Questions for Romanzo di una strage

From Alfino
Revision as of 02:36, 19 February 2014 by Alfino (talk | contribs)
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While watching Romanzo di una strage, please:

  1. Take a note of everything you do not understand and what you would like to comment on.
  2. Try to keep track of and separate the forces of order, anarchists, neofascists, politicians, magistrates, investigators/journalists. What distinguishes these group and what relations unfold between them?
  3. By what means is the historical and socio-cultural context reconstructed? In what ways do we see"the strategy of tension" and "the historical compromise"?
  4. In what ways does the film revoke and illuminate Pasolini' article " (What is this coup? I know" was originally titled "Romanzo di una strate")?