Spring 2008 201 Paper Topics

From Alfino
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1st Philosophical Analysis Topic

Summarize the problem of "objectivity" in the Euthyphro. Are essences real? Would the gods be bound by them if they were? Give an account of your view and show how it relates to or differs from Plato's position. (4-5 pages typed, double spaced. Due Feb 7)

Phaedo Topic

Imagine a short dialogue between Socrates and his guard. You may use the brief comments Socrates makes about the guard as a creative starting point for imgagine what they may have discussed. The guard could be a fictional vehicle for a contemporary perspective. Socrates could be imagined as willing to say things to the guard that he might not say to his philosophical companions. Use your imagination, and make sure you have a philosophical point. 4-5 pages, typed, double spaced, due in two weeks. (posted Feb 12)

Stoicism and Epicureanism

Compare and contrast the Stoic and Epicurean accounts of the causes of human suffering and the conditions for human happiness. What elements of their theories of virtue, pleasure and happiness would you consider adopting or rejecting? Why?


Topic A: Write a paper on the Buddhist theory of dependent origin, evaluating it in both literal and metaphorical terms. Does it have explanatory power? Consider how it might suggest specific insights that support the Buddhist philosophical point of view.

Topic B: Reconstruct and evaluate the Buddhist rationale for the 8 fold path.