Roll Call Quesitons
Roll Call Questions
- Perfect stranger sits down next to you at a bar bench and says he'll give you one thousand dollars to drink a bottle of Evian.
- Just because I'm ____ doesn't mean I'm _______.
- I'd give ____ years off the end of my life for 1 million dollars.
- Would you take 24 hours of torture for 10,000 dollars if you wouldn't remember anything?
- Would you cause severe pain in someone you love for money? (type of pain, how much).
- The pleasure of ____ or the pain of _______________(be specific)
- You won't believe this but __________
- I think it would be cool, but kind of weird if.
- I always lie about
- Somewhere over the rainbow is my
- It gets me fired up when
- You'll never believe this but
- I felt really stupid the time I
- I bet no one here has ever.
- If I were a sauce or condiment I'd be __________.
- There's a _____ in me trying to get out.
- What I want to know is.
- Least someone would have to do to convince you they were magic.
- I'd give a month of my life to spend a day with __________.
- Would you mow your teachers lawn to improve your grade from a D to an A.
- Right now I could use a spoonful of ____
- __ is a great way to get your butt kicked
- New flavor of jelly bean.
- I like to snuggle with _____.
- I haven't had a good _____ in a while.
- Believe a beautiful lie or know the terrible truth.
- The meanest thing you ever did, or was done to you as a kid.
- Do we need to respect the wishes of the dead?
- Say your name with one extra syllable in the middle.
- What are you more sure of:?
- Last time you messed things up.
- Why you deserve food.
- Brings a tear to my eye when.
- Good childhood experience in a sentence.
- I'm afraid of ____.
- There's nothing like a good ____.
- You just don't ______.
- I'm not a ____.
- Something you like that most people don't, or something you don't like that most people do.
- I'd like to have a snack with _____.
Nickname of self or others. Would you be willing to spit on a perfect stranger for 500 dollars? Something you like that other people don't. Bad dream in one sentence. Would the world be better with all men or all women? Professor's bad habits. I hate it when____ I'd rather not have to choose betwen ____ and _____. It's bad manners to ______. Your favorite/least favorite body part. Volunteers needed for study of torture. Will recollect as blissful experience. 10G stipend. Least favorite elementary school teacher. I was never so mad as when___________. There ought to be a law against ________. It's really awkward when ___________. If I could be invisible for a day, I would _______. What's worse, to make an illegal copy of a piece of software, or to steal it or any other 100 dollar item from the store? You've invented and hold the patent on a cure for cancer, but you don't want to market it. Should the government be allowed to terminate your patent and produce the cure without your permission? Is it wrong to blackmail someone with the truth? Is it wrong to take something of of a person's shopping cart? Do we have to keep promises we make to dead people? Worst Job. Article of clothing you won't wear. What name would you have if you were born the opposite sex. I wish I didn't care so much about ___. Would you rather be rich and unloved or poor and loved. Would you rather have have a spouse who is warm, faithful, loving, and butt ugly, or beautiful, cold, indifferent (though still faithful.)