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Jasmine Linane-Booey
Jasmine Linane-Booey
Special Operative Teams Combat Child Trafficking. http://sctnow.org/contentpages.aspx?parentnavigationid=5813&viewcontentpageguid=503caffe-d8d0-498b-996a-9a01134b898c
This organization takes a different approach to the abolition of trafficking. Rather than providing support for victims they go straight to the source, the traffickers, and give their evidence to government officials who put the predators behind bars.
This video represents an organization that takes a different approach to the abolition of trafficking. Rather than providing support for victims they go straight to the source, the traffickers, and give their evidence to government officials who put the predators behind bars.
Adapted from: ‘Education program against human trafficking set for vulnerable provinces.’ Cambodge Soir. 23 June 2006.Education Program Against Human Trafficking in Cambodia. http://www.humantrafficking.org/updates/396
This article talks about how educating poeple about human trafficking is the best way to bring it to an end once and for all.

Revision as of 01:42, 16 November 2009

Tricia Bruckbauer

Todd, Linda Bales. "The U.S. Takes on Trafficking." Christian Century 11 August 2009 Academic Search Premier. Foley Center Library., Spokane, WA 6 Nov. 2009 <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4&hid=105&sid=e6a420ee-e69d-42d7-962b-38b33cabaa8c%40sessionmgr111&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=43617299>

This article talks about different measures that the U.S. is taking to end human trafficking. It talks about legislation and acts of Congress that are making steps in the right direction.

Persons, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in. "Human Trafficking Assumes Many Forms." At Issue: Slavery Today. Ed. Ronald D. Lankford. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. INLAN - Gonzaga University Library. 10 Nov. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/infomark.do?&contentSet=GSRC&type=retrieve&tabID=T010&prodId=OVRC&docId=EJ3010263219&source=gale&srcprod=OVRC&userGroupName=gonzagaufoley&version=1.0>.

This article is about all of the different types of human trafficking that occur in the world. It covers everything from forced labor, child soldiers, sex tourism and prostitution. This article doesn't really have an opinion about what should be done or not, it's just an informative piece that explains some main points of trafficking.

Jasmine Linane-Booey

Special Operative Teams Combat Child Trafficking. http://sctnow.org/contentpages.aspx?parentnavigationid=5813&viewcontentpageguid=503caffe-d8d0-498b-996a-9a01134b898c

This video represents an organization that takes a different approach to the abolition of trafficking. Rather than providing support for victims they go straight to the source, the traffickers, and give their evidence to government officials who put the predators behind bars.

Adapted from: ‘Education program against human trafficking set for vulnerable provinces.’ Cambodge Soir. 23 June 2006.Education Program Against Human Trafficking in Cambodia. http://www.humantrafficking.org/updates/396

This article talks about how educating poeple about human trafficking is the best way to bring it to an end once and for all.