Who are influencers?

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To be an influencer, you need to have three qualities: be a recognized expert in a niche; have an active audience of significant size; be able to interact with and influence the audience. If Ahrefs were to pay someone to grow their audience, an SEO expert like Brian Dean would be a good choice. In 2017, Brian Dean was recognized as a Search Engine Optimization Genius by Entrepreneur . He has 113k followers on Twitter and 407k followers on Youtube . More importantly, each of his posts receives dozens of comments, likes and shares within minutes of being released. In 2015, Brian invented the skyscraper technique , the only SEO strategy that gets searched 30 times a day! But here's the catch: even though Brian is an influencer, you can't pay him to influence his followers. People like Brian Dean need more than money to talk about your product. They want a good product . So even though he is a great influencer for Ahrefs, he is not a good candidate for an influencer marketing campaign. But almost every niche has hundreds or thousands of influencers… Learn more at https://yoloco.io/instagram/influencer-explorer.