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5 Successes, 5 Failures, 5 Programs

5 Successes

  • Global Giving Touted by Easterly as part of a new "market" for program delivery, I'd like to think this might be a successful model for micro-philanthropy. Alfino 17:28, 5 March 2007 (PST)
  • FINCA] international -micro finance group. From Blair Adornato
  • [KIVA] an Internet based loan source, somewhat like global giving on the wiki page. (Blair has user experience with this one.) From Blair Adornato
  • [Green Microfinance] they work to promote environmentally sound projects while simultaneously using the micro finance model. From Blair Adornato
  • The story of Leonard Wantchekon, from Benin, strikes me as both a personal success story and as a success story that invites us to think about the connection between education and development. This brief excerpt Media:Easterlyexerpt.PDF makes me curious about the school at Zagnanado that Wantchekon came from. It also makes me think about the potential value of having inbound international students from developing countries.

5 Failures

  • In our discussion at our first meeting, mention was made of the failure of an anti-malaria bed-netting program. I find myself coming back to that kind of failure in thinking about problems to avoid in our own future programs. Alfino 07:15, 20 March 2007 (PDT)
  • I think we also had a collective concern at our first meeting that we avoid program involvements that do not involve authentic community development. At some point, we should clarify this concern.Alfino 07:20, 20 March 2007 (PDT)

5 Programs

April 20th, 2007 Readings