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(Created page with "==11. FEB 27: Unit 3: Gastronomy, Neurogastronomy, and Dietary Change== ===Assigned Work=== :*Barber, Dan. Chapter 30: "Seed" from '''The 3rd Plate''' (382-409) (27) :*The b...")
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==11. FEB 27: Unit 3: Gastronomy, Neurogastronomy, and Dietary Change==
==13: FEB 27. ==
===Assigned Work===
:*Barber, Dan. Chapter 30: "Seed" from '''The 3rd Plate''' (382-409) (27)
:*The big idea from the Land Institute:  [https://landinstitute.org/ The Land Institute], [https://landinstitute.org/big-story-short-video/ big idea in 3 minute video]
:*Gordon Shepherd, ''Neurogastronomy'' Chapters 2, 7 (17)
:*Tribe, Lawrence. "Deconstructing Dobbs" (2nd half, 9-17)
:*SW2: Assessing Industrial Foods
:*Alfino, "Interpretation, Political Orientation, and the Basic Liberties in the Dobbs Decision" (12-end)
:*Barber, Dan. Introduction ''The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food,'' (1-22). (22)
:*Assign SW2: What are Basic Liberties?  Small group discussion on Personal information and family liberties.
::*Small group: Basic understand of Dobbs decision and related issues.
===Barber, "Introduction" ''The 3rd Plate''===
:::*In your small group, work through these questions to check on your understand.  
::::*What was the basic thinking on abortion in the Roe and Casey courts?
:*Browse to these three restaurants
::::*How did the majority decide Dobbs? Explain the role of interpretive theories of the constitution in this decision (originalism v living document).  
::*"Blue Hill at Stone Barnes" and "Family Meal"-- as a project [[https://www.bluehillfarm.com/dine/stone-barns]]
::::*Does abortion seem like a "majoritarian" (statutory) right or a "basic liberty" (constitutional or otherwise protected from rule by a simple majority of either state or federal government)? Try out arguments either way.
::*Chez Panisse [https://www.chezpanisse.com/]
::::*Keep track of questions that arise during your discussion.
::*Wild Sage in Spokane [https://www.wildsagebistro.com/menu]
::*Compare on qualities like: Farm to Table - use of Farm names to identify source. Traditional (1st / 2nd plate) vs. novel (3rd plate).  Fixed price v. entree pricing (No-choice allows more power to the chef.) Wandering Table tried this in Spokane.
:*Story of Eight Row flint corn at Blue Hills. sig.  "varietal restoration" "heritage cultivation"
::*Story of the summer of corn at Blue Hills Farm when Barber was a kid.  Note diffs. 
::*planted in "Three Sisters"
::*polenta not typically thought of as high flavor experience, but in this case it was.
::*Barber says (8) that the polenta story is the kind of experience he found himself repeating.  What does he mean.  What are the main features of the polenta story?
:*Barber's "Plates"
::*some background on "farm to table" "artisanal eaters" "locavores" -- (another side of industrial food, esp. for a chef, is the effect of varieties and production methods on flavor). 
::*chef as activist (p. 10 reference to Paul Bocuse) -- Wolfgang Puck -- eventually industrial food system produces a version of the chef's innovation.
::*p. 11ff: Barber's critique of farm to table and the 1st and 2nd plates. Criticizing the way we eat:  protein-centric plate, small side of veg  [http://chartsbin.com/view/1155 Protein consumption per capita by country]
::*Some detail on Blue Hills.   
:::*lamb chop story-- Problem: farm serving table.  Table is still in charge of the plate.  "cherry picking ingredients that are often ecologically demanding and expensive to grow" So, eliminate the menu!  p.14 top of 15.  Note characterization of American cuisine vs. French and Italian.  No peasant heritage to base it on.  Am: immoderation, big slabs of meat.  (Carla's story Fall 2018 - What it means to have a place based culinary identity).
::*16: Note discussion of '''cuisine''' - based on ingredients local and sustainable. 
:::*1st, 2nd, 3rd plates 17.  Claim: "The future of cuisine will represent a paradigm shift, a new way of thinking about cooking and eating that defies Americans' ingrained expectations." 18  Note that he gives another definition of the 3rd Plate at p. 21. 
::*18: "truly delicious food is dependent on an entire system of agriculture. .... 21: the thrid plate goes beyond raising awareness about the importance of farmers and sustainable agriculture.  I helps us recognize that what we eat is part of an integrated whole, a web of relationships, that cannot be reduced to single ingredients"
::*The food "supply chain" is an ecology. The implication is that we can assess it in terms of sustainability, flavor, quality, diversity...etc.
===Barber, Dan. Chapter 30: "Seed" (pp. 382-409)===
:*Introductory story of the tomato fungus.  fungus worse because spread from trucks, but also highlighting varietal system.  Mountain Magics resist blight fungus and still taste good.  We meet the Cornell breeders of this variety. 
:*Theme of the chapter: how does the work of plant breeders affect the food system, especially flavor and yield.  Story of Flvr Savr tomato with no flavor. Calgene's gmo industrial tomato.  discontinued. 
:*Background on '''Land grant breeding programs'''.  1862, with USDA, experiment station, extension service added in 1914.  Can have negative effects from success.  Breeding programs raised yields, but also lowered prices.  388: description of the work of the breeder.  Really agriculture's artists.
:*Terroir for wheat? Aragon 03, kept alive in a corner of Spain, in high demand.
::*[https://www.palouseheritage.com/ Palouse Heritage]  -- take a look at the landrace/heirloom food system for cereal terroir in the Northwest.
::*Steve Jones, formerly of WSU, now Washington State Research and Extention Center, Mt Vernon (and Bread Lab)  background story - how land grant seed banks work, fateful meeting with Monsanto (p. 395), 1880 Bayh-Dole Act.  by 1990s majority funding from private industry. 
:**Specialty wheat in Skagit Valley.  (So, if wheat were a fresh crop, we would also be supporting crop rotation over syn fertilizers.)
:*Nice narrative moment with the farmers and Jones.  Interesting point about how the flavor yield trade off occurs more in plant that have been selected for size and water.  Harder to ramp up flavor with all that water.  Also, older wheat variety had higher nutrition.  Claim of 50% more calcium, iron, and zinc.
:*Digress on Fall 2018 Florence "'''Ancient Grains Seminar'''" (Shared folder)
:*Jones wants to move beyond heirloom varietiesStill ways to improve and diversify strains.
:*Some basic data on abortions from Pew [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/01/11/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/]. 
::*Comparing gestational limits by country.[https://righttolife.org.uk/what-are-the-abortion-time-limits-in-eu-countries]Note: This is from a right to life group, but I have seen similar data elsewhere.
:*Steve Jones links:  [http://thebreadlab.wsu.edu/dr-stephen-s-jones-director/ The Bread lab], [http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/12/wheat-breeder-whos-making-bread-better.html New York mag article], [https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/01/magazine/bread-is-broken.html NYT article, "Bread is Broken"].
===Tribe, "Deconstructing Dobbs" 2nd half (p. 8-12)===
:*Land Institute project fits here.
:*Tribe thinks only a religious view of the embryo supports this view. "Republican form of government" seems antithetical to a theocracy.  Other evidence that the court is reflecting a preference for Christian thought in reading the 1st amendement.  (Note: Alabama judge in IVF case invokes religious language in decisions.  [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/22/ivf-opinion-from-alabama-justice-was-overtly-religious/72689378007/]
::*Tribe sees elements of a "tyranny of the minority" in Dobbs, but also in Kennedy v Bremmerton (religious fball coach).  He also thinks that the fact that 3 of the justices were appointed by a president who lost the majority vote is relevant.
::*Tribe also feels the court Majority is being inconsistent in its interpretive theory in the case of Bruen, which treats the right to concealed carry of guns as grounded in the 2nd amendment, even though the types of guns did not exist in our "history and traditions". 
:*In the remaining 2-3 pages Tribe extends his argument against the conservative court by objecting to other putatively radical decisions it has made.
===Gordon Shepherd, ''Neurogastronomy'' Chapters 2, 7, 11, 18, 19, 21, 27===
===More "language of basic liberties"===
:C2: Dogs, Humans, and Retronasal Smell
:*In addition to your liberty to control your body, bodily autonomy, and intimacy, we recognize (by statute and judicial opinion) basic liberties to control some personal information and to direct the upbringing of your children (parental rights) and other protections for family life. At a practical level, parental rights often involve schooling, which is local in our society.  Still, cases reach the Supreme Court.   
:*comparison of dog’s snout and sniffing with humanImportant how motor functions and anatomy are integrated to behavior. Dogs can sniff 6-8 times a second. Mice sniff up to 10x a second!
:*Personal Information Examples
:*Inside the snout:  modern mammals engage in ortho and retronasal olfactionReceptors in nasal bulb direct to brain.
::*A law requiring you to share your browsing history with the government.   
::*A law requiring you to share your medical records with the government.
::*A law requiring you to send a full frontal nude picture of yourself to the government every 5 years.
::*A law allowing anyone to discover your bank account balances.
::*A law requiring you to explain your reasons for divorce to a judge (before “no fault”divorce).
::*A law conferring a “right to be forgotten” (to have internet information about you deleted)This is a right guaranteed in the European Union.
:*Evolution of the Human Nose: Why we don’t have snouts....bipedalism or diet.  Argued in evo theory that decline of the snout led to ascendency of vision. Stereoscopic vision only possible without the snout.  Human olfaction favors retronasal vs. Dogs.  Retro-nasal more emphasis on what we put in our mouths. 25-26: mechanics of chewing, sampling by taste buds, air flow, heating, humidification, retronasal olfaction,
:*Family and Parental Rights Examples
:*Why would retronasal olfaction be favored in humans? 
::*A law prohibiting parents from exempting their kids from some sex education programs.
::*1. Bipedalism increased our range and exposure to food varieties. 
:::*But maybe not: A law allowing parents to exempt their kids from hearing basic public health information, including information about sexually transmitted diseases.
::*2. Cooking.  Origins of “cuisine” in emergence of cooking 400,000 years ago.  (Note both are food explanations and they connect become “omnivores” with evolving retronasal olfaction.
::*A law requiring family members to testify against each other.
:*Conclusion: The evolution of humans as upright omnivores with retro-nasal olfaction puts more emphasis on the brain in processing and remembering flavor and odor.  
:::*But maybe not: A law preventing the government from checking on child welfare and acting on serious problems, including removing children from their parents’ care.
::*A zoning ordinance prohibiting grandparents from living with their families (actual controversy).
::*A zoning ordinance prohibiting polyamorous households in a neighborhood. (!)
::*A law prohibiting home schooling.
::*A law prohibiting parents and their children from receiving gender affirming care.
:::*But maybe not: A law allowing parents to chose any elective surgery they wish for their kids.
:C7:  Images of Smell
===Planning your SW2: Organizing your thoughts on Basic Liberties and Abortion Rights===
:*The Olfactory Bulb: molecular and neural pathways at the bulb.  Glomerulus (glom) - convergence site of receptor cells.  Interneurons:  often specialized processors.  Periglomeral cells, Mitral cells, tufted cells.  Granule cells. 
:*Consider the following questions as you prepare to write about Basic Liberties and Abortion rights
:*How does olfactory bulb represent smell?  Story of discovery: 1930s Edgar Adrian, hedgehogs, noticed how patterns of excitation could create an “image” of the smell, using electrophysiology techniques.
::*Is there a constitutional basic liberty (or liberties) at stake in the abortion rights issue? Use your "language of basic liberties" to express this or to say why there isn't one.  
:*Sokoloff method for tracking energy used by the brain with a marker for glucose uptake.  Important work that led to PET and fMRI.  Follows his own research from 70s in using this method to track energy use in the olfactory bulb as it is exposed to odors.  
::*If there is a right to elective abortion, how should we think about it?
:*Confirms idea of a “smell image” or pattern of activation in the glomeruli. Started to fill in a “map” of the receptor sites on the bulb. 1990s. 
:*Some “odor images” from the work of Michael Leon and Brett Johnson.  [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4075437/]
:*Final point: The olfactory pathways are heavily modulated - sensitive to behavioral state: appetite, aversion, openness to experience, all affect flavor perception.
:C11 Creating, Learning, and Remembering Smell
:::*1. As a balance between the liberty interests of the fetus/baby and the host/mother?
:*lateral olfactory tract — context output from the bulb to the olfactory cortex in the brain.  Long in humans.  What is its role? 
::::*possible balancing pointsConception (some pro life), "Clear opportunity" (gestational limits/ Roberts), Viability (Roe/Casey)
:*importance of pyramidal cells.  100: capable of feedback excitation to stimulating cells.  Thought important to memory.  Damaged in dimentia patients.
:*101: Olfactory cortex “serves as content-addressable memory for association of odor stimuli with memory traces of odors.  “.  Structures that support this claim.  Herb rule - identifies activity that suggest memory and learning.  Interesting parallels between odor recognition and face recognition. 
:*103: summary of functions of olfactory cortex.  Not clear if perception of smell itself arises in ol. Cortex. Some research suggesting that it can detect the absence of the essential amino acids.
:*key ideas: knowledge of mechanisms for understanding memory and flavor; learning mechanism, may even detect amino acids.
:::*2. As a majoritarian issue -- any law expressing a "rational basis" may be constitutional
:*[Point: Reinforcement learning takes place immediately in the olfactory cortex.  Our experience of food is not a “passive awareness”.  Because food is essential to survival, and omnivores have complex food / memory needs, learning and memory processes are crucial.  The reward structure of the brain is involved.  The olfactory cortex is smart.]
:::*3. A new constitutional amendment --
::*Argument strategies:
:::*Determine that abortion rights is "more like" other matters that are or aren't basic liberties. 
:::*For prolife: Begin with some form or personhood for the fetus and then consider competing liberty claims.
:C18 Putting it all Together: The Human Brain Flavor System
===SW2: What are Basic Liberties (800 words)===
:*Opening summary of the "human brain flavor system." 
:*'''Stage 1''': Please write an 800 word maximum answer to the following question by '''Saturday March 2, 2023, 11:59pm.'''
:*Reference and quote from Brillat-Savarin, the first “gastronome” .  Nice continuity between early language and neurogastronomy.  “The human brain has specific capabilities that makes the appreciation of flavor of unique importance to humans.”
::*Topic: Drawing on resources from this unit and your own reflection, devote the first part of your essay (150-350 words) to these questions: What is your theory of basic liberties?  What makes something a basic liberty and why are they important? Then, in the second part, apply your view about basic liberties to the abortion question, taking into account our work in this unit. How would you have decided Dobbs based on your view of whether abortion is a constitutionally protected basic liberty? Be sure sure to address the strongest arguments for a view opposing yours.  
:*Sensory system vs action system
:*Sensory system:
::*Flavor also produced by smell, taste, mouth-sense, sight, sound. Not just “volatile molecules reaching the olfactory bulb.
::*Multi-sensory integration, or “Supra-addivtivity” involves congruent repetition of combinations of stimuli.  “internal brain image” of the flavor object.
::*read summary sentence, p. 160: “A consensus is emerging that simultaneous activation by a food of a common set of regions, including the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior insula and operculum, frontal operculum, and anterior cingulate Byrd’s, constitutes the distributed representation in our minds of a flavor object”  [Think about this a minute....]
:*Flavor-action system
::*Chart on p. 161 matching brain structures to aspects of flavor perception and desire, motivation, and action.  The action system includes emotional response, memory, decision making, plasticity (how the activity of the body/brain — in this case eating— changes the brain) Language, consciousness. (Each treated in next section.  We sample the chapter on emotions.)
:C19: Flavor and Emotions
::*Notes: You have more discretion here about how much space to give each major part of the essay than in SW1.
:*emotions moves us toward action, but also reflect our internal state of desiring and wantingWhat is diff between want and craving?
:*'''Advice about collaboration''': Collaboration is part of the academic process and the intellectual world that college courses are based on, so it is important to me that you have the possibility to collaborate.  I encourage you to collaborate with other students, but only up to the point of sharing ideas, references to class notes, and your own notes, '''verbally'''.  Collaboration  is also a great way to make sure that a high average level of learning and development occurs in the classThe best way to avoid plagiarism is to NOT share text of draft answers or outlines of your answer.  Keep it verbal.  Generate your own examples. 
:*research from Monell Chemical Senses Institute.  Cravings implicated in eating disorders.  Dull diets stimulate craving.  Marcia Pelchat and colleagues looked at parallels between food cravings and drug craving.  In a study, one group of test subjects were on a monotonous diet and another on a normal diet.  In brain imaging, the monotonous eaters produced strong activation when asked to imagine a favorite food. Supports hypothesis that there is a common circuitry to natural and pathological rewards (food and drugs).  168ff: discussion of brain structures implicated in the study.  Hippocampus, insula, caudate nucleus.  Caudate includes high concentration of dopamine.  Also part of the striatum, which involves habits (which probably involve dopamine).  When we are hungry, we can activate food memories and emotional responses in anticipation of the food. 
:*Prepare your answer and submit it in the following way. '''You will lose points''' if you do not follow these instructions:
:*[An implication of this for eating is that hunger plays a key role in satisfactionThe hungrier eater produces stronger anticipatory activation“Hunger is the best relish. “Images of desire” maybe be important to satisfaction. But also, this research suggests that an '''unsatisfied brain''' (one on a dull diet) is more likely to produce cravings . In a sense the brain demands satisfaction. read at 168. Digression on question: Does the industrial diet produce real satisfactions? Mixed evidence. ]
::# To assure anonymity, you must remove your name from the the "author name" that you may have provided when you set up your word processing application. For instructions on removing your name from an Word or Google document, [[https://wiki.gonzaga.edu/alfino/index.php/Removing_your_name_from_a_Word_file click here]].
::# Format your answer in double spaced text, in a typical 12 point font, and using normal margins. Do not add spaces between paragraphs and indent the first line of each paragraph.   
::# '''Do not put your name in the file or filename'''You may put your student ID number in the fileAlways put a word count in the file. Save your file for this assignment with the name: '''BasicLiberties'''.
::# To turn in your assignment, log into courses.alfino.org, click on the '''"1 SW2 - Points"''' dropbox.
::# If you cannot meet a deadline, you must email me about your circumstances (unless you are having an emergency) '''before''' the deadline or you will lose points.  
:*chocolate-satiety study (Dana Small) — test subjects eat chocolate to satiety while in imagingDifference in activation can be thought of as a change in the flavor image (for chocolate) under conditions of craving and satisfactionMentions concept of “reward value” current in brain researchcool idea here is that our flavor images change with our hunger states.   
:*'''Stage 2''': Please evaluate '''four''' student answers and provide brief comments and a score. Review the [[Assignment Rubric]] for this exerciseWe will be using the Flow and Content areas of the rubric for this assignment. Complete your evaluations and scoring by '''Thursday, March 7, 2023, 11:59pm.'''
::*To determine the papers you need to peer review, open the file called "#Key.xls" in the shared folder. You will see a worksheet with saint names in alphabetically order, along with animal namesFind your saint name and review the next four (4) animals' work below your animal name. If you get to the bottom of the list before reaching 4 animals, go to the top of the list and continue.   
:C21: Flavor and Obesity
::*Use [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSca2C-a7XJpi09qCt3wAd1jmi5gPJ2vR-6I3L8ZQDNQ4ZOQwA/viewform?usp=sf_link this Google Form] to evaluate '''four''' peer papers. Submit the form once for each review.
:*considers the case of french fries in relation to the flavor perception system.  Salt, fat, and sweetness (SFS)Discusses the meat flavor from tallow, now artificially added.  Adds in the rest of the typical fast food meal.  Chased with coffee and a cookie.  Coffee has over 600 volatile molecules.  Point: the fast food meal involves '''sensory overload'''.
::*Some papers may arrive late.  If you are in line to review a missing paper, allow a day or two for it to show upIf it does not show up, go back to the key and review the next animal's paper, continuing until you get four reviews. Do not review more than four papers.
:*'''Stage 3''': I will grade and briefly comment on your writing using the peer scores as an initial rankingAssuming the process works normally, most of my scores probably be within 1-2 points of the peer scores, plus or minus.   
::*sensory overload;
::*caloric density; reduced roughage. 
::*But also “Sensory-specific satiety” .  Single flavors diminish appetite while multiple flavors amplify it.  You can eat more food if it includes multiple flavors.  The complexity of industrial flavors increases our ability to overconsume them.  187
::*long-term overstimulation of skin and membranes of the lips and mouth.  Interesting research shows obese test subjects have more activation of these areas even while not eating[this supports the idea of a learned behavior from food conditioning]
::*Conditioned overeating:  Other research by Dana Small.  You can induce extra eating in rats with conditioned stimuli (bell).  Humans have wide field of potential conditioning stimuli.
::*Other research suggests that ineffective inhibitory circuits play a role in obesity. 
::*Others speculate that the reward value of food for obese is too low.  The brain doesn’t register enough pleasure from a normal diet. 
::*Kessler: combination of SFS culprit (note that in Kessler’s theory several of the above theories are included.)  
:C27: Why Flavor Matters
:*'''Stage 4''': Back-evaluation: After you receive your peer comments and my evaluation, take a few minutes to fill out this quick "back evaluation" rating form: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgKCYITDTSOOHcvC3TAVNK-EZDsP4jiiyPj-7jdpRoNUsLPA/viewform?usp=sf_link].  '''Fill out the form for each reviewer, but not Alfino.'''  '''You must do the back evaluation to receive credit for the whole assignment.'''  Failing to give back-evaluations unfairly affects other classmates.
:*brief summary. 
::*Back evaluations are due '''TBD, 11:59pm'''.
:*Flavor at different life stages:
::*In the womb: flavors in amniotic fluid, rat study showing odor preference established pre-natally.  Diet studies with pregnant women (using anise or carrot juice for eample) show similar results. 
::*In infants: flavor and preference also communicated through breast milk
::*In childhood:  research showing kids are hyper sensitive to SFS foods. 
::*In adolescents.
::*Flavor and dieting in adults.  Doesn’t work.  238:  “key element missing in most discussions of diet is flavor”. Very important point.  Cites Brownell’s “Food Fight” (2004) and Barbara Rolls. 
::*In old age: research on loss of smell sense.

Latest revision as of 21:03, 27 February 2024

13: FEB 27.


  • Tribe, Lawrence. "Deconstructing Dobbs" (2nd half, 9-17)
  • Alfino, "Interpretation, Political Orientation, and the Basic Liberties in the Dobbs Decision" (12-end)


  • Assign SW2: What are Basic Liberties? Small group discussion on Personal information and family liberties.
  • Small group: Basic understand of Dobbs decision and related issues.
  • In your small group, work through these questions to check on your understand.
  • What was the basic thinking on abortion in the Roe and Casey courts?
  • How did the majority decide Dobbs? Explain the role of interpretive theories of the constitution in this decision (originalism v living document).
  • Does abortion seem like a "majoritarian" (statutory) right or a "basic liberty" (constitutional or otherwise protected from rule by a simple majority of either state or federal government)? Try out arguments either way.
  • Keep track of questions that arise during your discussion.
  • Some basic data on abortions from Pew [1].
  • Comparing gestational limits by country.[2]. Note: This is from a right to life group, but I have seen similar data elsewhere.

Tribe, "Deconstructing Dobbs" 2nd half (p. 8-12)

  • Tribe thinks only a religious view of the embryo supports this view. "Republican form of government" seems antithetical to a theocracy. Other evidence that the court is reflecting a preference for Christian thought in reading the 1st amendement. (Note: Alabama judge in IVF case invokes religious language in decisions. [3]
  • Tribe sees elements of a "tyranny of the minority" in Dobbs, but also in Kennedy v Bremmerton (religious fball coach). He also thinks that the fact that 3 of the justices were appointed by a president who lost the majority vote is relevant.
  • Tribe also feels the court Majority is being inconsistent in its interpretive theory in the case of Bruen, which treats the right to concealed carry of guns as grounded in the 2nd amendment, even though the types of guns did not exist in our "history and traditions".
  • In the remaining 2-3 pages Tribe extends his argument against the conservative court by objecting to other putatively radical decisions it has made.

More "language of basic liberties"

  • In addition to your liberty to control your body, bodily autonomy, and intimacy, we recognize (by statute and judicial opinion) basic liberties to control some personal information and to direct the upbringing of your children (parental rights) and other protections for family life. At a practical level, parental rights often involve schooling, which is local in our society. Still, cases reach the Supreme Court.
  • Personal Information Examples
  • A law requiring you to share your browsing history with the government.
  • A law requiring you to share your medical records with the government.
  • A law requiring you to send a full frontal nude picture of yourself to the government every 5 years.
  • A law allowing anyone to discover your bank account balances.
  • A law requiring you to explain your reasons for divorce to a judge (before “no fault”divorce).
  • A law conferring a “right to be forgotten” (to have internet information about you deleted). This is a right guaranteed in the European Union.
  • Family and Parental Rights Examples
  • A law prohibiting parents from exempting their kids from some sex education programs.
  • But maybe not: A law allowing parents to exempt their kids from hearing basic public health information, including information about sexually transmitted diseases.
  • A law requiring family members to testify against each other.
  • But maybe not: A law preventing the government from checking on child welfare and acting on serious problems, including removing children from their parents’ care.
  • A zoning ordinance prohibiting grandparents from living with their families (actual controversy).
  • A zoning ordinance prohibiting polyamorous households in a neighborhood. (!)
  • A law prohibiting home schooling.
  • A law prohibiting parents and their children from receiving gender affirming care.
  • But maybe not: A law allowing parents to chose any elective surgery they wish for their kids.

Planning your SW2: Organizing your thoughts on Basic Liberties and Abortion Rights

  • Consider the following questions as you prepare to write about Basic Liberties and Abortion rights
  • Is there a constitutional basic liberty (or liberties) at stake in the abortion rights issue? Use your "language of basic liberties" to express this or to say why there isn't one.
  • If there is a right to elective abortion, how should we think about it?
  • 1. As a balance between the liberty interests of the fetus/baby and the host/mother?
  • possible balancing points: Conception (some pro life), "Clear opportunity" (gestational limits/ Roberts), Viability (Roe/Casey)
  • 2. As a majoritarian issue -- any law expressing a "rational basis" may be constitutional
  • 3. A new constitutional amendment --
  • Argument strategies:
  • Determine that abortion rights is "more like" other matters that are or aren't basic liberties.
  • For prolife: Begin with some form or personhood for the fetus and then consider competing liberty claims.

SW2: What are Basic Liberties (800 words)

  • Stage 1: Please write an 800 word maximum answer to the following question by Saturday March 2, 2023, 11:59pm.
  • Topic: Drawing on resources from this unit and your own reflection, devote the first part of your essay (150-350 words) to these questions: What is your theory of basic liberties? What makes something a basic liberty and why are they important? Then, in the second part, apply your view about basic liberties to the abortion question, taking into account our work in this unit. How would you have decided Dobbs based on your view of whether abortion is a constitutionally protected basic liberty? Be sure sure to address the strongest arguments for a view opposing yours.
  • Notes: You have more discretion here about how much space to give each major part of the essay than in SW1.
  • Advice about collaboration: Collaboration is part of the academic process and the intellectual world that college courses are based on, so it is important to me that you have the possibility to collaborate. I encourage you to collaborate with other students, but only up to the point of sharing ideas, references to class notes, and your own notes, verbally. Collaboration is also a great way to make sure that a high average level of learning and development occurs in the class. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to NOT share text of draft answers or outlines of your answer. Keep it verbal. Generate your own examples.
  • Prepare your answer and submit it in the following way. You will lose points if you do not follow these instructions:
  1. To assure anonymity, you must remove your name from the the "author name" that you may have provided when you set up your word processing application. For instructions on removing your name from an Word or Google document, [click here].
  2. Format your answer in double spaced text, in a typical 12 point font, and using normal margins. Do not add spaces between paragraphs and indent the first line of each paragraph.
  3. Do not put your name in the file or filename. You may put your student ID number in the file. Always put a word count in the file. Save your file for this assignment with the name: BasicLiberties.
  4. To turn in your assignment, log into courses.alfino.org, click on the "1 SW2 - Points" dropbox.
  5. If you cannot meet a deadline, you must email me about your circumstances (unless you are having an emergency) before the deadline or you will lose points.
  • Stage 2: Please evaluate four student answers and provide brief comments and a score. Review the Assignment Rubric for this exercise. We will be using the Flow and Content areas of the rubric for this assignment. Complete your evaluations and scoring by Thursday, March 7, 2023, 11:59pm.
  • To determine the papers you need to peer review, open the file called "#Key.xls" in the shared folder. You will see a worksheet with saint names in alphabetically order, along with animal names. Find your saint name and review the next four (4) animals' work below your animal name. If you get to the bottom of the list before reaching 4 animals, go to the top of the list and continue.
  • Use this Google Form to evaluate four peer papers. Submit the form once for each review.
  • Some papers may arrive late. If you are in line to review a missing paper, allow a day or two for it to show up. If it does not show up, go back to the key and review the next animal's paper, continuing until you get four reviews. Do not review more than four papers.
  • Stage 3: I will grade and briefly comment on your writing using the peer scores as an initial ranking. Assuming the process works normally, most of my scores probably be within 1-2 points of the peer scores, plus or minus.
  • Stage 4: Back-evaluation: After you receive your peer comments and my evaluation, take a few minutes to fill out this quick "back evaluation" rating form: [4]. Fill out the form for each reviewer, but not Alfino. You must do the back evaluation to receive credit for the whole assignment. Failing to give back-evaluations unfairly affects other classmates.
  • Back evaluations are due TBD, 11:59pm.