Ethics Fall 2023 New Prison videos

From Alfino
Revision as of 21:29, 4 December 2023 by Alfino (talk | contribs) (Created page with " :*From MC ::*This video discusses the relation of architects and their responsibility to design prisons. While some architects feel there is an ethical way to build solida...")
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  • From MC
  • This video discusses the relation of architects and their responsibility to design prisons. While some architects feel there is an ethical way to build solidarity rooms, others feel as though architects should reject any offers to design these rooms, as they are inhumane. This content would be an interesting look into the ethical responsibility towards the justice system of individuals and professionals who are not typically associated with prisons. [1]
  • This BBC video hypothesizes about the potential benefits of a world without prisons. It discusses determinism, as well as the increased level of effort society may put into rehabilitating individuals if there is no option to lock them away. [2]
  • This video discusses the correlation between in-school punishment systems, and student rates of arrest after graduation. It specifically discusses how black stents are especially punished in school, and how white students tend to be punished for objective offences but black students are more likely to be punished for subjective offenses. [3]