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'''This article rocks.  It comes from the Education Digest and was published in December 2007.  It provides a good opinion to abolish the SAT.  It is a summary of credible websites and admission officers and University officials displaying their opinions about its inaccuracy of predicting freshmen in college grades.'''
'''This article rocks.  It comes from the Education Digest and was published in December 2007.  It provides a good opinion to abolish the SAT.  It is a summary of credible websites and admission officers and University officials displaying their opinions about its inaccuracy of predicting freshmen in college grades.'''
By Andrew Hickman
=Abolish the SAT=
Murary, Charles. "Abolish the SAT." The American Magazine (2007): 1-11. Proquest. 5 Apr. 2008.http://www.american.com/archive/2007/july-august-magazine-contents/abolish-the-sat
'''A great article that was published in The American Magazine in August 2007.  Charles Murray states his opinion about why the SAT should be abolished.  He talks about how different economic backgrounds are targeted and it favors wealthier families.  He also talks about the inaccuracy of the SAT and how achievement tests and high school GPA are much better predicators of college freshmen's grades.'''
By Andrew Hickman
By Andrew Hickman

Revision as of 03:39, 18 April 2008

Colleges Making SAT Optional as Admissions Requirement

Murray, Charles. "Colleges Making SAT Optional as Admissions Requirement." The Education Digest (2007): 1-11. Proquest. 5 Apr. 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=14&sid=4&srchmode=1&vins

This article rocks. It comes from the Education Digest and was published in December 2007. It provides a good opinion to abolish the SAT. It is a summary of credible websites and admission officers and University officials displaying their opinions about its inaccuracy of predicting freshmen in college grades.

By Andrew Hickman

Abolish the SAT

Murary, Charles. "Abolish the SAT." The American Magazine (2007): 1-11. Proquest. 5 Apr. 2008.http://www.american.com/archive/2007/july-august-magazine-contents/abolish-the-sat

A great article that was published in The American Magazine in August 2007. Charles Murray states his opinion about why the SAT should be abolished. He talks about how different economic backgrounds are targeted and it favors wealthier families. He also talks about the inaccuracy of the SAT and how achievement tests and high school GPA are much better predicators of college freshmen's grades.

By Andrew Hickman

The Debate Over Standardized Testing

Boston, Carol. "The Debate Over National Testing." ERIC Digest. 2001. ERIC. 08 Apr. 2008 <http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/29/cc/50.pdf>.

A good article that explores both sides of the debate over national testing, but focuses attention on the the negative aspects. Makes some good points about why testing can be considered invalid.

By Lauren Ames