas” (how society works best).  We have to figure out who to ally with, who to tolerate, and who to avoid.  Sometimes we actively oppose others’ views by protesting or contributing to causes.
::*Culture is a vector for transmitting moral views, so it shapes us, but we also shape it by the way we live our lives.  This happens intentionally, but also passively through imitation.
:*'''Orientations''' - Evolved Psychology
::*This is the level at which Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) and responses to basic social dilemmas describe our relatively stable “values orientation”. 
:*'''Nature''' - Evolutionary Challenges - Ancestral to Contemporary
::*Evolutionary challenges are well known: how to behave, whom to trust, how to raise kids, when to go along with things, and when to resist others’ values and actions. Any existential problem that can be addressed by values is an evolutionary challenge, from avoiding disease to responding to aggression to facing climate change.
===Note on "Social Epistemology"===
:*'''Philosophical Method point:''' The following line of thought is also example of philosophical speculation.  We are venturing a bit beyond the research itself to extract significance and insight.
:*"Social Epistemology" means a variety of things in philosophy.  Here, the idea is that some traits relevant to group problem solving are distributed in a population (call this a "demographic epistemic trait" AND that this variation might play a role in optimizing group decision-making. In other words, we are not all seeing the same social reality due to our different orientations and experiences.  These differences might be persistent, not something we can talk each other out of.  But making constructive use of differences might product better decisions.
:*Think about evidence from Haidt and Hibbing about divergences in cognitive style, problem solving (BeanFest!), perception, and moral matrices. Evidence from Haidt on MFs.
:*Speculative questions about such traits (I am not aware of a theory about this yet): Are there are DETs?  Would human populations with some optimal variation in DETs do better than ones with more or less than an optimal range?  There is a research literature on diversity of perspective in workgroups.  It is often a benefit.
:*Related literature: Wisdom of Crowds [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wisdom_of_Crowds] and research on group decision making under conditions of cognitive diversity.

Revision as of 17:32, 21 March 2023

16: MAR 21. Living in the Matrix / Working with Political Difference 2


  • Haidt, Chapter 12, "Can't We all Disagree More Constructively?" (276-312) (36)


Small Group Exercise: Working with the Moral Foundations in Political Contexts

  • Bumper Sticker / Slogan reading
  • Extending Haidt's examples of using bumper sticks and slogans to illustrate the moral foundations, please follow these links [1] [2] and browse political bumper stickers together. Keep these questions in mind as you browse:
  • Can you identify specific moral foundations at work in some of the bumper stickers?
  • Do you notice that some are based exclusively in denigrating an opposing view vs. making an affirmation?
  • Why do so many people like to use bumper stickers? Do you? Why or why not?

Haidt, Ch 12, "Can't We All Disagree More Constructively?"

  • Evidence of polarization in American politics; changes in political culture. compromise less valued.
  • Looking for a theory of ideologies, which might be thought to drive political identity formation.
  • Two senses:
  • 1. Fixing orientation (all of the "big" theories we've studied have focused on evidence of persistent traits, especially in adults.
  • 2. Fixing the specific fusion of issue-position and label acceptance.
  • "right" and "left", simplifications, but basis of study and comparative to Europe in some ways, historical origins in French Assembly of 1789, basis in heritable traits - twins studies. L/R don't map wealth exclusively.
  • Old answers: people choose ideologies based on interests. blank-state theories.
  • One more time through the modern genetic/epigenetic/phenotype explanation pattern (note what's at stake: if you misunderstand the determinism here, you'll misunderstand the whole theory):
  • 1: Genes make brains - Australian study: diff responses to new experiences: threat and fear for conservative, dopamine for liberal. (recall first draft metaphor)
  • 2: Dispositional traits lead to different experiences, which lead to "characteristic adaptations" (story about how we differentiate ourselves through our first person experience. mention feedback loops). (Lots of parents would corroborate this.) Does the story of the twins seem plausible?
  • 3: Life narratives; McAdams study using Moral Foundations Theory to analyze narratives, found MFs in stories people tell about religious experience. Thesis: different paths to religious faith. We "map" our moral foundations onto our faith commitment to some extent.
  • So, an ideology can be thought of as the political version of a narrative that fits with a personal narrative you tell about your experience. Note the complexity here. You can tailor your narrative to you.
  • Political narratives of Republicans and Democrats.
  • Haidt, Graham, and Nosek study: Liberals worse at predicting conservatives responses. Interesting point: the distortion of seeing things as a liberal makes liberals more likely to believe that conservatives really don't care about harm. But conservatives may be better at understanding (predicting) liberal responses because they use all of the foundations. (File this with Hibbing Chs. 5 and 6)
  • Muller on difference bt conservative and orthodox. Post-enlightenment conservatives: want to critique liberalism from Enlightenment premise of promoting human well being. follow conservative description of human nature. 290. - humans imperfect, need accountability, reasoning has flaws so we might do well to give weight to past experience, institutions are social facts that need to be respected, even sacralized. (Consider countries in which judges are abducted or blown up.)
  • Moral and Social Capital -- moral capital: resources that sustain a moral community (including those that promote accountability and authority.). moral capital not always straightforward good (293), also, less trusting places, like cities, can be more interesting. Social capital more about the ties we have through our social networks which maintain trust and cooperation relationships.
  • Liberals
  • Blindspot: not valuing moral capital, social capital, tends to over reach, change too many things too quickly. Bertrand Russell: tension between ossification and dissolution..
  • Strength: 1) regulating super-organisms (mention theory of "regulatory capture"); 2)solving soluble problems (getting the lead out - might have had big effect on well-being. note this was a bipartisan push back against a Reagan reversal of Carter's policy).
  • Libertarians. Today's political libertarian started out as a "classic liberal" prioritizing limited gov and limited church influence of government.
  • Note research suggesting how libertarians diverge from liberals and conservatives on the MFs.
  • Libertarian wisdom: 1) markets are powerful -- track details -- often self-organizing, self-policing, entrepreneurial)
  • Social Conservatives
  • wisdom: understanding threats to social capital (can't help bees if you destroy the hive)
  • Putnam's research on diversity and social capital : bridging and bonding capital both decline with diversity. sometimes well intentioned efforts to promote ethnic identity and respect can exacerbate this.

Summarizing Theories of Political Difference

  • Synthesizing Research on Political and Moral Difference.jpg
  • Issues
  • Issues have lifespans that can range from months to years. Some issues get settled (e.g. gay marriage) while other remain contested (abortion). Since issues can get people to vote, political parties sometimes keep issues alive even when polling tells us that most people have moved on (again abortion, gun rights). Some issues are “live” but untouched by the major political parties (health care, penal reform), sometimes because advocacy would promote more opposing votes than supporting votes.
  • Labels
  • Labels can apply to parties and people. Democrats were “centrists” when Clinton was president, but now there are more progressive voices. Parties manage labels to avoid losing adherents, but parties can also be “taken over.” Some would says Republicans have been taken over by right wind authoritarianism. Dems are less centrist now. Polarization rules.
  • Political Parties
  • In a two party system, political parties have to reach 51% to win. They do this by trying to map labels onto people. If you are cynical, you might say they “manage” opinion by tracking trends and testing out issues to see “what sells”.
  • People
  • People are obviously at the heart of moral life. We have our own “moral matrix” and beliefs about “basic social dilemmas” (how society works best). We have to figure out who to ally with, who to tolerate, and who to avoid. Sometimes we actively oppose others’ views by protesting or contributing to causes.
  • Culture
  • Culture is a vector for transmitting moral views, so it shapes us, but we also shape it by the way we live our lives. This happens intentionally, but also passively through imitation.
  • Orientations - Evolved Psychology
  • This is the level at which Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) and responses to basic social dilemmas describe our relatively stable “values orientation”.
  • Nature - Evolutionary Challenges - Ancestral to Contemporary
  • Evolutionary challenges are well known: how to behave, whom to trust, how to raise kids, when to go along with things, and when to resist others’ values and actions. Any existential problem that can be addressed by values is an evolutionary challenge, from avoiding disease to responding to aggression to facing climate change.

Note on "Social Epistemology"

  • Philosophical Method point: The following line of thought is also example of philosophical speculation. We are venturing a bit beyond the research itself to extract significance and insight.
  • "Social Epistemology" means a variety of things in philosophy. Here, the idea is that some traits relevant to group problem solving are distributed in a population (call this a "demographic epistemic trait" AND that this variation might play a role in optimizing group decision-making. In other words, we are not all seeing the same social reality due to our different orientations and experiences. These differences might be persistent, not something we can talk each other out of. But making constructive use of differences might product better decisions.
  • Think about evidence from Haidt and Hibbing about divergences in cognitive style, problem solving (BeanFest!), perception, and moral matrices. Evidence from Haidt on MFs.
  • Speculative questions about such traits (I am not aware of a theory about this yet): Are there are DETs? Would human populations with some optimal variation in DETs do better than ones with more or less than an optimal range? There is a research literature on diversity of perspective in workgroups. It is often a benefit.
  • Related literature: Wisdom of Crowds [3] and research on group decision making under conditions of cognitive diversity.