Spring 2011 Critical Thinking Research on US Drug Policy

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Reflections on Drug Policy

McBride, D., Y. Terry-McElrath, H. Harwood, J. Inciardi, and C. Leukefeld. "REFLECTIONS ON DRUG POLICY. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=4&did=1740720691&SrchMode=2&sid=2&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1300912272&clientId=10553 " Journal of Drug Issues 39.1 (2009): 71-88. Platinum Periodicals, ProQuest. Web. 20 Mar. 2011.

SUMMARY: The history of United States drug policy is complex, ranging from laissez-faire to strict prohibition. In recent years, there has been little federal interest in drug policy reform and a continuing focus on a prohibitionist deterrence approach. During this period, state initiatives have been in the forefront of drug policy experimentation via ballot initiatives, legislative actions, or judicial and administrative policy decisions. The resulting state-level drug policy landscape includes continued prohibition as well as harm reduction, medicalization, and decriminalization. In addition, there has been considerable state-level policy focus on substance abuse treatment quality. With a new presidential administration, there is some indication that drug policy reform may be a national issue as part of the federal health reform agenda

Bryan Newsom

Only a Drastic Change in U.S. Drug Policy Will Ease the Carnage in Mexico

Carpenter, Ted G. "Only a Drastic Change in U.S. Drug Policy Will Ease the Carnage in Mexico | Ted Galen Carpenter | Cato Unbound." Cato Unbound. 12 Aug. 2009. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <http://www.cato-unbound.org/2009/08/12/ted-galen-carpenter/only-a-drastic-change-in-us-drug-policy-will-ease-the-carnage-in-mexico/>.

SUMMARY: This article focuses on how Mexico is so involved in the drug trade and the problems it is creating. Thee author offers the one solution of making drugs legal, but he knows that the U.S. doesn't like that plan. He sees that as the only way to fix things.

Bryan Newsom

War on Drugs Unsuccessful, Drug Czar Says

"War on Drugs Unsuccessful, Drug Czar Says - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. 13 May 2010. Web. 20 Mar. 2011. <http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/05/13/politics/main6480889.shtml>.

SUMMARY: The war on drugs isn't very effective and it is costing a ton of money. This article shows some of the numbers involved in this war on drugs.

Bryan Newsom


Boyam, David, and Peter Reuter. "AN ANALYTIC ASSESSMENT OF U.S. DRUG POLICY." 26 Mar. 2005. Web. <http://www.ahrn.net/library_upload/uploadfile/file2216.pdf>.

SUMMARY: This article provides some ideas of what could be done to help the failing war on drugs.

Bryan Newsom

National drug control strategy

United States. National drug control strategy.. Washington D.C: Executive Office of the President, 1999-2003. Print.

SUMMARY: Official document released by the U.S Government in regards to the “war on drugs”


Nick Pangares

Cost-benefit/cost-effectiveness research of drug abuse prevention : implications for programming and policy

Evans, Richard. Cost-benefit/cost-effectiveness research of drug abuse prevention : implications for programming and policy. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research, 1998. Print.


SUMMARY: This book speaks about how effective government run drug prevention programs are doing, and the economics of having them against their lack of existence.

Nick Pangares

Programs under fire; D.A.R.E drug prevention curriculum bumped in face of call for measurable results

Williams, Rebecca. "Programs under fire; D.A.R.E drug prevention curriculum bumped in face of call for measurable results." News Sentinal Mar 8 2011: School matters section. Print.


SUMMARY: This news article reveals that some local governments may find their low scale drug prevention programs not as productive as they desired. This could be a huge step towards a greater realization

Nick Pangares


Levitt, Steven D, and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. New York: William Morrow, 2005. Print

SUMMARY: In this book the author investigates into a drug ring and realizes how the black market on drugs is set up as a perfect capitalist society. He then comes to realize how the drug market has more to gain from the war on drugs then they have to lose from legalization.

Nick Pangares

The Drug War and the U.S.-Mexico Border: The State of Affairs

ayan, Tony. "The Drug War and the U.S.-Mexico Border: The State of Affairs." South Atlantic Quarterly105.4 (2006): 863-880. America: History & Life. EBSCO. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.


SUMMARY: This article outlines one of the main drug import/export scenarios, which is that between Mexico and the U.S. It also highlights how the drugs that the U.S buys many times funds Mexico’s local government.

Nick Pangares

US drug policy: a bad export

Nadelmann, E. "US drug policy: a bad export." Foreign Policy 70 (1988): 83. America: History & Life. EBSCO. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.


SUMMARY: This article shows the continuing business of foreign drug importing/exporting, and how that and the war on drugs is costing our government billions of dollars Nick Pangares

"Mexico Cartels Turning into Full Scale Mafias

"Mexico Cartels Turning into Full-scale Mafias - World News - Americas - Focus on Mexico - Msnbc.com." Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News - Msnbc.com. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32437386/ns/world_news-americas>.


"SUMMARY": This talks article talks about how the Drug Cartels in Mexico are beginning to become full scale mafia's that control all of Mexico's small businesses, real estate, job market, and police forces.

Jeff Barnhart

Bureau of Public Affairs: Notes on Economy, Trade, Government, and the effects of Drugs in Columbia

"Colombia." U.S. Department of State. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35754.htm>.


"Summary": This is the State Departments notes on the state of U.S. Affairs in Columbia and contains information about how the Columbian government is cracking down on drug production. The decrease in drug production in Columbia has created optimism in their economy which has led to increase foreign investment. This gives the people more jobs that aren't influenced by the cartels which is hurting the amount of power they have in the country, dropping the amount of terrorism and drug related violence in the country.

Jeff Barnhart

The two faces of the US Drug Policy


Horwitz, Jeff, and Dave Jamieson. "The Two Faces of U.S. Drug Policy - Magazine - The Atlantic." The Atlantic — News and Analysis on Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, National, International, and Life – TheAtlantic.com. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/04/the-two-faces-of-us-drug-policy/7397/>.

Summary: This article give a neutral view of both sides of the US drug policy and how it and the Mexican drug policy are effecting the state of affairs in the two countries

Jeff Barnhart

Afghan Assault Targets Drug Trade


Monday, 5:00 A.m.,. "Afghan Assault Targets Taliban Drug Trade - Washington Times." Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/15/afghan-assault-targets-drug-trade/>.

Summary: This article talks about how the Taliban has taken over Afghan agricultural farms and is now using them to produce more heroin that they can sell. It also explains how this money goes to fund 60% of Taliban operations such as purchasing arms, training and paying fighters, and supporting terrorism.

Jeff Barnhart

CIA World Fact Book: Illicit Drugs

CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 23 Mar. 2011. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2086.html>.


Summary: Provides the CIA's notes about the functions of multiple countries in the illicit drug trade.

Jeff Barnhart

DEA Drug Policy Page

SUMMARY: This page is posted by the Department of Justice's Drug Enforcement Agency. It provides 10 reasons for why drugs should not be legalized and it backs them up with statistics about drug related crime in America. In addition to this, it talks about what happened when Marijuana legalization was tried in Alaska and, contrary to the "Forbidden Fruit" belief, drug use sky-rocketted among teens and young adults.


Jeff Barnhart

Obama Drug Policy Focuses On Prevention, Treatment

Hananel, Sam. " Obama Drug Policy Focuses On Prevention, Treatment." Huffpost politics 10 May 2010: 1-2. Web. 6 Apr 2011. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/10/obama-drug-policy-focuses_n_571087.html>.


SUMMARY: Analysis of Obama's Current drug policy

Nick Pangares

Obama Drug Policy

TIERNEY, John. "Obama's drug policy." New york Times 12 March 2009: 1-2. Web. 6 Apr 2011.


SUMMARY: Analysis of Obama's Current drug policy

Nick Pangares