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"NNSA, through its Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, works closely with a wide range of international partners, key U.S. federal agencies..."
"NNSA, through its Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, works closely with a wide range of international partners, key U.S. federal agencies..."
-Carter Schick & Sagey Suffecool
-Carter Schick & Sagey Suffecool
'''BBC News: Pros and Cons of the NPT'''
<br>Good site for looking at the treaty and whether it was successful or not. Also gives reasons for why or why not.
<br>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4491003.stm/ Pros and Cons of the NPT] <br> Rika Mehndiratta

Latest revision as of 17:25, 6 May 2008

Research Findings for Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Post research findings for this topic using the formatting template on the main research page. Please add your name to your posting. As research findings accumulate, you should organize and rearrange findings to represent viewpoints and other categories of information (background, primary research, news).


Monterey Institute of International Studies-Center for Non-Proliferation Studies

The following site for the Center of Non-Proflieration Studies at the Monterey Institute for International Studies has many great resources on non-proliferation.
James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies
-Monte Melnick

  • Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations & Regimes

The Inventory covers all actual and potential international organizations, treaties, and agreements relevant to WMD disarmament and nonproliferation, existing institutional ties, inter-relationships, and overlapping areas of responsibility. It provides descriptions of each organization, treaty, and agreement and summaries of recent activities and contact information. It provides policymakers, diplomats, government officials, analysts, journalists, and students with a useful general reference source and a current synopsis of developments.
Inventory of Nonproliferation Organizations & Regimes
-Monte Melnick

Nuclear Threat Initiative

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a non-profit organization with a mission to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and to work to build the trust, transparency and security which are preconditions to the ultimate fulfillment of the Non-Proliferation Treaty’s goals and ambitions.
Nuclear Threat Initiative
-Monte Melnick

  • Nuclear Threat Initiative-Country Profiles

These country profiles provide insight into why countries pursue nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and missile programs, how they develop their programs, and why they may choose to stop developing such weapons. The researchers at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies have been studying these countries for more than a decade. They have drawn from their knowledge and extensive databases to provide in-depth profiles and short overviews of each country's nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and missile development programs, policies and activities.
NTI-Country Profiles
-Monte Melnick

  • Nuclear Threat Initiative-Tutorials

Explore these interactive tutorials for complete overviews of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and issues surrounding the threats from biological and chemical warfare and radiological terrorism. View expert analysis of the issues, interactive timelines, maps, and numerous links to relevant resources.
NTI-Information Tutorials
-Monte Melnick

  • "'Syria had Covert Nuclear Scheme'"

24 April 2008, BBC News. Something very current. Check it out. Pajer

  • "'Iran Offers Talks on Nuclear Issue; but Proceedings at U.N. Must Stop, Newly Disclosed Proposal Warns"'

Discusses Iran and it's nuclear stand as well as treaty's and discussions to either help reduce or stop Iran's nuclear weapons and programs.
-Francis Santiago

  • Lugo, Chris. “Imagining a World Without Nuclear Weapons”

Opinion on why and how all countries of the world should rid themselves of nuclear weapons, and technology to generate electricity. Chris Lugo also heavily criticizes America for loving its nuclear weapons more than life itself.

Imagining a World Without Nuclear Weapons

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

  • BBC News. “UN probes US Syria Reactor claim”

The BBC news reviews the recent public release of the confirmation of the discovery of the reactor in Syria, and the catalyst to the latest threats to humanity

UN probes US Syria Reactor claim

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

  • Analytica, Oxford. “Keeping Up With The (Nuclear) Joneses”

Analytica reviews the nuclear expansionism that is taking place in the world, and the intentions of states to further develop nuclear technology to produce weapons and electricity.

Keeping up with the Nuclear Jones'

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

  • Brown, Matthew; Al-Issawi, Tarek. “U.A.E Pursues Nuclear Energy as Power Demand Soars”

Brown discusses the United Arab Emirates pursuit of nuclear power, focusing on Middle Eastern states such as Egypt and North Africa

U.A.E Pursues Nuclear Energy as Power Demand Soars

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

  • Roy, Saberi "A closer look at the Worldwide Nuclear Weapons Program and Security Threat"

Detailed review of nuclear ready weapons states, and states which conspire to develop nuclear weapons. Divided up into 4 tiers which group similar states and their readiness together

A closer look at the Worldwide Nuclear Weapons Program and Security Threats

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

  • Leonard, Peter. “Russia shuts down one of three remaining plutonium-producing reactors”

Leonard hails Russia for shutting down its weapons grade reactor, and plans to shutter the rest, as well as details on the US' shutting of its weapons grade reactors

Russia shuts down one of three remaining weapons grade reactors

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

  • Rabinovitch, Ari. “Israel, U.S. to share nuclear safety research”

Rabinovitch brings to light the recent US decision to share the Nuclear Regulatory safety information with Israel in order to prevent nuclear catastrophes in Israel

US sharing of NRC research with Israel

--Student 12:44, 28 April 2008 (PDT) Morgan Perez

http://www.armscontrol.org/pdf/NPTRevConf2005_MajorProposals.pdf Carter Schick: This article is good for the background information on nuclear nonproliferation

http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/npt/text/npt2.htm Carter Schick: Great site to use when reading about different topics about nuclear nonproliferation, such as treaties for and against this issue!!!! Yeah woo!!!

Nuclear Nonproliferation in the 90's: Great, great sie to use about the history and the comming of nuclear weapons


-Carter Schick & Sage Suffecool

http://nnsa.energy.gov/nuclear_nonproliferation/index.htm "NNSA, through its Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, works closely with a wide range of international partners, key U.S. federal agencies..." -Carter Schick & Sagey Suffecool

BBC News: Pros and Cons of the NPT
Good site for looking at the treaty and whether it was successful or not. Also gives reasons for why or why not.
Pros and Cons of the NPT
Rika Mehndiratta


  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

This IAEA is the world's central intergovernment forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. [2] -Sage Suffecool & Carter Schick