Burlusconi Research

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Sutton, Paul. "'Say Something Left-Wing!' Nanni Moretti's Il Caimano." Studies in European Cinema 6.2-3 (2009): 141-152. MLA International Bibliography. EBSCO. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. [1]

Italy Against Itself DECEMBER 4, 2008 Alexander Stille NYRB [2]

In one chapter, Stella and Rizzo talk about the tendency of every group in Italian society to form an “order” or guild; loyalty to the group often trumps any sense of the common good. Hence the director general of the Ministry of Education who refuses to fire professors who cheated their way into their university chairs may not be doing so out of personal corruption but because of a kind of guild loyalty: he is refusing to allow another guild, in this case, the magistrates, to interfere with the running of his own group.


Across the ideological spectrum there are pressure groups of all kinds that conspire to make decisive action impossible. Like most European countries, Italy has very few natural energy resources and must import almost all its oil and gas—an increasing drain on the economy. Other European countries have invested seriously in alternative energy. Spain gets 7.5 percent of its energy from wind power, while Italy gets less than 1 percent. Germany uses fifty-seven times more solar energy than Italy even though Italy obviously has more plentiful sunlight. France generates 78 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and Italy close to none. Italy simply has no alternative energy policy.

Mazzoleni, Gianpietro. "With the Media, Without the Media: Reasons and Implications of the Electoral Success of Silvio Berlusconi in 2001." Changing Media, Changing Europe 1.(2004): 257-276. Communication & Mass Media Complete. EBSCO. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. [3]