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==10: FEB 18==
==11: FEB 18. Unit Three: Roe, Dobbs, and the Search for Basic Liberties==
:*Hibbing, Ch 6, Different Slates (26)
:*Kahn Academy, "The Fourteenth Amendment and equal protection" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re2d80cqhYw]
:*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzPbUUPutnk Libertarianism in Six Minutes]
:*From Roe to Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQwFJDj9jfo]. The original link to the SCOTUS Brief video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQllmb-0Lnk]
:*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism Libertarianism wiki] See for historical detail.
:*Alfino, "Interpretation, Political Orientation, and Basic Liberties in the Dobbs Decision" (1-13)
:*Supreme Court of the US, "Excerpts from the Dobbs Decision," (1-13)
===In-class content===
:*Libertarianism as a moral and political theory
===Kahn Academy, "The 14th Amendment and equal protection"===
:*Section 1: "'''All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws'''."
==='''Paradox of Moral Experience'''===
:*prohibitions by Federal gov't to potential state actions. Restates 5th ammentdment as applying to states, not just feds.
::*The Paradox of Moral Experience involves a conflict between two "standpoints" for seeing values.  1 and 2 below:
:*"equal protection clause"  
::*1. We experience our morality as beliefs we hold true. They are compelling to us in a way that leads us to expect others to find them compelling. We can be surprised or frustrated that others do not see our reasons as compelling. 
:::*Examples: "What's wrong with those (lib/con)s, don't they see X/Y?" "How can anyone think it's ok to act like that?")  
::*2. But, when we study morality as a functional system that integrates people who see and interpret the world differently, it is less surprising that we often do not find each others' reasoning or choices compelling.  We can also see how groups of people might develop "values cultures" that diverge on entire sets of values (or, "cooperative toolkits") while still solving some of the same underlying problems that all human societies face.
:::*Examples: Sociocentric / Individualist cultures, Specific histories that groups experience (Us vs. Europe vs. ...)
::*Roughly, 1 is normal experience, when you are "in your head".  2 reflects an attempt, through knowledge, to get a "third person" experience, to "get out of your head".
===Hibbing, Ch 6, Different Slates===
:*Historical context
::*1868 - after civil war, 13th abolished slavery, 14th responding to "black codes" - statutes that repressed rights of recently emancipated African Americans.  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Codes_(United_States)]
::*Supreme Court opinion in Plessy v Ferguson: 1896 - separate train car travel.  equal but separate is OK! doesn't violate the 14th amendment. (The textbook example of how ''stare decisis'' can't be absolute.  Widely viewed as a shameful decision.)  Reversed by Brown v Board of Education.  Separate is not equal.  1954.  Took decades to make progress enacting this decision.
::*14th Amendment key to civil rights arguments. Sexual equality in the workplace.  Also pro-life arguments (liberty of the unborn). Quotas in higher education (equal protection).
:*Introductory stuff
===SCOTUS Brief, Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization===
::*Story of Phineas Gage -- 1848 -- early example of biology and personality change.
::*Oliver Sachs work.
::*149: lobotomies. 
::*149: transitions to idea that lots of brain diffs are correlated to non-pathological conditions as well.  (mention reading and face recognition)
::*150: Some Parkinson's drugs can trigger behavioral changes like addictions and gambling. 
::*Could some brain diffs correlate with political orientation?
:*I Feel it in my Gut -- psychophysiology - based on idea that we experience the world partly through our physiology. -- emotions as "action dispositions" -- we also trigger each other (story about ac and brother in law).
:*June 2022Mississippi Gestational Age Act15 week abortion limit. Conflict with Roe and Casey.   
::*151: physiology of anger, stress (digress on cortisol), polygraph.   
::*151: how emotional states are instantiated in neural and physiological activity.
::*CNS - central nervous system (head and spine) ANS - Autonomic Nervous systemWithin ANS - SNS (sympathetic) "fight or flight" and PNS (parasympathetic) "rest and digest" activation reduces heart rate, sends blood to the gut.
::*153: from Hibbing's lab: patterns of activation are pretty stable.  Some people are agitated by dark rooms and loud noises.  Same years later.
:*Politics on and in the Brain  (two studies)
:*Majority decision:
::*5 of the 6 (not Roberts) voted to overturn Roe and Casey.  Roberts wanted a more moderate approach - allow 15 week bans.
::*Stare Decisis - 5 reasons for overruling.  Revisits Roe - invoked complicated argument from several amendments, including due process clause of 14th. Casey affirms Roe, but focuses only on 14th am. '''Abortion rights not found in text or tradition (originalism).''' 
::*Claims not to impact anything but abortion, which involves potential life.  Left standing other decisions that seem to depend on Roe.  Contraception, same sex relationships.  Thomas went further, court should reconsider "substantive due process" cases. Rec alternative approach - "privileges and immunities".
::*Roberts concurrence: Urged more restraint. Throw out the "viability standard" Accept the Mississippi limit
::*'''Kanai and Rees MRI study''' -- looking at ACC (anterior cingulate cortex) and amygdala. ACC activated by tasks involving error detection and conflict resolution -- results on 156: found correlation between liberalism and size of ACC.  Bigger.  However, amygdala (which is involved in face recog and emotion regulation) Conservatives have bigger amygdalas (156: more active in face recognition and threat detection (also C5) . (Mask wearing and conservatism.)
:*Minority decision:
::*Major claims
:::*1. Majority decision takes rights away from women if they are pregnant.  
:::*2. Roe and Casey support a long line of settled cases on privacy, private choices about family matters, sexuality, and procreation. (In a way, Thomas might agree, but want to reconsider those.) 50 years of reliance.
::*Note connection to BeanFest. 
===Supreme Court, Excerpts from Dobbs (1-13)===
::*157: caution in reading these resultsStill, you could predict pol orientation from brain differences.)
:*Majority Decision
::*Background and context of Roe as departure from history of country.  Liberalization was occurring but Roe cut it off.  Presents Casey as disputed opinion, not really an endorsement of Roe. Casey was a partial overruling of Roe. 
::*p. 5: Major statement of ruling.  ....not in history or tradition... (new, originalist, standard for "unenumerated" rights)
::*Long evidentiary argument to support the major premise about history and tradition.  Draws conclusion p. 7/25.   
::*Discusses Plessy as example of overturning stare decisis. 
::*Robert's concurrence: p. 11/7: Throw out the viability standard
::*'''Amodio 2007''': looked to see if ACC activity is correlated to political ideology in "go/no go" task, specific brain wave identified that varied by pol. orientation.  
===Alfino, "Interpretation..." main points (1-13)===
:*Politics Makes Me Sweat
:*Basic Intuitions about liberty and abortion:
::*Not unreasonable to say life begins with conception
::*Also, unreasonable to deny that liberty and autonomy are constrained without a right elective of abortion.
::*Abortion rights is a problem of understanding what basic liberties are.  Start there.
::*EDA studies -- electrodermal activity -- skin conductivity, especially as it varies with sweat.  Simple way of measuring SNS activity.  SNS activity also triggers focused attention.  Largely unconscious (study). 
:*The Dobbs decision:
::*Study from Hibbing in 2008 (161): EDA activity correlated to policy positions on "socially protective policies" (those involving a threat).  "People more physiologically responsive to threat stimuli were more likely to support policies aimed as reducing or addressing threats to the social status quo" 161.
::*Also "disgust" reactions: greater for conservatives, especially around sex-issues, not taxes. Note sig: not a general skin response to policies you favor, only a cluster. (We will be covering this in Haidt soon.) 162: more on disgust -- nature's way of helping us avoid things (but not perfect).   
::*The majority determined indirectly that elective abortion isn't a constitutional right by applying an originalist approach to determining unenumerated rights. That approach is in contrast to the "living document" approach of the minority (and the jurisprudence of privacy of the past 4-6 decades.  They left open the possibility that the right could be legislated as a statutory right or prohibited.   
::*EDA disgust studies line up with fartspray studiesMorality and smell are connected.   
:*'''Originalism''' - Unenumerated rights must be part of the history and tradition of the countryWithout this constraint judicial opinions are too subjectiveInterpreting a contract requires finding language in the contract that speaks to the immediate issue.
::*Hibbing EDA study 163: disaggregate data and its the sex-issues driving the SNS response.
:*'''Living document''' - The meanings of words like "liberty" and "autonomy" change over timeThe Framers and Ratifiers ''intended'' us to update the meanings of basic terms in light of experience.  (Justice Kagan: "We're all originalists." see p. 9 Alfino). Many of our decisions do require applying new meanings or cases not envisioned by the Framers.   
::*EDA studies have shown increase activity around inter-racial interactionsNote: resisting preferential race policy needn't be racist, could be based on strong value on equal treatment.  But it could be racist.  Very hard to tell the diff in surveys since open racism isn't cool.      
::Practical issue: studies showing unconscious response to group affiliation. SNS activates in presence of politically relevant out-groups.   
:*French study on response to out-groups. 165 Verbal reports non-racist, but EDA showed activation for non-white image. (Our bodies can betray us.) (Unconscious racism? At least unconscious activation of potential threat.)
:*Political Orientation Issue -- In light of our study of the nature of morality, we can't miss the fact that these different approaches to interpretation reflect fundamentally conservative and liberal political orientations. How should we take that into account if finding a solution to conflicts over basic liberties?
:*Emory study 165 - application bias study.  Test subjects with higher SNS activation show greater pref for white applicants.
===Small Group Discussion===
:In Your Face Politics
:*On our initial dive into the Dobbs decision, we now see that the Court engaged the broad question: "How do we interpret "unenumerated rights".  In that sense the decision was about more than abortion.  More like, "How do we update the social contract (as embodied in the constitution) when new liberties arise?" One group advocates and "originalist" approach while the other advocate a "living document" approachIn a small group discussion, consider what you find appealing or negative about these approachesKeep a listYou may also want to consult the list of sample laws for next class discussion.
::*Studies assessing our ability to determine political orientation from faces (not including hair or dress!).  Proxies for this judgement could include "emotional expressivity" (168), which Liberals score higher on. 
::*'''Your face is communicating, pretty much all the time.....''' "the visual Twitter accounts of our nervous system"167  Not just communicating emotion, but group membership.
::*Looking for physiological markers of facial signaling or pol. orientation.  Drawing on Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire (validated instrument correlating expressivity and liberalism).  (Note that this fact pattern would explain ability to recognize group affiliation.)
::*Study involving the facial muscle ''corrugator supercilii'' (the eybrow furrowing muscle).  Females of all pol. orientations more expressive than males.  Liberal males about as expressive as females.  (Apologies to macho liberal guys!)  Conservative males were distinctive for lack of emotional expressivity.
===Small Group Discussion on Physio-politics===
:*Are you surprised by this research? (both Hibbing C5 and C6) Do you think people generally believe they can conceal their political group affiliation?  If you do, does that make you skeptical about this research?
:*If "physio-politics" is real, then we're all having somewhat different physiological reactions to news, issues, and each other.
::*Start by sharing anecdotes of times you have noticed how people in a social setting (if you can remember those!) react physically (and facially and non-verbally) when politically charged topics come up.  Even generalizations are good to start.
::*Q1: What are the implications of physio-politics for perpetuating division and lack of cooperation? How do you keep physio-politics from having a bad influence on social cooperation? Consider skills and techniques for preventing this.  Students who have friends with diverse political orientations may have experience negotiating these differences.  Also, you may draw from family life for anecdotes, as family members do not all share the same political orientation.  What should we say or do to keep us all from "sweating" over politics?  Do we have an inability in this culture to even acknowledge political difference overtly?  Or is it more understandable now that we don't?
::*Q2: Do you see these socio-physical mechanisms we appear to get from our natural history primarily as posing "problems to solve" or primarily as "resources for solving problems"?
===Libertarianism as a moral and political theory===
::*(US conservative) Libertarianism: '''fundamental concern with human freedom understood as avoidance of coercion'''; minimal state; some morals legislation - often anti-abortion; no redistribution of income or wealthStrong concern with equality of liberty and avoidance of oppression, understood as forced labor. 
::*Basic intuition: '''taxation (beyond minimal state functions) is a form of forced labor.'''  Only legitimate for a narrow range of goals that we mutually benefit from, such as defense.
::*Facts about concentration of wealth: 1% have 1/3 of wealth, more than bottom 90%.  :*objections to redistribution: utilitarian and rights-based. Could there be forms of forced labor that come from inequality?
::*(US Liberal) Libertarianism: Also focused on freedom, especially regarding respect for identity differences and private behaviors (favors decrim/legalization of drugs), but retains some of the original left-wing concerns of socialism.  More material interpretation of rights. 
:*Some of these notes based on Sandel.
:*Libertarianism in Six Minutes (notes)
::*Historical look:  17th century resistance to oppressive conditions.  “Rent seekers”.  Payne.  Similar to socialism and capitalism, a view about what is fair.  Original Libertarians were "Libertarianism originated as a form of left-wing politics such as anti-authoritarian and anti-state socialists like anarchists,[6] especially social anarchists,[7] but more generally libertarian communists/Marxists and libertarian socialists." (from wiki).
::*US libertarianism closer to free market capitalism vs. European, which is more socialist.  ''Assumption of natural harmony among productive people'' with liberty of contract.  Laws limited to protection and protection of natural rights. (Non-aggressive principle). No regulation of market.  Social spending.  Taxes are presumed to be coercive and confiscatory.  "Night watchman" state. (Not so close to anarchy, except consistent with strong sense of public order.)
::*Problems identified in Thought Monkey youtube: 
:::*No libertarian candidates on the national stage in two party state.
:::*No successful libertarian statesNo one's tried. 
:::*Monopolies, povertyBleeding out in the street.   
:::*Non-aggression principle unlikely in free market.  Market can be quite aggressive.  Putting people out of their homes.  Eviction. 
:::*Favoring economic freedom assumes it correlates with happiness.  (Mention Easterlin and Happiness studies)
:::*Environmental regulation seems necessary. 
:::*Ethics not realized in the market perfectly.  Lack of information transparency. 
:*A puzzle for philosophers on a Thursday afternoon.
::*How can a political/moral philosophy emerge from left-wing politics and form a "variant" in the US that is so much more conservative than the original?

Latest revision as of 19:34, 18 February 2025

11: FEB 18. Unit Three: Roe, Dobbs, and the Search for Basic Liberties


  • Kahn Academy, "The Fourteenth Amendment and equal protection" [1]
  • From Roe to Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization [2]. The original link to the SCOTUS Brief video [3]
  • Alfino, "Interpretation, Political Orientation, and Basic Liberties in the Dobbs Decision" (1-13)
  • Supreme Court of the US, "Excerpts from the Dobbs Decision," (1-13)


Kahn Academy, "The 14th Amendment and equal protection"

  • Section 1: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
  • prohibitions by Federal gov't to potential state actions. Restates 5th ammentdment as applying to states, not just feds.
  • "equal protection clause"
  • Historical context
  • 1868 - after civil war, 13th abolished slavery, 14th responding to "black codes" - statutes that repressed rights of recently emancipated African Americans. [4]
  • Supreme Court opinion in Plessy v Ferguson: 1896 - separate train car travel. equal but separate is OK! doesn't violate the 14th amendment. (The textbook example of how stare decisis can't be absolute. Widely viewed as a shameful decision.) Reversed by Brown v Board of Education. Separate is not equal. 1954. Took decades to make progress enacting this decision.
  • 14th Amendment key to civil rights arguments. Sexual equality in the workplace. Also pro-life arguments (liberty of the unborn). Quotas in higher education (equal protection).

SCOTUS Brief, Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization

  • June 2022. Mississippi Gestational Age Act. 15 week abortion limit. Conflict with Roe and Casey.
  • Majority decision:
  • 5 of the 6 (not Roberts) voted to overturn Roe and Casey. Roberts wanted a more moderate approach - allow 15 week bans.
  • Stare Decisis - 5 reasons for overruling. Revisits Roe - invoked complicated argument from several amendments, including due process clause of 14th. Casey affirms Roe, but focuses only on 14th am. Abortion rights not found in text or tradition (originalism).
  • Claims not to impact anything but abortion, which involves potential life. Left standing other decisions that seem to depend on Roe. Contraception, same sex relationships. Thomas went further, court should reconsider "substantive due process" cases. Rec alternative approach - "privileges and immunities".
  • Roberts concurrence: Urged more restraint. Throw out the "viability standard" Accept the Mississippi limit
  • Minority decision:
  • Major claims
  • 1. Majority decision takes rights away from women if they are pregnant.
  • 2. Roe and Casey support a long line of settled cases on privacy, private choices about family matters, sexuality, and procreation. (In a way, Thomas might agree, but want to reconsider those.) 50 years of reliance.

Supreme Court, Excerpts from Dobbs (1-13)

  • Majority Decision
  • Background and context of Roe as departure from history of country. Liberalization was occurring but Roe cut it off. Presents Casey as disputed opinion, not really an endorsement of Roe. Casey was a partial overruling of Roe.
  • p. 5: Major statement of ruling. ....not in history or tradition... (new, originalist, standard for "unenumerated" rights)
  • Long evidentiary argument to support the major premise about history and tradition. Draws conclusion p. 7/25.
  • Discusses Plessy as example of overturning stare decisis.
  • Robert's concurrence: p. 11/7: Throw out the viability standard

Alfino, "Interpretation..." main points (1-13)

  • Basic Intuitions about liberty and abortion:
  • Not unreasonable to say life begins with conception
  • Also, unreasonable to deny that liberty and autonomy are constrained without a right elective of abortion.
  • Abortion rights is a problem of understanding what basic liberties are. Start there.
  • The Dobbs decision:
  • The majority determined indirectly that elective abortion isn't a constitutional right by applying an originalist approach to determining unenumerated rights. That approach is in contrast to the "living document" approach of the minority (and the jurisprudence of privacy of the past 4-6 decades. They left open the possibility that the right could be legislated as a statutory right or prohibited.
  • Originalism - Unenumerated rights must be part of the history and tradition of the country. Without this constraint judicial opinions are too subjective. Interpreting a contract requires finding language in the contract that speaks to the immediate issue.
  • Living document - The meanings of words like "liberty" and "autonomy" change over time. The Framers and Ratifiers intended us to update the meanings of basic terms in light of experience. (Justice Kagan: "We're all originalists." see p. 9 Alfino). Many of our decisions do require applying new meanings or cases not envisioned by the Framers.
  • Political Orientation Issue -- In light of our study of the nature of morality, we can't miss the fact that these different approaches to interpretation reflect fundamentally conservative and liberal political orientations. How should we take that into account if finding a solution to conflicts over basic liberties?

Small Group Discussion

  • On our initial dive into the Dobbs decision, we now see that the Court engaged the broad question: "How do we interpret "unenumerated rights". In that sense the decision was about more than abortion. More like, "How do we update the social contract (as embodied in the constitution) when new liberties arise?" One group advocates and "originalist" approach while the other advocate a "living document" approach. In a small group discussion, consider what you find appealing or negative about these approaches. Keep a list. You may also want to consult the list of sample laws for next class discussion.