Spring 2016 Wisdom Course Study Questions

From Alfino
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Return to Wisdom

12/13 JAN

19/20 JAN

1. Using the vocabulary introduced by Hall in Ch. 1 and the majors "figures and movements" what can we infer about the major approaches human cultures have taken to wisdom?

2. What sort of case can be made for the "irreality of wisdom" - ways of doubting or questioning the reality of wisdom?

3. Is wisdom gendered? Was wisdom gendered?

26/27 JAN

1. Summarize Gisela Labouvie-Vief's distinction between objective and organismic thought, especially her view that "organismic" thought is not just subjectivism. How does she apply this to wisdom? Do you agree or disagree?

2. Evaluate the "older is wiser" thesis. Why do we associate wisdom with age and in what ways should we qualify this association?

3. How does Clayton and Birren's MDS study help us theorize the main components of a construct of wisdom? What does it tell us about the "older is wiser" thesis?

4. How does Ardelt's research help us think about the relationship between wisdom, objective life conditions, and life satisfaction?

5. How does Cartensen's "time horizon" research help us think about the "older is wiser" thesis and the role of time perception in wisdom?

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1/2 MAR

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12/13 APR

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26/27 APR