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4. Any required texts or other materials.

The current reading list for the course includes several films, three books and numerous articles. Here is a partial course bibliography:


Documentaries: Food, Inc.; Cowspiracy; The Grain Divide
Montanari, Massimo. (1996). The Culture of Food (C. Ipsen, Trans.). Oxford: Blackwell.
Pollan, Michael. (2008). In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto. London: Penguin.
Singer, Peter, & Mason, Jim. (2006). The Ethics of What We Eat. Rodale.

Food Culture and History

Montgomery, David. (2012). Chapter 2: Skin of the Earth Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations (pp. 9-25): University of California Press.
Montgomery, David. (2012). Chapter 3: Rivers of Life Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations (pp. 27-47): University of California Press.
Montgomery, David. (2012). Chapter 8: Dirty Business Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations (pp. 179-215): University of California Press.
Montgomery, David. (2012). Chapter 10: Life Span of Civilizations Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations (pp. 233-246): University of California Press.
Tannahill, Reay. (1988). Chapter 3: Changing the Face of the Earth Food in History (pp. 19-41). New York: Three Rivers Press.
Tannahill, Reay. (1988). Chapter 4: The First Civilizations Food in History (pp. 45-59). New York: Three Rivers Press.
Tannahill, Reay. (1988). Chapter 5: Classical Greece Food in History (pp. 60-70). New York: Three Rivers Press.
Tannahill, Reay. (1988). Chapter 6: Imperial Rome Food in History (pp. 71-91). New York: Three Rivers Press.
Wallach, Jennifer Jensen. (2013). Chapter 1. The Cuisine of Contact How America Eats: A social history of U.S. food and culture (pp. 1-31). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Wallach, Jennifer Jensen. (2013). Chapter 6: The Pious or Patriot Stomach How America Eats: A social history of U.S. food and culture (pp. 143-167). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Nutrition and Nutritionism

Nix, Stacy. (2013). Chapter 2: Carbohydrates Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy (pp. 47-63): Elsevier.
Nix, Stacy. (2013). Chapter 3: Fats Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy (pp. 31-46): Elsevier.
Nix, Stacy. (2013). Chapter 4: Proteins Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy (pp. 47-63): Elsevier.
Nix, Stacy. (2013). Chapter 7: Vitamins Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy (pp. 94-127): Elsevier.
Gratzer, Walter. (2005). Chapter 1: The Ravages of War Terrors of the Table: The Curious History of Nutrition (pp. 1-15). Oxford: Oxford UP.
Gratzer, Walter. (2005). Chapter 2: The Scurvy Wars Terrors of the Table: The Curious History of Nutrition (pp. 16-35). Oxford: Oxford UP.
Gratzer, Walter. (2005). Chapter 8: Paradigm Postponed: the Tardy Arrival of Vitamins Terrors of the Table: The Curious History of Nutrition (pp. 135-161). Oxford: Oxford UP.
Gratzer, Walter. (2005). Chapter 10: Fads and Quacks Terrors of the Table: The Curious History of Nutrition (pp. 188-210). Oxford: Oxford UP.

US Food System and Politics of Food and Western Diet

Pollan, Michael. (2008). Part 1: The Age of Nutritionism In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto (pp. 1-78). London: Penguin.
Pollan, Michael. (2008). Part 2: The Western Diet In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto (pp. 83-132). London: Penguin.
Nestle, Marion. (2002). Chapter 1: From "Eat More" to "Eat Less" 1900-1990 Food Politics: How the food industry influences nutrition and health (pp. 31-50).
Nestle, Marion. (2002). Chapter 2: Politics Versus Science -- opposing the food pyramind, 1991-1992 Food Politics: How the food industry influences nutrition and health (pp. 51-66).
Zepeda, Lydia. (2007). Carving Values with a Spoon Food and Philosophy (pp. 31-43). Oxford: Blackwell.
Moss, Michael. (2013). Salt Sugar Fat. New York: Random House.

Ethics of Food

Estabrook, Barry. (2013). Hogonomics. In H. Hughes (Ed.), Best Food Writing 2014. Philadelphia: Perseus Books.
Francione, Gary L. (2012). Animal Welfare, Happy Meat, and Veganism as the Moral Baseline. In D. M. Kaplan (Ed.), The Philosophy of Food (pp. 169-189). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Haynes, Richard P. (2012). The Myth of Happy Meat. In D. M. Kaplan (Ed.), The Philosophy of Food (pp. 161-168). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Singer, Peter, & Mason, Jim. (2006). Chapter 2: The Hidden Costs of Cheap Chicken The Ethics of What We Eat (pp. 21-37): Rodale.
Singer, Peter, & Mason, Jim. (2006). Chapter 4: Meat and Milk Factories The Ethics of What We Eat (pp. 42-69): Rodale.
Singer, Peter, & Mason, Jim. (2006). Chapter 9: Seafood The Ethics of What We Eat (pp. 111-135): Rodale.
Singer, Peter, & Mason, Jim. (2006). Chapter 17: The Ethics of Eating Meat The Ethics of What We Eat (pp. 241-270): Rodale.

Gastronomy (Cucina), Food Ecology, and Slow Culture

The Grain Divide
Barber, Dan. (2014). The 16.9 Carrot. In H. Hughes (Ed.), Best Food Writing 2014. Philadelphia: Perseus Books.
Barber, Dan. (2014). Introduction and Chapter 12 The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food: Penguin.
Barber, Dan. (2014). Chapter 30: Bread The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food (pp. 382-409): Penguin.
Andrews, Geoff. (2008). Chapter 2: The Critique of 'Fast Life' The Slow Food Story (pp. 29-47). Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Jabr, Ferris, “Bread is Broken”