Definition of Jesuit Education Findings

From Alfino
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Finding Format

A "finding" is just a particular result of research work. An article, book, website, report, etc. can each be a "finding" it you decide that the source plays some significant role in the inquiry. When you are ready to post a finding, click on the edit tab above, copy from the line below through the four dash ("-") signs, and then paste

<Finding Title (For example, "Harms of Global Warming" or "General Book on Global Warming">

Finding and Link (Citation in MLA format, with enduring link if possible, at least with as much publication information as you have.)

Summary/Reconstruction (Identify key ideas, reconstruct arguments and explanations, indicate the type of information you found -- research, news, background, editorial, etc. Pay particular attention to the point of view of the source or publication.)

Your Name