Happiness Fall 2015 Reading Schedule
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01-Sep-15 Course Introduction
03-Sep-15 "Readings: Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, Book 1; McMahon, Ch. 1.
Focus: The Aristotle reading gives a classic statement of the nature of happiness, so track that. McMahon is writing an intellectual history of happiness. In general"
08-Sep-15 "Readings: Haidt, Ch. 5; Schimmack.
Focus: Jonathan Haidt will give you a broader view of happiness which anticipates some topics we read more about later in the course. Notice how he is trying to connection classical thought on happ"
10-Sep-15 "Readings: Argyle; Diener and Suh.
Focus: With Argyle you are getting a broad research-based introduction to happiness. Try to summarize the main findings from category or causes considered, such as Age, Education, Social Status, Inco"
15-Sep-15 "Readings: Haidt, Ch 1.
17-Sep-15 "Readings: McMahon, Ch. 2; Miller; Fahri, Ch. 6.
Focus: In McMahon, focus on the contrast he develops between classical and Christian views of happiness. The story of Perpetua and Felicitas seems important. Barbara Miller gives us an"
22-Sep-15 "Readings: Siderits, Ch. 2; Pali Canon.
Focus: In Siderits, make sure you focus on the basic account of Buddha's life and the four noble truths. Understand the Buddhists diagnose of unhappiness and the remedy suggested. The Greater "
24-Sep-15 "Readings: Epictetus; Epicurus, Principle Doctrines and Letter to Meneoceus.
Focus:These documents encapsulate both Stoic thought and Epicurean thought. We'll get into some details, but try to identify main teachings and what each of"
29-Sep-15 "Readings: Irvine, Chs. 4 and 5.
Focus: With Irvine we get a modern effort to develop Stoic thought and psychology. Focus on the concept of ""negative visualization"" in Chapter 4. In chapter 5, Irvine discusses and suggests a revisio"
01-Oct-15 "Readings: Gilbert, Ch. 1; McMahon, Chs. 3 and 4.
Focus: Gilbert is making an interpretation about happiness from psychology research. So in reading him, you need to track both the point of the specific research results he discusses "
06-Oct-15 "Readings: Gilbert, Chs. 2 and 3.
Focus: These two chapters take us into Gilbert's view further. In 2, focus on the question of the objectivity of happiness given different ""scales"" we might use to report it. Chapter 3 is meant to u"
08-Oct-15 "Readings: Haidt, Ch. 6; de Botton, ""Lovelessness"" (vi - 10 - first few pages of ""debottonStatusAnxietyexcerpts.pdf""), Brooks, The social animal.
Focus: Here we'll focus on love as a distinctive ""domain"" of happiness. From Haidt we g"
13-Oct-15 Mid-term Exam today for those of you who have this in your grading scheme.
15-Oct-15 "Readings: de Botton, ""Expectation""; de Botton, ""Meritocracy"" (in ""debottonStatusAnxietyexcerpts.pdf""); Gilbert, Chs. 4 and 5.
Focus: de Botton will continue the theme we mentioned at the end of class last time -- about the implicatio"
20-Oct-15 "Readings: Gilbert, Chs. 6 and 7, MacMahon Ch. 5.
22-Oct-15 "Readings: Csiksentmihalyi, Chs. 1, 2, and 3.
Focus: Csiksentmiahlyi focuses us more concretely on the emotional qualities that everyday life activities have. He's also presenting his main theoretical concept in these readings: flow"
27-Oct-15 "Readings: Bryant, Ch. 1; Emmons.
Focus: Alot of the work in Bryant Ch. 1 is definitional and theoretical. Try to follow the process Bryant takes you through in defining savoring. Emmons spends less time on definition, but some. N"
29-Oct-15 "Readings: Bryant, Ch. 8; Watkins.
Focus:Watkins gives us more research on gratitude. Bryant Chapter 2 is more of a practical guide to savoring experience. Savoring practicum students should take particular note here."
03-Nov-15 "Readings: Diener and Diener; Csiksentmihalyi Ch. 6.
Focus:The focus here should be on how each author theorizes the importance of relationships. Try to compare the accounts a bit."
05-Nov-15 "Readings: Haidt, Ch. 9.
Focus:As an extension of our work on relationships, Haidt considers vertical ones. Track his somewhat speculative theory about the psychology and physiology of elevation."
11-Nov-15 "Readings: Gilbert, Chs. 8 and 9.
Focus: These two chapters get at some of the ways we seem to be able to alter our perceptions of reality. Follow major studies and Gilbert's concept of the ""psychological immune"" system."
13-Nov-15 "Readings: McMahon, Ch. 6.
Focus: This chapter represents historical and cultural reflection on commercialism and the growth of material culture. Track major theses considered and evidence."
17-Nov-15 "Readings: Death 1.
""To love that well, which thou must leave ere long"" Sonnet 73, Shakespeare
- From the radio program ""To the Best of Our Knowledge: ""HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY,"" including the following segments: Happiness Studies - D"
19-Nov-15 "Readings:Bok, Ch. 3 and 4
Focus:" 24-Dec-15 Thanksgiving Holiday 01-Dec-15 "Readings:Graham, excerpt, pp. 66-73, Chapters 7 and 8.
Focus:" 03-Dec-15 Activity: Discussion of Theories! Try to finish your papers for today, but bring your work to compare with others in your small groups. Let's call this the semi-official due date for the papers. Certainly try to turn them in by the end of the wee 08-Dec-15 Activity: Review for Final. 10-Dec-15 Optional Workshop class on papers and study questions. 12/18/ "Official Final exam times: For morning class, Friday, 12/20, 1-3
For afternoon class, Friday 12/20, 8-10."