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The Empirical Slippery Slope from Voluntary to Non-Voluntary Euthanasia

Ebscohost Link

Lewis, Penney. "The Empirical Slippery Slope from Voluntary to Non-Voluntary Euthanasia." Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (2007): 197-210. Retrieved EBSCOhost Database.

From the Abstract: This article examines the evidence for the empirical argument that there is a slippery slope between the legalization of voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia. The main source of evidence in relation to this argument comes from the Netherlands. The argument is only effective against legalization if it is legalization which causes the slippery slope. Moreover, it is only effective if it is used comparatively-to show that the slope is more slippery in jurisdictions which have legalized voluntary euthanasia than it is in jurisdictions which have not done so. Both of these elements are examined comparatively.

Brian Thompson

Hemlock Society Website (pro)

Document database from (front for Hemlock Society). News, anectotes, journal articles, essays.

Brian Thompson

Yes on I-1000 (pro)

Pro website regarding upcoming initiative to legalize PAS in Washington

Brian Thompson

No on I-1000 (pro)

Anti website regarding upcoming initiative to legalize PAS in Washington

Brian Thompson

Age Rationing and the Just Distribution of Health Care: Is There a Duty to Die?

  • Author(s): Margaret P. Battin
  • Source: Ethics, Vol. 97, No. 2 (Jan., 1987), pp. 317-340
  • Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
  • Stable URL:

Brian Thompson

Hastings Center

Check them out in the JSTOR database, very balanced, easy to read articles

Brian Thompson

Voluntary Euthanasia and the Inalienable Right to Life

  • Author(s): Joel Feinberg
  • Source: Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 7, No. 2, (Winter, 1978), pp. 93-123
  • Published by: Formerly published by Princeton University Press
  • Stable URL:

Brian Thompson

A Critique of Three Objections to Physician-Assisted Suicide

Brian Thompson