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(Created page with "==18. MAR 28== ===Assigned Work=== :*Andrews, Geoff. Chapter 2: "The Critique of 'Fast Life'" ''The Slow Food Story'' (pp. 29-47). (18) :*Ogle, Maureen, ''In Meat We Trust,'...")
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==18. MAR 28==
==18: MAR 28==
===Assigned Work===
:*Andrews, Geoff. Chapter 2: "The Critique of 'Fast Life'" ''The Slow Food Story'' (pp. 29-47). (18)
:*Tribe, Lawrence. "Deconstructing Dobbs" (1st half, 1-9)
:*Ogle, Maureen, ''In Meat We Trust,'' C2, "We Are Here To Make Money" (44-62) (18)
:*Supreme Court of the US, "Excerpts from the Dobbs Decision," (13-29)
:*Unit 5 Student Reports on Food Ethics documentariesAssignment start.
:*Some basic data on abortions from Pew [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/01/11/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/]. 
:*Comparting gestational limits by country.[https://righttolife.org.uk/what-are-the-abortion-time-limits-in-eu-countries]Note: This is from a right to life group, but I have seen similar data elsewhere.
===Unit 5 Food Ethics Documentary Assignment===
===Lawrence Tribe, “Deconstructing Dobbs”, NYRB, Sept 22, 2022===  
:*This assignment invites you to view one of the documentaries (or several short documentaries) on food ethics (either the ones listed under [[Documentaries_specific_to_Food_Ethics_and_Animal_Slaughter]] or one of your own choosing and report briefly (3-8 minutes) to the class on the item you viewed. 
:*Concerns: 10 year old rape victim in Ohio; criminal penalties for doctors, no IVF, Texas style enforcement, criminalizing abortion seeking? Point: Dobbs is creating lots of uncertainty in the law.   
:*Start by reviewing the choices I have found. or consider looking for your own.  Then fill out this google form: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScjafsUKCtmZOupFFPuEvCnJ-VxJygyj7BiGxWlGAds0ijBzw/viewform?usp=sf_link Selection of Unit 5 Food ethics documentaries].  Fill out the form by '''Wednesday, March 30, 12 noon''' for '''5 points'''.  If you want to pair up with others in the class, and even do a group viewing, please arrange that between today and Wednesday.
:*Then watch your documentary. When you see the list of presentation dates, if you see other students presenting on the same resources on different dates try to adjust your presentation dates to match.
:*On the date of your presentation, give a very short overview and reflection on the resource, offering clips if you wishThese presentations are informal and will all receive '''15 points'''.
===Andrews, Chapters 1 & 2, The Slow Food Story===
:*The jurisprudence:
::*Roe and Casey had created settled law, contra majority. 
::*Majority makes Roe and Casey look like isolated precents, but not so. 
::*9th amendment: enumeration of rights isn’t exhaustive. problem of "unenumerated rights".  Constitution says they exist, but can't list them.  Invites "living document" approach. see p. 3
::*Majority decision doesn't say why copelling pregnancy isn't a violation of liberty.
::*The court has found unenumerated aspects of other rights, extending 1st am for example.
::*Agrees with dissent that travel rights could be impacted, not withstanding Kavanaugh's claim.
::*Key argument at p. 7: Dobbs doesn't recognize fetus as a legal person yet allows it's interests to supercede the interests of the legal person who gestates it.
====Chapter 1, "Politics in Search of Pleasure"====
===Supreme Court, Excerpts from Dobbs (13-29)===
(This wasn't assigned for us, but I have these notes to share:)
:*From the dissent: Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan.
:*context for slow food: social movements of the 60's and 70's. (Italian counter-culture.)
::*Opening claim at 13, Roe/Casey engaged in a balance of interests recognizing difference in moral viewpoint.
:*low power radio stations common means: Radio Bra Onde Rosse.
::*In practice, allowing states to impose some restrictions before viability (but not a "substantial obstacle"), prohibition after viability, protecting maternal health after viability.
:*politics at Club Tenco, also the pursuit of pleasure.
::*Claims that Dobbs: allows state to compel gestation even in cases that endanger maternal health, or cases of rape and incest, severe fetal abnormalities (ex. Tay-Sachs disease). Also, potential for states to prohibit travel, possibility of Federal ban (which means states don't have the right).
:*revival of traditional festivals: the singing for eggs (Cante i'euv)
::*The decision "curtails the rights of women and status as free and equal citizens.Potentially includes other rights: contraception, marriage...
:*1982 incident: Montalcino Sagra del Tordo (thrush) Mention Arci clubs.
::*Basic liberties: 17 “protecting autonomous decision making over the most personal of life decisions.
::*in play: '''Is the pursuit of pleasure through healthy food and culture a capitalist bourgeoisie plot or a fundamental right to be advocated politically?'''
:*formation of an "Arci Gola" (appetite)
:*projects: Gambero Rosso, wine guides, Osterie d'Italia, guides to osterie.
:*1986: wine poisoning scandal.  McDonalds opens in Rome at Spanish Steps.
:*Slow Food Manifesto
:*Parallel movement in US embodied on story of Alice Waters, founder of [http://www.chezpanisse.com/menus/restaurant-menu/ Chez Panisse]. Pollan also finds sources of these ideas in 1960s US counter-culture.
:*Eco-gastronomy -- (a great sub-field of food study, by the way! cf. Dan Berber, The Third Plate) and the "politics of aesthetics" (only partly in line with Marxism). (So Carlo Petrini is another candidate for Gramsci's authentic intellectual.)
:*Projects: international food exhibitions, then Terra Madre (2004), related movements in Germany (Greens)
:*slow food also has a conservative dimension. Restoration and preservation of historical food systems.
::*Mention experience with Guido and the ancient grains seminar.  Photos.
====Chapter 2, "The Critique of 'Fast Life'"====
::*Historical record:  19th century criminalization of abortion was short term change, common law not so harsh on “pre-quickening” abortion.  (21).
::*The ratifiers of the 14th am were all men.  They did not consider women to be equal members of the society.  Since we do, this undermines aspects of their thinking. 
::*On interpretation:  "living document" argument (24); reviews history of using the 14th to strike down miscegenation laws, allow gay marriage.  response to conservative concerns 25. Evolution of meaning of "liberty" still tied to constitutional principles.  (It won't be "anything goes".)
::*Dobbs majority lowers the test of an abortion law's constitutional legitimacy to "rational basis" (lowest standard -- basic liberties use "strict scrutiny"). rational basis standard may ignore maternal health, allow travel restrictions, prevent medical abortion. 28
:*some key dates: McDonald's in Rome, 1986, incident between the two arci chapters (a moment in which politics and gastronomy interact to great effect!). 
===Finding the language of basic liberties===
:*critique of "productivity culture"; efficiency vs. frenzy; idea that you need to live faster because other things are accelerating (financial trade volume, sale, news cycles, social media posting and communication). Especially focused on speed. 
:*[In terms we have been using, Slow Food manifesto calls into question the "culinary cosmos" of the industrial lifestyle ''when it compromises basic human modes of experiencing pleasure in authentic and just food.''  ]
:*critique includes resistance to corporate formations and rationalizations (degradation) of taste.  Slow Food is tied to leftist politics, but also has a US upper middle class "face" in the US site.  [https://www.slowfoodusa.org/?gclid=Cj0KEQjwzpfHBRC1iIaL78Ol-eIBEiQAdZPVKlmzqWS_FmOH2gJfU8ltX286Ru8IBHGg3w0LO9EgXVYaAjWK8P8HAQ] 
:*Castell's theory of time-space compression -- capitalism more and more about speed of transactions.  circulation of capital.  (on edge of a big discussion about the future of work - piece work is coming back). 
:*Counter view of Charles Leadbeater and others: '''fast culture is the answer''', the problem is that we have all of these institutions from the 19th century and earlier slowing us down. 
:*Victoria de Grazia, ''Irresistible Empire: America's Advance through 20th Century Europe'' -- American hegemony in food expressed in "reduction" of all class and value distinctions in food.  Rich and poor eat McD's.
:*Ritzer's "McDonaldization of Society" -- "globalization of nothing" (social forms centrally conceived, centrally controlled and lacking in context). 
:*Schlosser, Fast Food Nation:
::*1970 6 billion on fast food; ("million" in the text is a mistake, I think)
::*2001 110 billion
::*2010 200 billion (not in text)
:*British "trolley towns"; American suburbs.  globalization of construction and architecture.
:*Petrini on slowness:  p. 39 read 
:*[https://www.cittaslow.org/ Slow cities]: features of slow cities: "A 54-point charter was developed, encouraging high quality local food and drink, general conviviality and the opposition to cultural standardisation." (from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cittaslow Cittaslow wiki])
:*[https://www.slowfoodusa.org/ Slow Food USA]
:*For John Stuart Mill, the language of basic liberties starts with freedom of conscience, thought, and discussion. But that's not enough.  You also have to be able to live your life according to your own way of thinking, without interference from church, state, or any other coercive power.
====Small Group Discussion: Slow food culture====
:*In practice, specific areas of our lives seem to be the focus of liberty, so the "language of basic liberty" might include the way we talk about these area.  The integrity and privacy of our bodies, the ability to make decisions about what happens to and in my body.  By extension, the privacy of my intimate relationships.  But the ability to live my identity publicly requires some toleration of my choices and my identity.  Of course, others have freedom of conscience as well.  So they may think what they want about me, but enjoyment of basic liberty involves a commitment not to treat others unequally because of our differences.
:*Does Slow Food culture require a loss of productivity or is it more about reclaiming some of your time for an essential activity, or both?
:*Body, Bodily Autonomy, and Physical Intimacy:
:*Does the slow food movement present an attractive ideal for you? Or do you find yourself agreeing with Leadbeater that "fast culture is the answer"?
::*In a free society, you should expect to have a great deal of control and decision-making about your body, your health, and intimacy.  Some of these liberties are covered by your due process rights, which place rules on the condition under which you can be incarcerated, especially prior to a trial.  But many other bodily autonomy rights are not specifically enumerated as basic liberties.  How do you respond to the following hypothetical constraints on liberty? Some you may find easier to locate your response than others. Note that. Try to describe your reaction, including reasoning.
:*For those of you for whom it is an attractive ideal, identify 3-5 ways that you might implement slow food culture in your life?
::*Examples: Which of these laws would violate a "basic liberty" (something that should not be decided by majority rule?)  Which of these are easy and which more complicated?  Can you think of more examples?
:::*A law allowing discrimination against women for hiring to jobs deemed too hard for women.
:::*Pumping a person’s stomach for drugs as part of a criminal investigation. 
:::*Forced sterilization, forced reproduction.
:::*A law prohibiting vasectomies or requiring men to reverse them.
:::*A law allowing anyone doubting a student athlete’s eligibility for a team sport to demand “genital inspection” (actual proposed law, tabled).
:::*A law prohibiting you from receiving gender affirming care from a physician.  
:::*A law prohibiting tattoos.
:::*A law forcing a person to get an abortion.
:::*A law requiring end of life medical care against a person’s wishes. (Note diffs among states.)
:::*A law requiring blood donations.
:::*A law prohibiting same sex marriage and intimacy or contraception.
:::*A law requiring you to notify the government when you travel or restricting travel.
:::*A law requiring you to register with the government to access social media or when you rent a hotel room.
:::*A law requiring cis-gender conforming dress and behavior in public.
:::*A law allowing police or others gov't representative to do a "wellness check" on you. 
:::*A law allowing the gov't to remove weapons from your possession on reports of erratic or disturbing reports about you, including disturbing social media posts.
:::*A law requiring employer's to pay a minimum wage, regulate contracts, etc. 
::Some “maybe nots”.  Maybe these would not violate basic liberties.  With these items (assuming you agree), try to develop language for saying why liberty is not violated by the law.  If you disagree, try to express your reasons.
:::*Maybe not: A law legalizing very addictive and deadly drugs.
:::*Maybe not: Limiting access to dangerous biological agents or radioactive materials.
:::*Maybe not: Laws regulating explosives and bomb making materials, including surface to air missiles.
:::*Maybe not: A law decriminalizing sex with minors. 
:::*Maybe not: A law allowing someone to choose to become an indentured servant or slave.
:::*Maybe not: A law allowing first responders to restraint or detain or medicate a person in a mental health crisis from harming themselves. 
:::*Maybe not: A law prohibiting private companies from imposing appropriate workplace attire rules, and confidentiality agreements.
:::*Maybe not: A law prohibiting public nudity.

Latest revision as of 19:29, 28 March 2023

18: MAR 28


  • Tribe, Lawrence. "Deconstructing Dobbs" (1st half, 1-9)
  • Supreme Court of the US, "Excerpts from the Dobbs Decision," (13-29)


  • Some basic data on abortions from Pew [1].
  • Comparting gestational limits by country.[2]. Note: This is from a right to life group, but I have seen similar data elsewhere.

Lawrence Tribe, “Deconstructing Dobbs”, NYRB, Sept 22, 2022

  • Concerns: 10 year old rape victim in Ohio; criminal penalties for doctors, no IVF, Texas style enforcement, criminalizing abortion seeking? Point: Dobbs is creating lots of uncertainty in the law.
  • The jurisprudence:
  • Roe and Casey had created settled law, contra majority.
  • Majority makes Roe and Casey look like isolated precents, but not so.
  • 9th amendment: enumeration of rights isn’t exhaustive. problem of "unenumerated rights". Constitution says they exist, but can't list them. Invites "living document" approach. see p. 3
  • Majority decision doesn't say why copelling pregnancy isn't a violation of liberty.
  • The court has found unenumerated aspects of other rights, extending 1st am for example.
  • Agrees with dissent that travel rights could be impacted, not withstanding Kavanaugh's claim.
  • Key argument at p. 7: Dobbs doesn't recognize fetus as a legal person yet allows it's interests to supercede the interests of the legal person who gestates it.

Supreme Court, Excerpts from Dobbs (13-29)

  • From the dissent: Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan.
  • Opening claim at 13, Roe/Casey engaged in a balance of interests recognizing difference in moral viewpoint.
  • In practice, allowing states to impose some restrictions before viability (but not a "substantial obstacle"), prohibition after viability, protecting maternal health after viability.
  • Claims that Dobbs: allows state to compel gestation even in cases that endanger maternal health, or cases of rape and incest, severe fetal abnormalities (ex. Tay-Sachs disease). Also, potential for states to prohibit travel, possibility of Federal ban (which means states don't have the right).
  • The decision "curtails the rights of women and status as free and equal citizens." Potentially includes other rights: contraception, marriage...
  • Basic liberties: 17 “protecting autonomous decision making over the most personal of life decisions.”
  • Historical record: 19th century criminalization of abortion was short term change, common law not so harsh on “pre-quickening” abortion. (21).
  • The ratifiers of the 14th am were all men. They did not consider women to be equal members of the society. Since we do, this undermines aspects of their thinking.
  • On interpretation: "living document" argument (24); reviews history of using the 14th to strike down miscegenation laws, allow gay marriage. response to conservative concerns 25. Evolution of meaning of "liberty" still tied to constitutional principles. (It won't be "anything goes".)
  • Dobbs majority lowers the test of an abortion law's constitutional legitimacy to "rational basis" (lowest standard -- basic liberties use "strict scrutiny"). rational basis standard may ignore maternal health, allow travel restrictions, prevent medical abortion. 28

Finding the language of basic liberties

  • For John Stuart Mill, the language of basic liberties starts with freedom of conscience, thought, and discussion. But that's not enough. You also have to be able to live your life according to your own way of thinking, without interference from church, state, or any other coercive power.
  • In practice, specific areas of our lives seem to be the focus of liberty, so the "language of basic liberty" might include the way we talk about these area. The integrity and privacy of our bodies, the ability to make decisions about what happens to and in my body. By extension, the privacy of my intimate relationships. But the ability to live my identity publicly requires some toleration of my choices and my identity. Of course, others have freedom of conscience as well. So they may think what they want about me, but enjoyment of basic liberty involves a commitment not to treat others unequally because of our differences.
  • Body, Bodily Autonomy, and Physical Intimacy:
  • In a free society, you should expect to have a great deal of control and decision-making about your body, your health, and intimacy. Some of these liberties are covered by your due process rights, which place rules on the condition under which you can be incarcerated, especially prior to a trial. But many other bodily autonomy rights are not specifically enumerated as basic liberties. How do you respond to the following hypothetical constraints on liberty? Some you may find easier to locate your response than others. Note that. Try to describe your reaction, including reasoning.
  • Examples: Which of these laws would violate a "basic liberty" (something that should not be decided by majority rule?) Which of these are easy and which more complicated? Can you think of more examples?
  • A law allowing discrimination against women for hiring to jobs deemed too hard for women.
  • Pumping a person’s stomach for drugs as part of a criminal investigation.
  • Forced sterilization, forced reproduction.
  • A law prohibiting vasectomies or requiring men to reverse them.
  • A law allowing anyone doubting a student athlete’s eligibility for a team sport to demand “genital inspection” (actual proposed law, tabled).
  • A law prohibiting you from receiving gender affirming care from a physician.
  • A law prohibiting tattoos.
  • A law forcing a person to get an abortion.
  • A law requiring end of life medical care against a person’s wishes. (Note diffs among states.)
  • A law requiring blood donations.
  • A law prohibiting same sex marriage and intimacy or contraception.
  • A law requiring you to notify the government when you travel or restricting travel.
  • A law requiring you to register with the government to access social media or when you rent a hotel room.
  • A law requiring cis-gender conforming dress and behavior in public.
  • A law allowing police or others gov't representative to do a "wellness check" on you.
  • A law allowing the gov't to remove weapons from your possession on reports of erratic or disturbing reports about you, including disturbing social media posts.
  • A law requiring employer's to pay a minimum wage, regulate contracts, etc.
Some “maybe nots”. Maybe these would not violate basic liberties. With these items (assuming you agree), try to develop language for saying why liberty is not violated by the law. If you disagree, try to express your reasons.
  • Maybe not: A law legalizing very addictive and deadly drugs.
  • Maybe not: Limiting access to dangerous biological agents or radioactive materials.
  • Maybe not: Laws regulating explosives and bomb making materials, including surface to air missiles.
  • Maybe not: A law decriminalizing sex with minors.
  • Maybe not: A law allowing someone to choose to become an indentured servant or slave.
  • Maybe not: A law allowing first responders to restraint or detain or medicate a person in a mental health crisis from harming themselves.
  • Maybe not: A law prohibiting private companies from imposing appropriate workplace attire rules, and confidentiality agreements.
  • Maybe not: A law prohibiting public nudity.