Sarah Atkins
Sarah Atkins
1. CNN - [[[]]]
News from all around the world
2. Weather Channel - [[[]]]
Check the weather on a regular basis
3. Oregon Live - [[[]]]
News website for the Oregonian; keep in touch with Oregon news
4. Beaverton Valley Times - [[[]]]
My local newspaper; great for checking in on game scores
Entertainment and Interets
1. Facebook - [[[]]]
Keeping in touch with my friends and family
2. Map My Run - [[[]]]
Tracks my runs and suggests routes
3. Pandora - [[[]]]
Great playlists of music for any mood I am in
4. ABC - [[[]]]
If I miss an episode of Modern Family I can watch it
5. YouTube - [[[]]]
Provides fun entertainment and additional music
School 1. Foley Library - [[[1]]]
Provides lots of reliable sources and also has RefWorks
2. BlackBoard – [[[]]]
Keep in touch with my classes and assignments
3. Merriam-Webster Dictionary – [[[]]]
Reliable dictionary for looking up words