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''The Society of Jesus has always sought to imbue  
Return to [[Critical Thinking]]
    students with values that transcend the goals of  
    money, fame and success. We want graduates who will  
''The Society of Jesus has always sought to imbue students with values that transcend the goals of money, fame and success. We want graduates who will be leaders concerned about society and the world in which they live''
    be leaders concerned about society and the world in
    which they live''Return to [[Critical Thinking]]
==Finding Format==   
==Finding Format==   
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'''Allison White'''
'''Allison White'''
'''Ethan Fleming'''
===Straight Facts And Dates===
'''Finding and Link:''' [http://www.sjweb.info/jesuits/chronology.cfm]
'''Summary''': This website is beneficial to finding facts and the dates in which they occured. i found it usefull for organizing my essay chronologically. although if you go to the main page of this website you may also find some usefull facts on jesuits as well one notable one would be '''Jesuit mission''' [http://www.sjweb.info/jesuits/mission.cfm] it tells of the history of the jesuits and also the mission of the jesuits.
===Jesuit Athletic Mission Statement===
'''Finding and Link:''' [http://www.sluh.org/athletics/philosophy/]
'''Summary''': this website really helped me learn a lot more about what exactly Jesuit schools have to offer athletically. In terms of developing the body and focusing on each individual athlete i learned through this website that athletics are a major part in developing the individual physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
'''Josh Petosa'''
==The Jesuit Difference==
==The Jesuit Difference==
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'''Landon Block'''
'''Landon Block'''
===Value of a Jesuit Education===
'''Finding and Link:''' [http://www.wju.edu/about/jesuited/]
'''Summary/Reconstruction''' I took this link from Wheeling Jesuit University's web page. I thought there were some interesting ideas on this page. It talks about 3 or 4 points that are included in a Jesuit Education. It is only a short page, but it is worth a look.
'''Lindsay Bogan'''
===Society of Jesus Education Document===
'''Finding/Link''' [http://www.sjweb.info/education/doclist.cfm]
'''Summary''' This website contains a document on jesuit education straight from the society of jesus. Once at this website, be sure to click on the English version of the document. It is very detailed and provides a nicely outlined view of just what a Jesuit education entails, containing a lot of helpful material for the current paper. It was written by an international collaboration of both jesuits and lay people, called the International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education (ICAJE)over 4 years during the 1980s. Hopefully, it will be helpful.
'''Rachel Wagner'''
===Important Ideas in Jesuit Education===
'''Finding and Link:''' [http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/2688/JesuitIdeals.html]
'''Summary:''' I feel this website is a perfect start to understanding what a Jesuit Education really means. This website is easy to read, contains many great factual information as well as a few conclusions to support any reconstruction or explanation.  On the home page, there are two links you should check out: The "ultimate goal of what we do" and "The life of Ignatius". Found in the "Ultimate goal of what we do" link, one quote which explains the purpose of a Jesuit education is,
      "The ultimate goal of Jesuit education is the full growth of the person which leads to action that is filled with the
      presence of Jesus Christ, a person for others"
Hope this helps and good luck with the essay!
'''Jeremy Lazzara'''
===Jesuit Education History===
'''Finding and Link:''' [http://www.goethals.org/jesuited.htm]
'''Summary''' This website gives a good understanding and timeline to Jesuit Education. It not only gives a timeline for the history but it also identifies the unique characteristics of a Jesuit Education. Hopefully this will help you guys in your paper.
'''Jake Davis'''

Latest revision as of 23:38, 8 January 2009

Return to Critical Thinking

The Society of Jesus has always sought to imbue students with values that transcend the goals of money, fame and success. We want graduates who will be leaders concerned about society and the world in which they live

Finding Format

A "finding" is just a particular result of research work. An article, book, website, report, etc. can each be a "finding" it you decide that the source plays some significant role in the inquiry. When you are ready to post a finding, click on the edit tab above, copy from the line below through the four dash ("-") signs, and then paste it in for each finding you plan to post.

Finding Title

(For example, "Harms of Global Warming" or "General Book on Global Warming". Consider subtitles to give your finding some specificity)

Finding and Link (Citation in MLA format, with enduring link if possible, at least with as much publication information as you have.)

Summary/Reconstruction (Identify key ideas, reconstruct arguments and explanations, indicate the type of information you found -- research, news, background, editorial, etc. Pay particular attention to the point of view of the source or publication.)

Your Name

Regis' Mission Statement

Finding and Link [1]

Summary/Reconstruction What you liked about it. Include quote.


Defining the Principes of Jesuit Education

Finding and Link: [2]

Summary: I think this web site does a great job of outlining the main ideals and motives behind Jesuit teaching. It gives a brief history of the Society of Jesus and how it was founded, as well as the most important principles of Jesuit Education. I found parts of it to be very relevant to the editorial we read this morning in class. For instance, in the introduction of the summary it states,

     "The Society of Jesus has always sought to imbue students with values
      that transcend the goals of money, fame and success. We want graduates 
      who will be leaders concerned about society and the world in which they live."

Hopefully this website will give you a better understanding of what it means to be a student at a Jesuit University, as well as provide you with beneficial information for your paper.

Stephanie Corey

What sets a Jesuit Education Apart

"'Finding and Link:"' [3]

"'Summary:"' The main idea of this website is to highlight the importance of receiving a Jesuit Education. The biggest perk about attending a Jesuit University is that the mission is to educate the whole self which includes spirituality, developing one's social skills and also improve intellectuality.

I believe this website will help all of us understand the importance of a Jesuit Education

"'Evan Clark"'

Jesuit Educational Traditions

Finding and Link: [4]

Summary: This website is a good source of information because it provides the history of the Society of Jesus as well as explains the Jesuit system of education. It uses the keywords such as "magis," "mind, body, and soul," and "Ignatious." In addition, this website states facts and statistics that could be a useful tool in your paper. I liked that this website emphasized the ultimate goal of the Jesuit education and promotes it will contribut to a better world. For example, after explaining what students volunteer to do at certain Jesuit universities, the article states, " Such experiences challenge students to use the talents and abilities to make this a better world."

Stacey Ancich

The Characteristics of Jesuit Education

Finding and Link: [5]

Summary: I find this website to be very helpful to our papers because it shows the characteristics of a Jesuit Education. It goes in depth into everything there is about this kind of education. It was made up by some alumni that had gotten the Jesuit education so they have first had experience of it. It explains the main elements of Jesuit education. It says the Jesuit education "assists in the total formation of each individual within a human community, includes a religious dimension, is an apostolic instrument, promotes dialogue between faith and culture, insists on individual care and concern for each person, emphasizes activity on the part of the student in the learning process, encourages life-long openness to growth, and encourages a realistic knowledge, love, and acceptance of self." If ypu have the change and need some help on understanding the Jesuit Education this website is very helpful!

Allison White

Ethan Fleming

Straight Facts And Dates

Finding and Link: [6]

Summary: This website is beneficial to finding facts and the dates in which they occured. i found it usefull for organizing my essay chronologically. although if you go to the main page of this website you may also find some usefull facts on jesuits as well one notable one would be Jesuit mission [7] it tells of the history of the jesuits and also the mission of the jesuits.

Jesuit Athletic Mission Statement

Finding and Link: [8]

Summary: this website really helped me learn a lot more about what exactly Jesuit schools have to offer athletically. In terms of developing the body and focusing on each individual athlete i learned through this website that athletics are a major part in developing the individual physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

Josh Petosa

The Jesuit Difference

Finding and Link: [9]

Summary: This webpage includes a detailed description of what a Jesuit education is to be through the eyes of Father Spitzer. He touches on topics such as the importance of the contributions philosophy has made to the Jesuit traditions. The article is a little lengthy but is worth reading in its entirety. In the third section of this article Spitzer describes how "Educators in the Jesuit tradition try to instill the habit of 'good opinions' by addressing completeness, logic, and systematics."

Take the time to read this article because it does relate the Jesuit traditions specifically to Gonzaga University.

Matt Theisen

Foundation of Jesuit Education

Finding and Link: [10]

Summary: Ok, so you're going to have to do a bit of link hopping, but I also saved the document to my computer so I can email it if anyone wants me to. When you get to the main page, click on "Jesuit Schools or Universities", then go to "Jesuit Schools" and under that "What Makes a Jesuit School Jesuit" and it's the file you can download at the top of the page. Pages 3-8 are the really good ones that describe a Jesuit Education in depth (pages 9-16 are the conclusion and names of Jesuit schools across the country). Some of the main points the article makes are that a Jesuit Education includes: Dedication to Human Dignity from a Catholic/Jesuit Faith Perspective ... Reverence for and an Ongoing Reflection on Human Experience ... Creative Companionship with Colleagues ... Focused Care for Students ... and Well-Educated Justice and Solidarity. All of these ideas are described thoroughly within the document. Also, you can find out other information about how Jesuit schools were founded and everything by poking around the general website.

Samantha Cobb

Jesuit Model of Education

Finding and Link: [11]

Summary: Well, I found this website. I thought it was good....It gives a summary of jesuit education. If you look through the site you will find that there is a lot of information. If you look hard enough you will find plenty of useable information. For example, the website gives some historical back round on Jesuit education and continues to talk about certain topics that fall within Jesuit education.

                      "The ultimate end is to lead students to the knowledge and love of God. Essentially, education is 
                      ultimately apostolic. It is an apostolic mission. We instill in children a knowledge and love of Almighty God, a knowledge
                      and love of the holy Catholic Faith, an enthusiasm for the Catholic Faith, manifest its  importance: that it is the first principle,
                      that it is not just something they do on Sunday, or something they do in religion class.
                      It is something which is important all of the time —it must penetrate and permeate! The school, the education, the method,
                      the curriculum, whatever it may be: these are means to that end, that they know, love, and serve Almighty God. 
                      We are aspiring to form Christ in each and every one of those students. What greater role is there?"

That is somewhat of an example. I encourage you to at least browse this site. If you look hard enough you will find good info.

Landon Block

Value of a Jesuit Education

Finding and Link: [12]

Summary/Reconstruction I took this link from Wheeling Jesuit University's web page. I thought there were some interesting ideas on this page. It talks about 3 or 4 points that are included in a Jesuit Education. It is only a short page, but it is worth a look.

Lindsay Bogan

Society of Jesus Education Document

Finding/Link [13]

Summary This website contains a document on jesuit education straight from the society of jesus. Once at this website, be sure to click on the English version of the document. It is very detailed and provides a nicely outlined view of just what a Jesuit education entails, containing a lot of helpful material for the current paper. It was written by an international collaboration of both jesuits and lay people, called the International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education (ICAJE)over 4 years during the 1980s. Hopefully, it will be helpful.

Rachel Wagner

Important Ideas in Jesuit Education

Finding and Link: [14]

Summary: I feel this website is a perfect start to understanding what a Jesuit Education really means. This website is easy to read, contains many great factual information as well as a few conclusions to support any reconstruction or explanation. On the home page, there are two links you should check out: The "ultimate goal of what we do" and "The life of Ignatius". Found in the "Ultimate goal of what we do" link, one quote which explains the purpose of a Jesuit education is,

     "The ultimate goal of Jesuit education is the full growth of the person which leads to action that is filled with the 
      presence of Jesus Christ, a person for others"

Hope this helps and good luck with the essay!

Jeremy Lazzara

Jesuit Education History

Finding and Link: [15]

Summary This website gives a good understanding and timeline to Jesuit Education. It not only gives a timeline for the history but it also identifies the unique characteristics of a Jesuit Education. Hopefully this will help you guys in your paper.

Jake Davis