2011 Fall Proseminar Professor Blog
1st Class: August 30, 2011
Thanks for helping the course get off to a good start last night. I'm really looking forward to our philosophical work together. As I said last night, this class offers you some great opportunities to get the big picture on the range of philosophical projects going on today (at least in the English speaking philosophical community). It's also a class that encourages you to pursue topics of your own choice, and practice research skills in pursuing them. We'll look at some crucial "turning points" in philosophy of the last 400 years, but we will also fill out our schedule with topics like the ones you all mentioned last night.
No matter what the topic or problem under discussion (and it's hard to avoid thinking about philosophy as posing problems), we should always be self-conscious about our methods and approaches in doing philosophy. In the early weeks of the semester, I hope you'll try to notice (in this class and others) how you are using (or not using) particular methods in constructing philosophical points of view. See the two versions of the article on philosophical methods on the course wiki for more information about this. In any case, content and method are dual concerns of the course. Sometimes we focus too much on teaching you lots of philosophy without making sure that your ability to practice philosophy is developing as well. Conversation and writing are the main occasions for practicing method and philosophy. Isn't it wonderful that philosophy is so social?!
The reading packets for next week are outside my door. I'll try to have them to distribute in class in the future.
We do try to have deserts for class, but maybe we'll organize that next week.
Looking forward to our first working class next week.
2nd Class: September 6, 2011
Thanks for a good class. I thought the reading level was good and most or all of you were engaged in the topics and issues. We need to get more of you on record ahead of the class meeting through the wiki. I hope the range of useful posts is becoming clearer. Let's try to get reading for next week done soon enough to post to the wiki by Sunday night. That allows everyone to read what's posted on Monday and Tuesday. Once we get this right, class discussions start at a more advanced level because the general level of understanding going into the class has been enhanced by the posts.
On topics, I think lots of you resonated with Hadot. That's great. I think we could have spent more time thinking about how "spiritual exercises" really work and why it's reasonable to expect philosophical activities to produce such exercises, such as mindfulness, but that would have required more depth in Hellenistic schools. I think also we appreciated how you could be a philosopher and not focus on spiritual exercises or even think them important.
Wiredu continues to provide a challenging perspective. Maybe some of you will want to do more comparative work. I don't agree with logical positivism (look it up -- the wikipedia has a good page on it), but I take his point that African philosophy should not be identified with magic and animism (since we don't observe the parallel practice when talking about Western thought). I liked the way several of you wanted a "both and" solution here, but there are tensions.
Finally, I hope we got some sense of what alternative styles of writing philosophy might look like. I've got lots more of this, so if you sign up for it in your grading scheme I'll make you a packet of additional examples, which could be models for your writing.
Could someone post links on the wiki (main page) for Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Routledge (through foley) Encyclopedia of Philosophy? Please use them as study aids and to fill in terms and figures you don't know anything about.
Ok, I've got pack and catch an early plane. Good luck with your reading and grading schemes. Please let me know if you can volunteer for dessert/snacks. Given our class size we might want a couple of volunteers for each week. I'm glad to make sure there are plates and utensils, just let me know what you're planning.