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:* This is an interesting website that has many statistics on poverty in the US. The site could act as a solid source of information for statistics in order to create the case of the poverty in the United States. [http://inequality.stanford.edu/] - Sophie Oswald
:* This is an interesting website that has many statistics on poverty in the US. The site could act as a solid source of information for statistics in order to create the case of the poverty in the United States. [http://inequality.stanford.edu/] - Sophie Oswald
:* This article includes several charts that show wealth inequality in the United States. It also describes the difference between wealth and income. Income is money coming into a family while wealth is a family's assets, such as savings, real estate, etc. https://nonprofitquarterly.org/2015/03/27/nine-charts-about-wealth-inequality-in-america/?gclid=CjwKEAjw55K4BRC53L6x9pyDzl4SJAD_21V1fxPRi7lNrgmbrEI6ZnnO1v5aoc2lqRnTkFVfJ8c2dxoCQFXw_wcB -St. Luke
:* This article includes several charts that show wealth inequality in the United States. It also describes the difference between wealth and income. Income is money coming into a family while wealth is a family's assets, such as savings, real estate, etc. https://nonprofitquarterly.org/2015/03/27/nine-charts-about-wealth-inequality-in-america/?gclid=CjwKEAjw55K4BRC53L6x9pyDzl4SJAD_21V1fxPRi7lNrgmbrEI6ZnnO1v5aoc2lqRnTkFVfJ8c2dxoCQFXw_wcB -St. Luke
:*This is an article that looks as wealth inequality from an economic standpoint and assesses it's affect on economic growth. It also presents an ethical argument using rational egoism that states that wealth inequality might actually be a good thing, both economically and morally, in certain contexts. [http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=14&sid=91a5fce5-4efe-4a43-a5f4-4d1bc6981549%40sessionmgr4001&hid=4209&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=PHL2144216&db=phl] - Alexa Salvador

Revision as of 20:35, 6 April 2016

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Has US income and/or wealth inequality become a source of injustice? What theories of justice help us understand claims and counter-claims in this controversy?