Course Schedule Pieces

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Gilbert, 7, Time Bombs (127-133)

Space, Time and Future Preferences

  • Hedonic adaptation (also, hedonic treadmill) -- the declining marginal utility of addition units of consumption, all other factors being equal --
  • We spatialize time because it's an abstract thing and thinking of its spatially helps make it concrete. But Gilbert thinks this leads to mistakes in "affect forecasting" - predicting how you will feel about a hedonic in the future.
  • False prediction of future pleasure -- p. 130 study on snack predictions. (no variety condition happier)
  • Gilbert's hedonic adaptation thought experiment -- Imagine you are preordering from a restaurant for the next few weeks.
  • favoring assumption (how much you like each dish)
  • habituation rate assumption (how quickly pleasure declines or habituates)
  • consumption rate. (the time scale of the consumption)
  • See diagrams
  • Gilbert's partial point -- variety has a cost… [But it doesn't follow that it's not in your happiness-interest to pay it sometimes.]
  • Slogan for the day: "Pleasure isn't linear."

My Philosophy of Happiness and Wisdom Paper

  • In this 8-10 page paper you are invited to construct an integrated philosophy of wisdom and happiness. You should start by identifying topics and themes in the course that spoke to you. You should also bring in personal frames of reference, such as faith commitments, that may inform your thinking even if they were not treated in the course. The ultimate goal is for you to integrate your views on happiness and wisdom by thinking also about how they are related, but you may organize your paper into two main sections, one each on happiness and wisdom, and then try to bring them together in your conclusion.
  • Due date: December 15th, 2021.