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==10: FEB 21==
==10. FEB 21==
===Assigned Work===
:*Hibbing, Ch 6, Different Slates (26)
:*Schatzker, Mark. The Dorrito Effect, C1, "Things and Flavors" (3-19; 16)
:*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzPbUUPutnk Libertarianism in Six Minutes]
:*Schatzker, Mark. C2, "Big Bland" (19-41; 22)
:*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism Libertarianism wiki]  See for historical detail.
:*Alfino, Taxonomy of Successes and Failures of the US Industrial Food System (in shared folder)
===In-class content===
:*Libertarianism as a moral and political theory
:*Resisting Industrial Foods
===Libertarianism as a moral and political theory===
===Schatzker, Mark. The Dorito Effect, C1, "Things and Flavors" (3-19; 16)===
:*'''Libertarianism in Six Minutes''' (notes)
:*Weight Watchers origin story.  “Willpower” model.  Big increases in 80s and 90s. (Did everyone get less willpower in those decades???) p. 7 obsesity related diseases. 
::*Historical look: '''Libertarianism comes out of radical emancipatory politics.'''
:*reductive answers: sugar, fat, other single cause explanationsAll limited.   
:::*17th century resistance to oppressive conditions.  “Rent seekers”Payne"Those who pay taxes & those who live on taxes."
:::*Similar to socialism and capitalism, a view about what is fair. 
:::*"Libertarianism originated as a form of left-wing politics such as anti-authoritarian and anti-state socialists like anarchists,[6] especially social anarchists,[7] but more generally libertarian communists/Marxists and libertarian socialists." (from wiki).
::*US libertarianism closer to free market capitalism vs. European meaning is more socialist(Note: Political ideas can take multiple forms in relation to conservative/liberal.)
:*argues that “flavor” is one big changeBut also “things” changed. Potatoes tasted less like potatoes. It’s the “wanting” side of the equation that starts the metabolic disregulation that is obesity.   
:::*''Assumption of natural harmony among productive people'' with liberty of contract.   Laws limited to protection and protection of natural rights. Anything more violates the "Non-aggressive principle"No regulation of market.  Low social spending - people are responsible for themselves and their families.  Taxes are presumed to be coercive and confiscatory. 
:::*Conservative libertarian theorist, Robert Nozick, ''Anarchy, State, and Utopia'': "Night watchman" state. (Not so close to anarchy, except consistent with strong sense of public order.)
::*'''Problems identified in Thought Monkey Youtube:'''  
:*Dorrito’s original story. Frito-lay marketing vp discovers tortilla chipsProblems in developing itWas it a thing (like tacos) or a flavor?  But what if you could turn the taco into a flavor? Flavor technology advanced.
:::*No libertarian candidates on the national stage in two party state.
:::*No successful libertarian statesNo one's tried. 
:::*Monopolies, poverty.  (We have extraordinarily high inequality right now.)
:::*Doesn’t solve conflicts bt “Rentier” and propertyless. (Consider current inflationary rental markets.)
:::*No guarantee that you won’t “bleed out in the street” for lack of healthcare.  
:::*Non-aggression principle unlikely in free market. Markets can be quite aggressive.  Putting people out of their homes. Eviction. 
:::*Assumes increase in wealth produces increase in happiness (Easterlin paradox - comes up in Happiness class)
:::*Environmental concerns require collective action, libertarians have idealistic response: people will buy from sustainable companies with coercion. 
:*'''Summing up:'''
:*But “things” like corn and potatoes became blander (add detail here not in chapter).   
:*(US conservative) Libertarianism: '''fundamental concern with human freedom understood as avoidance of coercion'''; minimal state; some morals legislation - often anti-abortion; no redistribution of income or wealth.  Strong concern with equality of liberty and avoidance of oppression, understood as forced labor.   
:*Basic intuition for conservative libertarianism: '''Taxation (beyond minimal state functions) is a form of forced labor.''' Only legitimate for a narrow range of goals that we mutually benefit from, such as defense.
:*Flavors are non-caloric, so not suspected as a contributor to weight gain. Eating is a psychological experience as much as anything  “Eating has as much to do with nutrition as sex does with procreation.”  Dorito effect is what happens when food gets blander and flavor technology gets better.
:*(US Liberal) Libertarianism: Also focused on freedom, especially regarding respect for identity differences and private behaviors (favors decriminalization/legalization of drugs), but retains some of the original left-wing concerns of socialism.  ::*Liberal Libertarianism has a '''more material interpretation of rights.'''
===Schatzker, Mark. C2, "Big Bland" (19-41; 22)===
:::*Liberty includes "bodily autonomy" - control of reproductive choices, choices about whom to be intimate with
:::*Are you really free if you are living on the street?
:::*Are you really free if you are discriminated against?
:::*Are you really free if you work full time and can't afford to take care of basic needs?
::::*To be fair, conservative libertarians have responses to these challenges: Charity, persuasion, voluntary methods.
:*Basic intuition for liberal libertarianism: Government isn't the only source of coercionAbstract negative liberty (freedom from coercion) doesn't full describe liberty.  Positive liberty requires protection for specific behaviors and choices.
:*Heritage food story: the heritage chicken had a flavor that matched the husbands childhood experience of his mom’s chicken and dumplingsBarred rock chickens.
===Small Group Discussion===
:*Bland chicken origin story: 1948 - “Chicken of tomorrow” contest.  Broilers, roasters, fryers. Goal to increase feed efficiency and reduce growth time. 
:*In your small group discussion, explore the difference between negative liberty (freedom from government coercion) and positive liberty (guarantees of basic liberties protecting bodily autonomy and privacy)Can you see both natural affinities between conservative and liberal libertarians and some theoretical tensions?
:*(I’m surprised Schatzker doesn’t discuss anti-biotics role in chicken growth[https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-022-03239-6])
:*Consider the following list of potential liberty violationsUse the list diagnositically to see how strong your libertarian intuitions are and where they tend to take you?
:*Paul Siegel - Connecticut Poultry Boy of the Year.  Grows up to be a poultry geneticist.  More innovation.  Separation of egg layers and meat chickensMales of the egg layer variety are literally “shredded” alive as chicks.  16 weeks down to 35 days.  1.5 pounds more with 1/3 less feed.  .6 dollar / pound to .39.  “We eat giant baby chicks”. 
:*Examples of liberty concerns:
:*This is a known issue for the culinary experts: Joy of Cooking, Mark BitmanAlso loss of micronutrients in vegMet with skepticism at first. Modern varieties bigger, but more water. Less nutrient densityStill, adjusting for water (p 28) fewer nutrients. Modern fertilizers and irrigation lower concentrations of minerals. Different varietals.
::*A law allowing discrimination against women for hiring to jobs deemed too hard for women.
::*Pumping a person’s stomach for drugs as part of a criminal investigation.   
::*Forced sterilization, forced reproduction (compelling a woman to carry a baby to term).   
::*A law prohibiting vasectomies, or requiring men to reverse them.
::*A law allowing anyone doubting a student athlete’s eligibility for a team sport to demand “genital inspection”
::*A law prohibiting parents from receiving gender affirming care from a physician.
::*A law requiring you to register your name with the state before viewing pornography.
::*A law prohibiting tattoos.
::*Allowing people to consume non-life threatening recreational drugs.
::*Allowing people to consume hard or dangerous drugs.  (Drugs that carry a risk of overdose.)
::*A law requiring end of life medical care against a person’s wishes.
::*A law requiring blood donations.
::*A law prohibiting home schooling.
===Hibbing, Ch 6, Different Slates===
:*ethylene gas ripening v vine ripened tomatoes.  Klee & Monsanto’s transgenic slow ripening tomatoes.  Harvest green.  3 weeks to ripen.
:*'''Introductory stuff'''
:*Chickens - diet and nutritionCasimir Funk and discovery of vitamins, B1 cures beri-beri.  Carb heavy diet with added vitaminsSolved the vitamin problem, but caused a flavor problem.   
::*Story of Phineas Gage -- 1848 -- early example of biology and personality change.
::*Oliver Sachs work.
::*149: lobotomies.   
::*149: Lots of brain diffs are correlated to non-pathological conditions as well(mention reading and face recognition)
::*150: Some Parkinson's drugs can trigger behavioral changes like addictions and gambling.   
::*'''Could some brain diffs correlate with political orientation?''' 150
:*'''I Feel it in my Gut'''
:*”pre-flavored” chicken meat.
::*Psychophysiology - the idea that we experience the world partly through our physiology. -- emotions as "action dispositions"  -- '''we also trigger each other'''
::*151: physiology of anger (it’s getting you ready to fight or flee), stress (digress on cortisol), polygraph - example of measuring autonomic functions.  Mention "'''negative partisanship'''" here.  “Emotional contagion” in kids (also adults).
::*151: how emotional states are instantiated in neural and physiological activity. 
::*CNS - central nervous system (head and spine) ANS - Autonomic Nervous system.  Within ANS - SNS (sympathetic) "fight or flight" and PNS (parasympathetic) "rest and digest" activation reduces heart rate, sends blood to the gut.
::*153: from Hibbing's lab: patterns of activation are pretty stable.  Some people are agitated by dark rooms and loud noises.  Same years later.
:*'''Politics on and in the Brain'''  (two studies)
===Pollan, Part II of ''In Defense of Food''===
::*'''Kanai and Rees MRI study''' -- looking at ACC (anterior cingulate cortex) and amygdala of test subject in an MRI.  ACC activated by tasks involving error detection and conflict resolution -- results on 156: found correlation between liberalism and size of ACC.  Bigger.  However, as for the amygdala (which is involved in face recog and emotion regulation), conservatives have bigger amygdalas (156: more active in face recognition and threat detection (also C5) .  (Mention history of mask wearing and conservatism.)
:*Part II : Western Diet and diseases of civilization
::*'''Note these correlations increase by degree of partisanship.
::*Note connection to BeanFest. 
::*157: caution in reading these results.  Still, you can predict political orientation from brain differences.
:*'''Chapter 1: The Aborigine in all of us'''
::*'''Amodio 2007''': Specific brain wave amplitude diff that varied by pol. orientationBasically, liberals have strong ACC activity spikes in response to error detection in the go/no go task155.   
::*Summer 1982 - W. Australia aborigines study -- "metabolic syndrome" -- defined, theorized as signature disease of western diet. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/metabolic-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351916 A visual for metabolic syndrome.]
::*O'Dea's results p. 87.  Note that she didn't look for a silver bullet, a single factor.  Just the diet change.
::*Major premise:  Compare us to many traditional diet populations and the difference in diseases profile is stark.  It might be the "whole diet pattern" rather than a single imbalance.  (The imbalances are symptoms.) [Lots of evidence that as cultures move toward industrial food brands and more female labor market participation, they start to acquire more dietary disease.]
:*'''Chapter 2: The Elephant in the Room'''
::*Group of early 20th c intellectuals/doctors (bot 90) noticed absence of chronic disease in populations they traveled to. 
::*British doc Dens Burkitt:  "Western Diseases" -- diseases attributable to western diet and lifestyle.
::*Pollan chooses the story of Weston Price from this group.
::*Two objections to hyp that Western diet is to blame:  disease/race theory (but evidence from mixed ethnicity/race cultures like US suggests not), demographic theory (we live longer, so we get more disease).  In both cases, the evidence refutes the claim.
::*Weston Price -- b. 1870.  diseases of teeth are effects of Western diet.  1939 major work after global travels looking at teeth.  Lots and lots of teeth.  kind of an amateur scientists, but collected important data (and seen right by later dental research).  hard to find control groups.  Price found big differences in Vit A and D.  (Note comment about Masai -- .  Multiple successful diets for omnivores.)  p 98:  note comparison of groups with wild animal flesh and agriculturalists. 
::*First to make comparisons of grass fed / winter forage fed animals to find vitamin differences. Example today from grass fed cows. [https://www.pureeiredairy.com/blank-t1jyw Pure Eire Dairy].  The health claim about CLAs is a bit under documented at first glance. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugated_linoleic_acid] But grass-fed milk does appear to have better 06/03 ratios. [https://www.cornucopia.org/2018/03/milk-pastured-cows-better/]
::*Decline of nutrition in current vegetables and fruits: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss/]
::*Albert Howard 99 -- "father" of organic farming movement; early 20th century; similar time period, making argument against synthetic nitrogen (more later).  both pioneers in what would later be seen as an ecological approach to food production. 
::*Important: Among first to see a connection between dietary diseases of the food system as part of an "ecological dysfunction". (This is a theme that will occupy a lot of our attention in our discussion and reading about the history of agriculture.)
:*'''Chapter 3: The Industrialization of Eating'''
::*Thesis: Calling for a more ecological way of thinking about food.  Think of food as mutual adaptation of plants and animals to humans.  Propagation/place in ecology of food chain. 
::*Example of fruit: ripeness, transportation, high nutrient state.  Corn vs. corn syrup.  (Note point about possible future humans who could use HFCS.) Also true of milk in history of agriculture. Pollan doesn't quite give the details on milk.  Not like a light switching on.  [Textbook example of gene-culture co-evolution.  Selective advantage for those who keep lactase expression going past breast feeding.  You can always leave it to natural selection to favor those who can get on with the new diet.]
:*Types of Changes that Mark the Western Industrial Diet
::*'''1. From Whole Foods to Refined'''
:::*prestige of refined products: prior to roller technology, white rice and flour would be labor added, story of grain rollers 107, Refined flour is the first industrial fast food.  Fresh flour lasts days. 108: specific details germ/endosperm, but also local mills, water power.  Fortified bread.  B vitamins added back in to reduce pellagra and beriberi.  
:::*1996: added folic acid.
:::*Jacobs and Steffen study: epidemiological study showing effects of whole grains, but also that groups not eating whole grains, but getting equivalent nutrients did not enjoy benefits.  alludes to possible '''holism''' in effects.  Sugar intake since 1870's.
::*'''2. From Complexity to Simplicity'''
:::*The flip side of food degradation is soil degradation.  Nitrogen fertilizers.  simplification through chemical processing.  Control.  Documented nutrient decline in foods (also article above).  Note on the Haber-Bosch process for synthetic NPK.  Digression on Fritz Haber and Clara Immerwahr [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haber].
:::*Simplification of plant species in industrial foods.  Again, appearance of greater variety in industrial food store, but products actually represent a small variety plants and animals. Example from Italian agronomy [https://photos.app.goo.gl/VaqbhvWSUMkM6Jse9]  116 for details.  Decline in nutrition levels in foods since mid-20th century.
:::*details on loss of food crop diversity. [https://civileats.com/2015/10/05/u-s-farms-becoming-less-diverse-over-time/](Examples from intact food production cultures like Italy.)
:::*Corn and soy are very efficient plants for producing carbs, but now supply sig % of calories in Am diet (about 800).
:::*Conclusion: there may be a false economy in industrial food production.  Varietals, soil, diversity of food have values that are lost in assessing costs at the retail level.   
::*Back to Kain and Rees research: bigger amygdalas of conservatives help with (and are likely an effect of) heightened sensitivity to face recognition and threat detection. (Fits with the attentional studies of Chap 5). (Try to find some empathy for conservatives who don't like masks!)
::*'''3. Quality to Quantity'''
:*'''Politics Makes Me Sweat'''
:::*Industrial food system has favored cheap macro-nutrients over cheap whole foods.  (whole foods in Italian significantly cheaper than in the US.  Part of the reason is climate, part government ag policy.)
::*EDA studies -- electrodermal activity -- skin conductivity, especially as it varies with sweatSimple way of measuring SNS activitySNS activity also triggers focused attentionLargely unconsciousWithin SNS, eccrine glands are particularly responsive to internal psychological statesConcentrated in the palms of our hands.
:::*Decline in nutrient content (118-119: review), "nutritional inflation," interest in "phytochemicals" -- seem related to anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. 
::*SNS not only about “fight or flight” but also activated when we need to pay attention or think hard.   
:::*False food value lesson from "'''nutritional inflation'''" :  You get a larger variety of X fruit or veg with less nutrition, but it's cheaperProblem is that you have a limited volume of food intake, so you lose value in the end and possibly compromise nutrition. Simplification of species diversity and monoculture of agcorn and soy are very efficient producers of carb caloriesbut then we draw less food diversity by focusing on these two.
::*Study from Hibbing in 2008 (161): EDA activity correlated to threatening images and conservative policy positions on "socially protective policies" (those involving a threat to individual or group)"People more physiologically responsive to threat stimuli (images) were more likely to support policies aimed at reducing or addressing threats to the social status quo" 161. The more conservative, the more sweat (and vice versa).
:::*Decline in food nutrient content from food grown in impoverished soilSome details on how soils matter: Growing time affects mineral and vitamin levels ('''bio-accumulation'''). [Note on negative examples of bio-accumulation: mercury in fish.] Some evidence that organic plants have chemicals related to immune responses.   
:::*"Overfed and Undernurished" - Industrial ag succeeded in growing more calories per acre, but at a cost.   
:::*Cites Bruce Ames, serious researcher interest in micronutrition and cancerInteresting theory (unproven) that "satiety" mechanisms are tied to nutrition such that a malnurished body always feels hungry. [Note that we have more theory about this now - Microbiome research.]
::*2nd Hibbing lab study: Known that conservatives have stronger triggers for disgust/impurity.  Sexual issues in politics, for example, but also incest taboo and bad food. 162: more on disgust -- nature's way of helping us avoid bad things (but not perfect).
::*'''4. Leaves to Seeds'''
::*EDA disgust studies line up with fart spray studies.  Morality and smell are connected. 
::*Hibbing EDA study 163: disaggregate data and its the sex-issues driving the SNS response.
::*EDA studies have shown increase activity around inter-racial interactions.  Note: resisting preferential race policy needn't be racist, could be based on strong value on equal treatment.  But it could be racist. Very hard to tell the diff in surveys since open racism isn't cool.     
::*Practical issue: studies showing unconscious response to group affiliation. SNS activates in presence of politically relevant out-groups.  It could be that conservative vs. liberal racists are having different physiological reactions to out groups.
::*French study on response to out-groups. 165 Verbal reports non-racist, but EDA showed activation for non-white image. (Our bodies can betray us.) (Unconscious racism? At least unconscious activation of potential threat.)
:::*Shift from leaves to seeds decreases anti-oxidants and phytonutrients in our diet.   
::*Emory study 165 - application bias study.  Test subjects with higher SNS activation show greater preference for white applicants.
:::*Mentions Susan Allport's ''The Queen of Fats''
:*In Your Face Politics
:::*More seeds tilt in the fat profile of the food product toward O6.  Less healthy fat.  O3 fats spoil faster, so tend to be removed from industrial food.  Nutritional advice to move toward seed oils didn't originally distinguish O3 from O6. 
::*Studies assessing our ability to determine political orientation from faces (not including hair or dress).  Proxies for this judgement could include "emotional expressivity" (168), which Liberals score higher on in "Berkeley Expressivity Questionaire".  Older and more recent studies suggest we can sort faces by political orientation better than chance.  
:::*Lipidphobia led us to shift to seed oils (give up butter --which has some 03 fats and move to corn -- which is high in 06 fats) and that led to a change in ratio of O6/O3 from 3:1 to 10:1note the connection p. 129 between fat profile and sense of "food security" -- interesting digression hereCould we have a deep fear of hunger that still leads us to choose overeating, especially of caloric foods?  
::*'''Your face is communicating, pretty much all the time.....''' "the visual Twitter accounts of our nervous system"167 Not just communicating emotion, but group membership.
:::*O3 decline also related to mental health130
::*Looking for physiological markers of facial signaling or pol. orientation.  Drawing on Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire (validated instrument correlating expressivity and liberalism).  (Note that this fact pattern would explain ability to recognize group affiliation.)
::*'''5. From Food Culture to Food Science'''
::*Hibbing study involving the facial muscle ''corrugator supercilii" (the eybrow furrowing muscle). Test subjects surveyed on political orientation and then shown pos/neg stimuli while corrugato supercilii is measured.  Females of all pol. orientations more expressive than males.  Liberal males about as expressive as females(Apologies to macho liberal guys!)  Conservative males were distinctive for lack of emotional expressivity. (Clint Eastwood v Alan Alda.)
:::*Shift from reliance on national / ethnic food cultures to scienceLots of wisdom and nutrition understanding in traditional cuisines.
===Small Group Discussion on Physio-politics / Neuropolitics===
===Resisting Industrial Foods===
:*Practical Problem: How should physio-politics affect our conversation practices in moral and political discussion and experience?  What are the lessons?  What values should we adopt?
:*You can reverse each of the trends Pollan identifies in his discussion of industrial food and the Western Diet that it supplies.
:*If "physio-politics" is real, then we're all having somewhat different physiological reactions to news, issues, and each other.
:*'''From Refined to Whole foods / Simple to Complex'''
:*If the "social epistemology" hypothesis from Haidt is true, then we are "smarter together" and we need to make use of our differences.
::*Apple confections to apples, [https://www.myfooddiary.com/foods/1435292/starbucks-bran-muffin Starbucks muffins] to a home made muffin (digression on [https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=1213856 Bob's Red Mill muffins],  
::*Orange juice to oranges to fruit salads (note on ascorbic and citric acid).
::*Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
::*Cook with brown rice when possible.  Treat flour as a fresh food.
===Practical advice for better political and moral discussion in light of physio-politics===
:*'''Quantity to Qualtity:  "Pay more eat less".''' 
::*Comparisons of taste (and nutrition) between industrial and non-industrial foods.  Taste (in a basic food) as guide to soil quality. (Often associated with organic, but conceptually quite distinct.)
::*Nutrients lost in poor soil. Synthetic fertilizers don't address soil quality.
::*Industrial foods often large, but water logged.  (50cent egg lessons here.) "nutrition deflation" - For the same volume of big industrial produce you are getting less nutrition. 
:*'''From Processed Seeds to whole Seeds and more Leaves.''' 
::*Omega 6 and 3 issue.  Fiber and microbiota. How do you get more plants in your diet? "Trade up" dishes that are carb/fat based to dishes that incorporate leaves and vegetable fiber.
:::*Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
:::*Industrial products with corn syrup and corn based chemistry to, well, corn!
:*We'll be thinking about the practical advice that follows from our research on political difference more later in the termHere we just pause to make a few inferences from Hibbing et al's "physio-politics"
:*'''Engage in local food culture, which is often more diverse and fresher.'''
::*Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)Locally "Linc Foods".
::*Nutrients lost in the supply chain transit time.
:*Model exploratory thought. (How do you do that, specifically?)
:*'''Connect with traditional ethnic cuisines.'''
:*Avoid escalation of physiological responses. (How do you do that, specifically?)
::*Ethnic cuisines have a long history of creating nutritious and tasty diets (not just dishes) under conditions of food scarcity. Italians refer to "cucina povera". High and low (humble) cuisine. Pre-urban cuisines had greater use of higher quality oils (digress on Italian oil buying habits), access to fresh herbs (expensive in urban food culture, but part of "cucina povera"). In terms of practicality, traditional cuisines often create diversity of dishes from common patterns of herbs, spices, and cooking methods. Compare to stocking and supplying an international/global cuisine kitchenFood waste. A foodie could have a very austere yet satisfying and practical kitchen modelling cooking on a traditional "cucina povera".
:*Acknowledge insight across the spectrum.
:*Cultivate diverse relationships if possible.
:*Avoid perjorative lables.
:*Views can chage even if orientations don't.
:*Accept difference that won't change, focus on pragmatics and cooperation on issues.
:*Humor, if possibleSelf-effacing first.
:*Acknowledge physio-politics in the discussion.
:*Don't "sugar coat" differences. (Be true to yourself.)

Latest revision as of 22:49, 21 February 2024

10. FEB 21

Assigned Work

  • Schatzker, Mark. The Dorrito Effect, C1, "Things and Flavors" (3-19; 16)
  • Schatzker, Mark. C2, "Big Bland" (19-41; 22)
  • Alfino, Taxonomy of Successes and Failures of the US Industrial Food System (in shared folder)


  • Resisting Industrial Foods

Schatzker, Mark. The Dorito Effect, C1, "Things and Flavors" (3-19; 16)

  • Weight Watchers origin story. “Willpower” model. Big increases in 80s and 90s. (Did everyone get less willpower in those decades???) p. 7 obsesity related diseases.
  • reductive answers: sugar, fat, other single cause explanations. All limited.
  • argues that “flavor” is one big change. But also “things” changed. Potatoes tasted less like potatoes. It’s the “wanting” side of the equation that starts the metabolic disregulation that is obesity.
  • Dorrito’s original story. Frito-lay marketing vp discovers tortilla chips. Problems in developing it. Was it a thing (like tacos) or a flavor? But what if you could turn the taco into a flavor? Flavor technology advanced.
  • But “things” like corn and potatoes became blander (add detail here not in chapter).
  • Flavors are non-caloric, so not suspected as a contributor to weight gain. Eating is a psychological experience as much as anything “Eating has as much to do with nutrition as sex does with procreation.” Dorito effect is what happens when food gets blander and flavor technology gets better.

Schatzker, Mark. C2, "Big Bland" (19-41; 22)

  • Heritage food story: the heritage chicken had a flavor that matched the husbands childhood experience of his mom’s chicken and dumplings. Barred rock chickens.
  • Bland chicken origin story: 1948 - “Chicken of tomorrow” contest. Broilers, roasters, fryers. Goal to increase feed efficiency and reduce growth time.
  • (I’m surprised Schatzker doesn’t discuss anti-biotics role in chicken growth. [1])
  • Paul Siegel - Connecticut Poultry Boy of the Year. Grows up to be a poultry geneticist. More innovation. Separation of egg layers and meat chickens. Males of the egg layer variety are literally “shredded” alive as chicks. 16 weeks down to 35 days. 1.5 pounds more with 1/3 less feed. .6 dollar / pound to .39. “We eat giant baby chicks”.
  • This is a known issue for the culinary experts: Joy of Cooking, Mark Bitman. Also loss of micronutrients in veg. Met with skepticism at first. Modern varieties bigger, but more water. Less nutrient density. Still, adjusting for water (p 28) fewer nutrients. Modern fertilizers and irrigation lower concentrations of minerals. Different varietals.
  • ethylene gas ripening v vine ripened tomatoes. Klee & Monsanto’s transgenic slow ripening tomatoes. Harvest green. 3 weeks to ripen.
  • Chickens - diet and nutrition. Casimir Funk and discovery of vitamins, B1 cures beri-beri. Carb heavy diet with added vitamins. Solved the vitamin problem, but caused a flavor problem.
  • ”pre-flavored” chicken meat.

Pollan, Part II of In Defense of Food

  • Part II : Western Diet and diseases of civilization
  • Chapter 1: The Aborigine in all of us
  • Summer 1982 - W. Australia aborigines study -- "metabolic syndrome" -- defined, theorized as signature disease of western diet. A visual for metabolic syndrome.
  • O'Dea's results p. 87. Note that she didn't look for a silver bullet, a single factor. Just the diet change.
  • Major premise: Compare us to many traditional diet populations and the difference in diseases profile is stark. It might be the "whole diet pattern" rather than a single imbalance. (The imbalances are symptoms.) [Lots of evidence that as cultures move toward industrial food brands and more female labor market participation, they start to acquire more dietary disease.]
  • Chapter 2: The Elephant in the Room
  • Group of early 20th c intellectuals/doctors (bot 90) noticed absence of chronic disease in populations they traveled to.
  • British doc Dens Burkitt: "Western Diseases" -- diseases attributable to western diet and lifestyle.
  • Pollan chooses the story of Weston Price from this group.
  • Two objections to hyp that Western diet is to blame: disease/race theory (but evidence from mixed ethnicity/race cultures like US suggests not), demographic theory (we live longer, so we get more disease). In both cases, the evidence refutes the claim.
  • Weston Price -- b. 1870. diseases of teeth are effects of Western diet. 1939 major work after global travels looking at teeth. Lots and lots of teeth. kind of an amateur scientists, but collected important data (and seen right by later dental research). hard to find control groups. Price found big differences in Vit A and D. (Note comment about Masai -- . Multiple successful diets for omnivores.) p 98: note comparison of groups with wild animal flesh and agriculturalists.
  • First to make comparisons of grass fed / winter forage fed animals to find vitamin differences. Example today from grass fed cows. Pure Eire Dairy. The health claim about CLAs is a bit under documented at first glance. [2] But grass-fed milk does appear to have better 06/03 ratios. [3]
  • Decline of nutrition in current vegetables and fruits: [4]
  • Albert Howard 99 -- "father" of organic farming movement; early 20th century; similar time period, making argument against synthetic nitrogen (more later). both pioneers in what would later be seen as an ecological approach to food production.
  • Important: Among first to see a connection between dietary diseases of the food system as part of an "ecological dysfunction". (This is a theme that will occupy a lot of our attention in our discussion and reading about the history of agriculture.)
  • Chapter 3: The Industrialization of Eating
  • Thesis: Calling for a more ecological way of thinking about food. Think of food as mutual adaptation of plants and animals to humans. Propagation/place in ecology of food chain.
  • Example of fruit: ripeness, transportation, high nutrient state. Corn vs. corn syrup. (Note point about possible future humans who could use HFCS.) Also true of milk in history of agriculture. Pollan doesn't quite give the details on milk. Not like a light switching on. [Textbook example of gene-culture co-evolution. Selective advantage for those who keep lactase expression going past breast feeding. You can always leave it to natural selection to favor those who can get on with the new diet.]
  • Types of Changes that Mark the Western Industrial Diet
  • 1. From Whole Foods to Refined
  • prestige of refined products: prior to roller technology, white rice and flour would be labor added, story of grain rollers 107, Refined flour is the first industrial fast food. Fresh flour lasts days. 108: specific details germ/endosperm, but also local mills, water power. Fortified bread. B vitamins added back in to reduce pellagra and beriberi.
  • 1996: added folic acid.
  • Jacobs and Steffen study: epidemiological study showing effects of whole grains, but also that groups not eating whole grains, but getting equivalent nutrients did not enjoy benefits. alludes to possible holism in effects. Sugar intake since 1870's.
  • 2. From Complexity to Simplicity
  • The flip side of food degradation is soil degradation. Nitrogen fertilizers. simplification through chemical processing. Control. Documented nutrient decline in foods (also article above). Note on the Haber-Bosch process for synthetic NPK. Digression on Fritz Haber and Clara Immerwahr [5].
  • Simplification of plant species in industrial foods. Again, appearance of greater variety in industrial food store, but products actually represent a small variety plants and animals. Example from Italian agronomy [6] 116 for details. Decline in nutrition levels in foods since mid-20th century.
  • details on loss of food crop diversity. [7]. (Examples from intact food production cultures like Italy.)
  • Corn and soy are very efficient plants for producing carbs, but now supply sig % of calories in Am diet (about 800).
  • Conclusion: there may be a false economy in industrial food production. Varietals, soil, diversity of food have values that are lost in assessing costs at the retail level.
  • 3. Quality to Quantity
  • Industrial food system has favored cheap macro-nutrients over cheap whole foods. (whole foods in Italian significantly cheaper than in the US. Part of the reason is climate, part government ag policy.)
  • Decline in nutrient content (118-119: review), "nutritional inflation," interest in "phytochemicals" -- seem related to anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • False food value lesson from "nutritional inflation" : You get a larger variety of X fruit or veg with less nutrition, but it's cheaper. Problem is that you have a limited volume of food intake, so you lose value in the end and possibly compromise nutrition. Simplification of species diversity and monoculture of ag. corn and soy are very efficient producers of carb calories. but then we draw less food diversity by focusing on these two.
  • Decline in food nutrient content from food grown in impoverished soil. Some details on how soils matter: Growing time affects mineral and vitamin levels (bio-accumulation). [Note on negative examples of bio-accumulation: mercury in fish.] Some evidence that organic plants have chemicals related to immune responses.
  • "Overfed and Undernurished" - Industrial ag succeeded in growing more calories per acre, but at a cost.
  • Cites Bruce Ames, serious researcher interest in micronutrition and cancer. Interesting theory (unproven) that "satiety" mechanisms are tied to nutrition such that a malnurished body always feels hungry. [Note that we have more theory about this now - Microbiome research.]
  • 4. Leaves to Seeds
  • Shift from leaves to seeds decreases anti-oxidants and phytonutrients in our diet.
  • Mentions Susan Allport's The Queen of Fats
  • More seeds tilt in the fat profile of the food product toward O6. Less healthy fat. O3 fats spoil faster, so tend to be removed from industrial food. Nutritional advice to move toward seed oils didn't originally distinguish O3 from O6.
  • Lipidphobia led us to shift to seed oils (give up butter --which has some 03 fats and move to corn -- which is high in 06 fats) and that led to a change in ratio of O6/O3 from 3:1 to 10:1. note the connection p. 129 between fat profile and sense of "food security" -- interesting digression here. Could we have a deep fear of hunger that still leads us to choose overeating, especially of caloric foods?
  • O3 decline also related to mental health. 130
  • 5. From Food Culture to Food Science
  • Shift from reliance on national / ethnic food cultures to science. Lots of wisdom and nutrition understanding in traditional cuisines.

Resisting Industrial Foods

  • You can reverse each of the trends Pollan identifies in his discussion of industrial food and the Western Diet that it supplies.
  • From Refined to Whole foods / Simple to Complex
  • Apple confections to apples, Starbucks muffins to a home made muffin (digression on Bob's Red Mill muffins,
  • Orange juice to oranges to fruit salads (note on ascorbic and citric acid).
  • Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
  • Cook with brown rice when possible. Treat flour as a fresh food.
  • Quantity to Qualtity: "Pay more eat less".
  • Comparisons of taste (and nutrition) between industrial and non-industrial foods. Taste (in a basic food) as guide to soil quality. (Often associated with organic, but conceptually quite distinct.)
  • Nutrients lost in poor soil. Synthetic fertilizers don't address soil quality.
  • Industrial foods often large, but water logged. (50cent egg lessons here.) "nutrition deflation" - For the same volume of big industrial produce you are getting less nutrition.
  • From Processed Seeds to whole Seeds and more Leaves.
  • Omega 6 and 3 issue. Fiber and microbiota. How do you get more plants in your diet? "Trade up" dishes that are carb/fat based to dishes that incorporate leaves and vegetable fiber.
  • Mac and cheese to pasta primavera, pasta e ceci.
  • Industrial products with corn syrup and corn based chemistry to, well, corn!
  • Engage in local food culture, which is often more diverse and fresher.
  • Markets
  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Locally "Linc Foods".
  • Nutrients lost in the supply chain transit time.
  • Connect with traditional ethnic cuisines.
  • Ethnic cuisines have a long history of creating nutritious and tasty diets (not just dishes) under conditions of food scarcity. Italians refer to "cucina povera". High and low (humble) cuisine. Pre-urban cuisines had greater use of higher quality oils (digress on Italian oil buying habits), access to fresh herbs (expensive in urban food culture, but part of "cucina povera"). In terms of practicality, traditional cuisines often create diversity of dishes from common patterns of herbs, spices, and cooking methods. Compare to stocking and supplying an international/global cuisine kitchen. Food waste. A foodie could have a very austere yet satisfying and practical kitchen modelling cooking on a traditional "cucina povera".