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==14: OCT 20==
==16: OCT 20. Living in the Matrix / Working with Political Difference 2==
:*Haybron, C5, “The Sources of Happiness” (24)
:*Haidt, Chapter 8, “The Conservative Advantage”
:*Csiksentmihalyi, C2, “The Content of Experience’ (17)
:*Background on Cskisentmihalyi
===Haybron, “The Sources of Happiness”===
===Small Group Exercise: Working with the Moral Foundations in Political Contexts===
::*'''Bumper Sticker / Slogan reading'''
::*Extending Haidt's examples of using bumper sticks and slogans to illustrate the moral foundations, please follow these links [http://www.cafepress.com/+political+bumper-stickers] [https://www.zazzle.com/political+bumper+stickers] and browse political bumper stickers together. Keep these questions in mind as you browse:
:::*Can you identify specific moral foundations at work in some of the bumper stickers?
:::*Do you notice that some are based exclusively in denigrating an opposing view vs. making an affirmation?
:::*Why do so many people like to use bumper stickers?  Do you? Why or why not?
===Haidt, Chapter 8: The Conservative Advantage===
:*Hadit's critique of Dems:  Dems offer sugar (Care) and salt (Fairness), conservatives appeal to all five receptors.  Imagine the value of "rewriting" our own or opposing ideologies as Haidt imagined doing.  Dems should appeal to loyalty and authority more.  Neglect may be ommission and underrepresent Dems (recall discussion of labels and issues.  We could add "values".) 
:*Republicans seemed to Haidt to understand moral psych better, not because they were fear mongering, but triggering all of the moral moral foundations.  Equalizer metaphor.
:*'''Measuring Morals'''
:*'''The MFQ''': consistency across cultures; large n;
:*162: Correlations of pol orientation with preferences for dog breeds, training, sermon styles.  You can catch liberal and conservative "surprise" in the EEG and fMRI.(similar to early Hibbing reading). 
:*'''What Makes People Vote Republican?'''
:*biographical note about tracking Obama on left/right triggers.  Message on parental resp, but then shift to social justice, global citizenship, omitted flag lapel pin. 
:*164: Haidt's argument for replacing "old story" of political difference: there's something wrong with conservatives!  Note reactions to his essay: some libs/conserv found it hard to establish a positive view of their "opponents".  Haidt has implicit critique of Libs by saying that organic society can't just be about 2 foundations.  Experience with his essay.  follow.
:*'''Mill vs. Durkheim''' - responses to the challenge of living with strangers in modern society.  Individualism vs. Organic society. Haidt’s essay triggers lots of political venom. From that response, however, Haidt noticed that he was missing a foundation:  Fairness as proportionality.  You reap what you sow.  The fairness foundation mixed fairness as equality and fairness as proportionality. 
::*'''6th Moral foundation:''' liberty and oppression: taking the "fairness as equality" from Fairness and considers it in terms of Liberty/Oppression.  [Some discussion here.  Note relation to Authority/Leadership in Hibbing. Equality here means social equality and social hierarchy. When do we expect equal treatment? When do we tolerate hierarchy? When to we rebel. Similarity to Authority/subversion, but more than legitimacy of one authority figure, rather social hierarchy. 
:*'''The Liberty / Oppression Foundation'''
::*”The desire for equality more closely related to psychology of liberty / oppression that reciprocal altruism. 
::*Evolutionary story about hierarchy.
:::*Original triggers: bullies and tyrants, current triggers: illegit. restraint on liberty. 
:::*Evolutionary/Archeological story: egalitarianism in hunter gatherers, hierarchy comes with agriculture.
:::*Emergence of pre-ag dominance strategies -- 500,000ya weapons for human conflict (and language to complain about bullies and tyrants) takes off. This changes the strategic problem.  Parallel in Chimps:  revolutions: "reverse dominance hierarchies" are possible. 
:::*Cultural Evo Theory on cultural strategies toward equality: Societies make transition to some form of political egalitarianism (equality of citizenship or civic equality).  We've had time to select for people who can tolerate political equality and surrender violence to the state.  (Got to mention dueling here.) Culture domestics us. '''"Self-domestication".''' 
:::*”The liberty/oppression foundation evolved in response to the adaptive challenge of living in small groups with individuals who would, if gen the chance, dominate, bully, and constrain others. 
::*Liberal vs. Conservative triggers on Liberty/Oppression: 
:::*Liberals experience this in terms of universalistic goals like social justice, abuse of the power of the most fortunate. Oppressed individuals. 
:::*Conservatives triggered more by group level concerns. The nanny state is oppression, taxation is oppressive, globalism is a threat to sovereignty. 
:*Acknowledges cultural relativity of what counts as happiness. (Note universality of happiness itself.)
:*'''Fairness as Proportionality''’
:*Focusing on things we don’t adapt to.  But also that we can change.
:::*After mortgage crisis recession of 2008 some like Santelli thought it unfair to bail out banks and borrowersThis is really a conservative version of fairness as proportionality, which shares some features of the "reciprocal altruism", such as necessity of punishment.
:*Haybron’s list (expanding from Ryan Deci’s theory of basic needs)
::*1. Security -
:::*material, social, project, time.  Rational approach to risk.
::*2. Outlook -
:::*the “internal strategy” -external H-makers vs internal H-making skills.
:::*positivity (savoring, gratitude, pos focus) and acceptance (not passivity or low ambition)
:::*caring for others. -volunteering next to dancing in joy. (But maybe not for you?)
:::*extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation.   
::*3. Autonomy - general human desire for self-determination. 
:::*Option freedom v autonomy. (Paradox of Choice - still current)
:::*Makes a case for autonomy as universal - takes diff shape in kin-culture.
::*4. Relationships
:::*Component h-makers: understanding, validation, caring, trust (also a security item)
::*5. Skilled and meaningful activity.
:::*development of skills, meaningful activity (work or not), appreciative engagement.
:*Money —
::*'''Public Goods games''' (again).  Setup.  1.6 multiplier.  Still, best strategy is not to contribute.  altruistic punishment can be stimulated (84% do)  even without immediate rewardcooperation increases. 84% paid to punish because we are triggered by slackers and free riders.
::*shows an Easterlin graph.   
::*income affects H-l more.
===Csiksentmihalyi, Finding Flow, Chapter 2 ===
::*In the research on Liberty / Oppression, Haidt and others find that concerns about political equality track Lib/Oppression, so fairness is about proportionality. 
====The Content of Experience====
:*Summary: Liberals have emphasize C, F, Lib while conservatives balance all six.  Libs construe Fairness in more egalitarian ways and have diff emphasis for Liberty/Oppression.  Many liberals and conservatives have a hard time forming a positive image of each other, but when you think about this, it sounds like something to work on.  In light of this research and theorizing, one could see that as a character flaw or unsupported bias.
:*Theoretical position, p. 21:  In story of woman with two jobs: looking for patterns of human commitment to a life.  Wants to ask less for self-reports of happiness and more about the moods and affect that might be functionally related to happiness. 
===Tools for working with "Matrix Differences"===
::*Two big points:
:*A big problem that Haidt's "Moral Foundations Theory" (MFT) leaves us with is, "How do we interact with people with different matrices and different experiences, especially concerning political value differences, when we hold our own views with conviction and sense of their truth? In other words, how do we deal with the '''Paradox of Moral Experience'''?
:::*1. Happiness is positive emotion that might be driven by behavior. And,
:::*2. It may be especially evident in a life of commitments and goals which reduce "psychic entropy." (Negative emotions are “entropic” for C.)
:*Discussion of emotions, goals, and thoughts in terms of the organization of "psychic entropy", 22 roughly, the cognitive / emotive state of order in my mind at a particular moment or during an activity.  
:*Why this is ''soo'' difficult...
:*Intentions and goals inform and order our psychic energyMost prefer intrinsic motivation, next extrinsic, finally least productive of positive affect is no goal state. :*William James: self-esteem is a ratio of expectation (goals) to success. Set goals too high, lowers success and self-esteem. 
::*We often unintentionally (and, for some people, intentionally) create "cognitive dissonance" in a discussion, leading people to find ways to stop the pain, rather than listen to the issues. This can escalate.
::*We don't always have reasons for our convictions, but, as we know from the dumbfounding research, we "confabulate". We confuse intuitions with reasoned convictionThis can lead us to "pile on" arguments, thinking they are persuasive apart from the intuitions (moral matrix) that support them. But if you don't have those intuitions, the "pile on" can feel aggressive.
::*We don't all react the same way when our views are criticized.  (Remember Socrates' attitude here. Noble but difficult to achieve.)
:*Note distinction between Eastern philosophical suspicion of origin of goals and "superficial reading" that suggests it counsels renunciation of goals.
:*'''1. Three Basic Strategies:'''
::*A. Explore differences gently. Monitor your vital signs and those of your interlocutors.
::*B. Find common goals or things to affirm. (Example of landlord interaction last semester.)
::*C. Model exploratory thought. (How do you do that, specifically?)  See ''sympathetic interpretation'' below.
::*These strategies obviously move you in different directions in a conversation, but they can all be used together to manage "dissonance" and tension in a discussion.
:*Three contents of consciousness: emotions, intentions, and thoughtsTheir integration allows for flowConcentration is necessary for flow, but can be impaired by lack of motivation and emotion.   
:*'''2. Practice Sympathetic Interpretation'''
::*In general, sympathetic interpretation involves strategies that mix "identification" (peanuts for the elephant) with "critical engagement" (rational persuasion, expression of value differences)
::*Try to understand where a view is "coming from".  Ask questions.
::*Restate views, checking for fairness.
::*Practice "strategic dissimulation" (controversial for some).  "I'm still working out my views here..." when you really have pretty well worked out views, even one's you are proud of and think to be true (Paradox of Moral Experience)
::*Practice "strategic self-deprecation" - Acknowledge knowledge deficits as a way of validating that the other person has a knowledge-base for their view, even if it's not likely to be persuasive to you.
::*Use verbal cues that indicate (if possible) that views you disagree with are "reasonable" and/or "understandable"That could mean:
:::*1. The view is reasonable, even if you disagree. Preface your disagreement by acknowledging this.   
::::*Example: "Reasonable and well-informed people disagree on this..."... "Well, your in good company..."
:::*2. The view seems unreasonable, but you focus on some intuitions that support it, even if you don't share these intuitions.
::::*Example: I can see how/why someone would feel this way..., but...
:::*3. The view seems unreasonable and false to you, but it is one that many people hold.
::::*Example: Acknowledging that the view is widely held without endorsing itYou can also "deflect" to the complexity of the problem or human nature...
:*FLOW, p. 29ff.  (What a quiet mind is getting ready for.)
:*'''3. Other miscellaneous strategies''' (many contributed by students):  
::*effortless action, being in the zone, altered time consciousness.
::*clear set of goals, focusing attention.
::*often at limits of skill and challenge level.
::*absorption in task, dynamic feedback.  "All in."
:*Theoretical Problem about the Relation of Flow to Happiness:
::*"It is the full involvement of flow, rather than happiness, that makes for excellence in life. When we are in flow, we are not happy, because to experience happiness we must focus on our inner states, and that would take away attention from the task at hand."  [Theoretical note:  choice of "rather than happiness".  Also could be "causes LS" or savoring model.]  Think about place of flow in hierarchy of daily goals.  Intensity of flow varies widely from extreme to mundane activity.  Note related states.
::*Data on frequency of flow experiences, p. 33.  About 20% yes, often. 15% no, never. (Again, you need to ask how much flow you want or need.  Might depend upon how you feel when challenged.  Ok, to live life staying “inside your game”.)
:*Small Group Discussion: Tracking Affect
:*Acknowledge that an opposing view may be insightful for others, even if not for you.
::*1. Think about a recent cycle of affect changes that you have experienced (similar to the example given). What are some of the personal practices you follow to bring negative affect (e.g. Anxiety, Worry, Apathy, Boredom) around to more positive states.
:*Cultivate diverse relationships if possible.
::*2. Share with your group some of the experiences that produce “flow” in your lifeWhat are the obstacles to states of flow?  How important is flow in your list of happiness makers? Does a happy life have to have flow?
:*Avoid pejorative labels.
:*Views can change even if orientations don't.  Focus on views, not orientations.
:*Accept differences that won't change (validate them in others, as you would other differences), focus on pragmatics and cooperation.
:*Humor, if possible.  Self-effacing humor can set the stage.  
:*Acknowledge physio-politics in the discussion. Give people "permission" or space to "out" themselves as libs and cons.  
:*Acknowledge your own orientation and expect it to be respected.
:*Don't "sugar coat" differences(Be true to yourself.)

Latest revision as of 20:23, 20 October 2022

16: OCT 20. Living in the Matrix / Working with Political Difference 2


  • Haidt, Chapter 8, “The Conservative Advantage”


Small Group Exercise: Working with the Moral Foundations in Political Contexts

  • Bumper Sticker / Slogan reading
  • Extending Haidt's examples of using bumper sticks and slogans to illustrate the moral foundations, please follow these links [1] [2] and browse political bumper stickers together. Keep these questions in mind as you browse:
  • Can you identify specific moral foundations at work in some of the bumper stickers?
  • Do you notice that some are based exclusively in denigrating an opposing view vs. making an affirmation?
  • Why do so many people like to use bumper stickers? Do you? Why or why not?

Haidt, Chapter 8: The Conservative Advantage

  • Hadit's critique of Dems: Dems offer sugar (Care) and salt (Fairness), conservatives appeal to all five receptors. Imagine the value of "rewriting" our own or opposing ideologies as Haidt imagined doing. Dems should appeal to loyalty and authority more. Neglect may be ommission and underrepresent Dems (recall discussion of labels and issues. We could add "values".)
  • Republicans seemed to Haidt to understand moral psych better, not because they were fear mongering, but triggering all of the moral moral foundations. Equalizer metaphor.
  • Measuring Morals
  • The MFQ: consistency across cultures; large n;
  • 162: Correlations of pol orientation with preferences for dog breeds, training, sermon styles. You can catch liberal and conservative "surprise" in the EEG and fMRI.(similar to early Hibbing reading).
  • What Makes People Vote Republican?
  • biographical note about tracking Obama on left/right triggers. Message on parental resp, but then shift to social justice, global citizenship, omitted flag lapel pin.
  • 164: Haidt's argument for replacing "old story" of political difference: there's something wrong with conservatives! Note reactions to his essay: some libs/conserv found it hard to establish a positive view of their "opponents". Haidt has implicit critique of Libs by saying that organic society can't just be about 2 foundations. Experience with his essay. follow.
  • Mill vs. Durkheim - responses to the challenge of living with strangers in modern society. Individualism vs. Organic society. Haidt’s essay triggers lots of political venom. From that response, however, Haidt noticed that he was missing a foundation: Fairness as proportionality. You reap what you sow. The fairness foundation mixed fairness as equality and fairness as proportionality.
  • 6th Moral foundation: liberty and oppression: taking the "fairness as equality" from Fairness and considers it in terms of Liberty/Oppression. [Some discussion here. Note relation to Authority/Leadership in Hibbing. Equality here means social equality and social hierarchy. When do we expect equal treatment? When do we tolerate hierarchy? When to we rebel. Similarity to Authority/subversion, but more than legitimacy of one authority figure, rather social hierarchy.
  • The Liberty / Oppression Foundation
  • ”The desire for equality more closely related to psychology of liberty / oppression that reciprocal altruism.
  • Evolutionary story about hierarchy.
  • Original triggers: bullies and tyrants, current triggers: illegit. restraint on liberty.
  • Evolutionary/Archeological story: egalitarianism in hunter gatherers, hierarchy comes with agriculture.
  • Emergence of pre-ag dominance strategies -- 500,000ya weapons for human conflict (and language to complain about bullies and tyrants) takes off. This changes the strategic problem. Parallel in Chimps: revolutions: "reverse dominance hierarchies" are possible.
  • Cultural Evo Theory on cultural strategies toward equality: Societies make transition to some form of political egalitarianism (equality of citizenship or civic equality). We've had time to select for people who can tolerate political equality and surrender violence to the state. (Got to mention dueling here.) Culture domestics us. "Self-domestication".
  • ”The liberty/oppression foundation evolved in response to the adaptive challenge of living in small groups with individuals who would, if gen the chance, dominate, bully, and constrain others.
  • Liberal vs. Conservative triggers on Liberty/Oppression:
  • Liberals experience this in terms of universalistic goals like social justice, abuse of the power of the most fortunate. Oppressed individuals.
  • Conservatives triggered more by group level concerns. The nanny state is oppression, taxation is oppressive, globalism is a threat to sovereignty.
  • 'Fairness as Proportionality
  • After mortgage crisis recession of 2008 some like Santelli thought it unfair to bail out banks and borrowers. This is really a conservative version of fairness as proportionality, which shares some features of the "reciprocal altruism", such as necessity of punishment.
  • Public Goods games (again). Setup. 1.6 multiplier. Still, best strategy is not to contribute. altruistic punishment can be stimulated (84% do) even without immediate reward. cooperation increases. 84% paid to punish because we are triggered by slackers and free riders.
  • In the research on Liberty / Oppression, Haidt and others find that concerns about political equality track Lib/Oppression, so fairness is about proportionality.
  • Summary: Liberals have emphasize C, F, Lib while conservatives balance all six. Libs construe Fairness in more egalitarian ways and have diff emphasis for Liberty/Oppression. Many liberals and conservatives have a hard time forming a positive image of each other, but when you think about this, it sounds like something to work on. In light of this research and theorizing, one could see that as a character flaw or unsupported bias.

Tools for working with "Matrix Differences"

  • A big problem that Haidt's "Moral Foundations Theory" (MFT) leaves us with is, "How do we interact with people with different matrices and different experiences, especially concerning political value differences, when we hold our own views with conviction and sense of their truth? In other words, how do we deal with the Paradox of Moral Experience?
  • Why this is soo difficult...
  • We often unintentionally (and, for some people, intentionally) create "cognitive dissonance" in a discussion, leading people to find ways to stop the pain, rather than listen to the issues. This can escalate.
  • We don't always have reasons for our convictions, but, as we know from the dumbfounding research, we "confabulate". We confuse intuitions with reasoned conviction. This can lead us to "pile on" arguments, thinking they are persuasive apart from the intuitions (moral matrix) that support them. But if you don't have those intuitions, the "pile on" can feel aggressive.
  • We don't all react the same way when our views are criticized. (Remember Socrates' attitude here. Noble but difficult to achieve.)
  • 1. Three Basic Strategies:
  • A. Explore differences gently. Monitor your vital signs and those of your interlocutors.
  • B. Find common goals or things to affirm. (Example of landlord interaction last semester.)
  • C. Model exploratory thought. (How do you do that, specifically?) See sympathetic interpretation below.
  • These strategies obviously move you in different directions in a conversation, but they can all be used together to manage "dissonance" and tension in a discussion.
  • 2. Practice Sympathetic Interpretation
  • In general, sympathetic interpretation involves strategies that mix "identification" (peanuts for the elephant) with "critical engagement" (rational persuasion, expression of value differences)
  • Try to understand where a view is "coming from". Ask questions.
  • Restate views, checking for fairness.
  • Practice "strategic dissimulation" (controversial for some). "I'm still working out my views here..." when you really have pretty well worked out views, even one's you are proud of and think to be true (Paradox of Moral Experience)
  • Practice "strategic self-deprecation" - Acknowledge knowledge deficits as a way of validating that the other person has a knowledge-base for their view, even if it's not likely to be persuasive to you.
  • Use verbal cues that indicate (if possible) that views you disagree with are "reasonable" and/or "understandable". That could mean:
  • 1. The view is reasonable, even if you disagree. Preface your disagreement by acknowledging this.
  • Example: "Reasonable and well-informed people disagree on this..."... "Well, your in good company..."
  • 2. The view seems unreasonable, but you focus on some intuitions that support it, even if you don't share these intuitions.
  • Example: I can see how/why someone would feel this way..., but...
  • 3. The view seems unreasonable and false to you, but it is one that many people hold.
  • Example: Acknowledging that the view is widely held without endorsing it. You can also "deflect" to the complexity of the problem or human nature...
  • 3. Other miscellaneous strategies (many contributed by students):
  • Acknowledge that an opposing view may be insightful for others, even if not for you.
  • Cultivate diverse relationships if possible.
  • Avoid pejorative labels.
  • Views can change even if orientations don't. Focus on views, not orientations.
  • Accept differences that won't change (validate them in others, as you would other differences), focus on pragmatics and cooperation.
  • Humor, if possible. Self-effacing humor can set the stage.
  • Acknowledge physio-politics in the discussion. Give people "permission" or space to "out" themselves as libs and cons.
  • Acknowledge your own orientation and expect it to be respected.
  • Don't "sugar coat" differences. (Be true to yourself.)