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Philosophy, myth and religion all relate very closely.  There are three different styles of though our communication that leads to these three areas.  First, stories lead to myth.  Just at the Greeks passed the history of their people down by story until written down.  Secondly, revelation leads to religion.  There is almost always a divine act or relationship that plays a role in every religion.  Finally, reason is what philosophy is grounded upon.  Seeking the answers to questions many have not been able to answer using all we know to be true and foundational.  Myth, Religion, and Philosophy are all disciplines of thought that are not tangible, but at least one of these areas plays a large role in most people’s lives. (Austin B.)
Philosophy, myth and religion all relate very closely.  There are three different styles of though our communication that leads to these three areas.  First, stories lead to myth.  Just at the Greeks passed the history of their people down by story until written down.  Secondly, revelation leads to religion.  There is almost always a divine act or relationship that plays a role in every religion.  Finally, reason is what philosophy is grounded upon.  Seeking the answers to questions many have not been able to answer using all we know to be true and foundational.  Myth, Religion, and Philosophy are all disciplines of thought that are not tangible, but at least one of these areas plays a large role in most people’s lives. (Austin B.)
Mythology is cultural.  Also, religious stories contain reasons why we should believe in that religion. Such reasons include divine revelation, which is differs from mythology.
Philosophy, myth, and religion tell stories.  They are used to make sense of the world.  All three provide a "big picture view", which is a story that attempts to make sense of the world in which we live.  Philosophy and religion give reasons why the "big picture view" is true. (Lucy Y.)
==Question 3 ==
==Question 3 ==
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===September 10 ===
===September 10 ===
Kant says that enlightenment can occur only when one has conquered his or her immaturity.  Immaturity is when one's thoughts and beliefs are influenced by those around them.  One may overcome immaturity by obeying and questioning.  I feel that we should value reason because each person's reason is different which gives the world variety.  It also prevents injustice through the reign of only one person (which is a form of slavery).  An example of immaturity in today's society can be seen in the control we have given to society.  This has created a slave-master relationship.
==Question 1 ==
==Question 1 ==
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====Question 5====
====Question 5====
Be prepared to critically evaluate Plato's view of love as represented in the speech of Diotima.
Be prepared to critically evaluate Plato's view of love as represented in the speech of Diotima.
===September 24th===
(Hannah W.)
==Question 1 ==
1. What is the significance of Alcibiades' intrusion into the proceedings and his encomium on Socrates? Is he a jilted lover? In what sense?
Alcibiades is a symbol for the God Dionysus, the God of wine. He drunkenly comes in from a street party wearing garlands that he soon gives to Agathon. But when he sees Socrates, he insists upon giving Socrates some of the ribbons because he can outmatch anyone with his words. This is an important way to celebrate Socrates in the end and in a sense, prove that philosophy and rationality is greater than tragedy or drama.
Alcibiades is a jilted lover in the sense that he doesn’t understand Socrates intense focus and greater desire to pursue the good through every means, rather than engage in the sexual acts that Alcibiades was so craving.
==Question 2==
2. Why would Plato choose an indirect way for Socrates to deliver his speech?
Diotima speaks through Socrates almost as an oracle, a source of truth. Socrates himself never claims such knowledge. This relates to Platonic metaphysics where one must know the limits of their knowledge. I don’t think Plato wants to claim that he has the ultimate answers as to what love is, so he instead speaks through others to have them give us an answer.
==Question 3==
3. Why choose a woman to give Socrates' theory?
Contrast Diotima’s view of love rather than the other’s (gender differences)
Until now, the discussion has been purely between men, and the women in the room are sent away by Eryximachus at the beginning of the dialogue. Further, many of the speakers have disparaged the rationality of women, and their ability either for intelligent discourse or for love. In bringing in a woman's voice in Diotima, Plato can be seen as removing many of the gendered biases in the speeches that have preceded Socrates. Diotima sees all love as focused on pregnancy and reproduction, but we should also note that she uses both words in an androgynous way. While love can be expressed through sexual reproduction between men and women which results in a woman's pregnancy and childbirth, love can also be expressed through the reproduction of ideas where we become pregnant with the thoughts we have and must give birth to them, sharing them with others.
==Question 4==
4. In what sense does the dialogue present the philosopher (Socrates) as the perfect lover?
Alcibiades' speech serves primarily to show that Socrates exemplifies the qualities of the ideal lover alluded to in Diotima's speech. He seems completely aloof from physical pleasures, disdainful of Alcibiades' sexual advances, and seeks to lead Alcibiades and other youths through the ascent toward the Form of Beauty. Further, Alcibiades' depiction of Socrates on military campaigns suggests that he is rough and brave, much like Diotima's physical characterization of Love.
Alcibiades' speech also relates the kind of love that Socrates advocates with the kind of love that is normally spoken about. While attractive men might have an erotic pull on other men, Socrates' great wisdom also has a very strong erotic pull. Though Socrates is not himself physically attractive (Alcibiades likens him to a satyr), his great wisdom draws Alcibiades with greater force than any handsome man could. The pursuit and love of wisdom--philosophy, in other words--is thus presented as the most desirable of all kinds of love, and with the strongest erotic pull. While we may quickly grow tired of this or that sexual partner, our attraction to wisdom, truth, and beauty is unrelenting and always fulfilling.
===September 29th===
==Question 1 ==
1. Compare and contrast stoic and epicurean thought broadly in terms of their focus on alleviating suffering, their metaphysics/epistemologies, theologies, and their views of the role of pleasure and virtue in leading the good life.
'''Epistemology''': •Addresses suffering, Adopted Democratian atomism – materialism that recognizes the idea of god(s).
'''Theology''': •Gods, if they exist are so perfect that they could not care less about humans.
'''Metaphysics & Virtues:''' •Virtue is the necessary condition for having pleasure. Virtue → Pleasure = Happiness --> Pleasure is the greatest good
'''Epistemology:''' • Living in Agreement: adjusting your reaction to the best understanding of reality. *Balance/Harmony
'''Theology:''' •Pantheism: God is in all things (Reason and theos permeate nature) -- All reality is corporeal (physical)
'''Metaphysics & Virtues''': •Virtue is happiness (but may or may not include pleasure)
Virtue is the greatest good (pleasure is a false good) and is the “guiding principle”
Epicureans believed that we could not suffer by finding pleasures
Stoics believed that through wisdom we could eradicate suffering (but a life ruled by passions yielded suffering)
(Hannah W.)

Latest revision as of 00:53, 11 December 2008

Study Questions, Fall 2008 Human Nature

Paste in study questions by date. Use 2 "=" signs for date and three for the question/answer. Add you name.

The sample below can be copied if you click on the edit tab above:

September 8

Question 1

What are some of the distinguishing traits of philosophical thought?

There are many distinguishing traits of philosophical thought. One is asking questions regarding topics where there is not a proven and reliable system of measurement. Also, asking how one may have arrived at the answers they get for other questions. Another trait is stripping down what it is we know to the most basic truth you can reach. (Austin B.)

Philosophical thought emerges most naturally when questioning our ordinary beliefs regarding the world. We can also accomplish philosophical thought through the use of our "big picture view", which is the story that attempts to make sense of the world in which we live. According to the text, three key elements of this are 1) The need to know more about arguments; how to construct and evaluate them. 2) Philosophical thought emerges from persistent questioning and is easiest when in a critical state of mind. 3) Philosophical thought leads to a plurality of answers. (Lucy Y.)

Question 2

How do philosophy, myth, and religion relate to each other? Identify both differences and areas of overlap.

Philosophy, myth and religion all relate very closely. There are three different styles of though our communication that leads to these three areas. First, stories lead to myth. Just at the Greeks passed the history of their people down by story until written down. Secondly, revelation leads to religion. There is almost always a divine act or relationship that plays a role in every religion. Finally, reason is what philosophy is grounded upon. Seeking the answers to questions many have not been able to answer using all we know to be true and foundational. Myth, Religion, and Philosophy are all disciplines of thought that are not tangible, but at least one of these areas plays a large role in most people’s lives. (Austin B.)

Differences: Mythology is cultural. Also, religious stories contain reasons why we should believe in that religion. Such reasons include divine revelation, which is differs from mythology. Overlap: Philosophy, myth, and religion tell stories. They are used to make sense of the world. All three provide a "big picture view", which is a story that attempts to make sense of the world in which we live. Philosophy and religion give reasons why the "big picture view" is true. (Lucy Y.)

Question 3

Do we need to know the truth of all of the things we believe in?

I do believe we must know the truth of everything we believe in. I do not feel that you can legitimately believe in something of which you do not know the truth, and if this is the case you certainly should be searching the truth out within your belief. (Austin B.)

Question 4

What is the difference between philosophy and science? Identify an example of an overlap between the two.

Philosophy is essentially speculative science using all we know as our best measure. Science is accurate, measurable, and repeatable, but philosophy is not always that. Often, before enough is known about a certain topic (i.e. psychology) it is labeled as philosophy. (Austin B.)

Question 5

Summarize Kant's position in "What is Enlightenment?" and give your reaction. Should we value reason in our everyday life in the way Kant suggests? Why or why not?

September 10

Kant says that enlightenment can occur only when one has conquered his or her immaturity. Immaturity is when one's thoughts and beliefs are influenced by those around them. One may overcome immaturity by obeying and questioning. I feel that we should value reason because each person's reason is different which gives the world variety. It also prevents injustice through the reign of only one person (which is a form of slavery). An example of immaturity in today's society can be seen in the control we have given to society. This has created a slave-master relationship.

Question 1

What two kinds of knowledge does philosophy aim at, according to Russell?

First, philosophy aims at the kind of knowledge which gives unity and system to the body of the sciences. Secondly, philosophy explores questions in which the answers are not always demonstrably true. (Austin B.)

Question 2

What is the value of philosophy, according to Russell? Do you think his claim is plausible? What reasons do you have for believing it or not?

According to Russell, the value of philosophy lies in the uncertainty of it. The quest for the answers to questions one cannot be certain of. I do believe this is a plausible claim. I believe the value of philosophy lies in the exercise of the brain and stretching one’s own limits. (Austin B.)

Question 3

Identify some of the "philosophical moments" you and your classmates reported. Do you think it is typical for humans to have philosophical reflections? What is the advantage, if any, of pursuing these reflections?

September 17

Question 1

Be prepared to explain the views of Pausanias, Eryximachus, and Aristophanes in the Symposium. Compare and contrast with previous and remaining speeches.

Pausanias: There are two loves - a heavenly love and a common love. Engaging in "common love" is bad because it is indiscriminating and focused more on sensual pleasures of the body rather than of the mind. People who are in "common love" are interested in men and women who will give them what they want easiest. "Heavenly love" is only between two males and is the only honorable love. This love has nothing to do with sexual gratification, but moreso with developing the mind. Furthermore, the main purpose of love is to produce virtue. Any love pursued not for virtue is completely wrong.

Eryximachus: Love is present in more than just relationships between human beings - it is evident nature, music, etc. The goal of love is provide order, harmony, and agreement. If this is achieved, then love can improve any individual involved because it encourages positive actions. Essentially, love is part of a larger whole in the world that every part of our life is connected to.

Aristophanes: The story of the three genders that are seeking to complete themselves through love and sexual reproduction. Love is the desire to become whole once again and return to our original nature. Love pulls us towards individuals who are like us and would eventually complete us.

These speeches are much more dialectic in nature because they provide a series of explanations for what love is and it's greater purpose. There is a clear logical thought process, while the speeches following are much more critical of the others. (Hannah W.)

September 22

Question 1

How do the first few speeches form a "dialectic" progression of possible approaches to the nature of love?

As the speeches progress, they become more defined to the ideas of love. Phaedrus’ speech begins by explaining the love has only one nature. Next Pausanias enters with an idea of a larger and possibly more complete view by stating that love actually has two natures: common and heavenly. As each speech continues, they complete each other a little more. Eryximachus explains that love is actually part of a greater whole. Love is found not only in humans, as the other two described, but also in nature, music, etc. Aristophanes adds to the ideas of Eryximachus by stating that love is not only part of a greater whole, but it is a matter of making each of us whole again like we once were. So as the speeches continue through to Socrates, the reader gets a sense that each speech adds to the former ultimately completing Plato’s sense of Love. (Crystal H.)

Question 2

Characterize Agathon's speech and Socrates criticism of it.

Agathon attempts to describe the nature of Love. The God of Love is the happiest God because he is the most beautiful. He also avoids old age and only surrounds himself with the youthful. Love, beyond all other things, is virtuous because it is responsible for maintaining virtue in every human being. Love permeates our character and is responsible for all things good such as beauty, excellence, wisdom, etc.

Socrates challenges Agathon by asking if love is love of something specific. Agathon agrees, and Socrates then concludes that love desires what it loves, so therefore it cannot be in possession of it if it is desiring it. From there, Socrates says that love must be a love of beauty, which means if this is true that love is without beauty. He also points out that if good things are beautiful, then love cannot be good because it is not beautiful. (Hannah W.)

Question 3

What is Socratic elenchus?

The elenchus is a type of philosophical cross-examination in which the "questioner explores the implications of others' positions, to stimulate rational thinking and illuminate ideas". It is a discussion where one position is defended and where one participant often leads the other to contradict themselves, which in turn, strengthens the others argument. (Hannah W.)

Question 4

What are the key premises in Plato's view of the "scala amoris"?

Question 5

Be prepared to critically evaluate Plato's view of love as represented in the speech of Diotima.

September 24th

(Hannah W.)

Question 1

1. What is the significance of Alcibiades' intrusion into the proceedings and his encomium on Socrates? Is he a jilted lover? In what sense?

Alcibiades is a symbol for the God Dionysus, the God of wine. He drunkenly comes in from a street party wearing garlands that he soon gives to Agathon. But when he sees Socrates, he insists upon giving Socrates some of the ribbons because he can outmatch anyone with his words. This is an important way to celebrate Socrates in the end and in a sense, prove that philosophy and rationality is greater than tragedy or drama.

Alcibiades is a jilted lover in the sense that he doesn’t understand Socrates intense focus and greater desire to pursue the good through every means, rather than engage in the sexual acts that Alcibiades was so craving.

Question 2

2. Why would Plato choose an indirect way for Socrates to deliver his speech?

Diotima speaks through Socrates almost as an oracle, a source of truth. Socrates himself never claims such knowledge. This relates to Platonic metaphysics where one must know the limits of their knowledge. I don’t think Plato wants to claim that he has the ultimate answers as to what love is, so he instead speaks through others to have them give us an answer.

Question 3

3. Why choose a woman to give Socrates' theory?

Contrast Diotima’s view of love rather than the other’s (gender differences)

Until now, the discussion has been purely between men, and the women in the room are sent away by Eryximachus at the beginning of the dialogue. Further, many of the speakers have disparaged the rationality of women, and their ability either for intelligent discourse or for love. In bringing in a woman's voice in Diotima, Plato can be seen as removing many of the gendered biases in the speeches that have preceded Socrates. Diotima sees all love as focused on pregnancy and reproduction, but we should also note that she uses both words in an androgynous way. While love can be expressed through sexual reproduction between men and women which results in a woman's pregnancy and childbirth, love can also be expressed through the reproduction of ideas where we become pregnant with the thoughts we have and must give birth to them, sharing them with others.

Question 4

4. In what sense does the dialogue present the philosopher (Socrates) as the perfect lover?

Alcibiades' speech serves primarily to show that Socrates exemplifies the qualities of the ideal lover alluded to in Diotima's speech. He seems completely aloof from physical pleasures, disdainful of Alcibiades' sexual advances, and seeks to lead Alcibiades and other youths through the ascent toward the Form of Beauty. Further, Alcibiades' depiction of Socrates on military campaigns suggests that he is rough and brave, much like Diotima's physical characterization of Love.

Alcibiades' speech also relates the kind of love that Socrates advocates with the kind of love that is normally spoken about. While attractive men might have an erotic pull on other men, Socrates' great wisdom also has a very strong erotic pull. Though Socrates is not himself physically attractive (Alcibiades likens him to a satyr), his great wisdom draws Alcibiades with greater force than any handsome man could. The pursuit and love of wisdom--philosophy, in other words--is thus presented as the most desirable of all kinds of love, and with the strongest erotic pull. While we may quickly grow tired of this or that sexual partner, our attraction to wisdom, truth, and beauty is unrelenting and always fulfilling.

September 29th

Question 1

1. Compare and contrast stoic and epicurean thought broadly in terms of their focus on alleviating suffering, their metaphysics/epistemologies, theologies, and their views of the role of pleasure and virtue in leading the good life.

Epicureanism: Epistemology: •Addresses suffering, Adopted Democratian atomism – materialism that recognizes the idea of god(s). Theology: •Gods, if they exist are so perfect that they could not care less about humans. Metaphysics & Virtues: •Virtue is the necessary condition for having pleasure. Virtue → Pleasure = Happiness --> Pleasure is the greatest good

Stoicism: Epistemology: • Living in Agreement: adjusting your reaction to the best understanding of reality. *Balance/Harmony

Theology: •Pantheism: God is in all things (Reason and theos permeate nature) -- All reality is corporeal (physical)

Metaphysics & Virtues: •Virtue is happiness (but may or may not include pleasure) Virtue is the greatest good (pleasure is a false good) and is the “guiding principle”

Epicureans believed that we could not suffer by finding pleasures Stoics believed that through wisdom we could eradicate suffering (but a life ruled by passions yielded suffering)

(Hannah W.)