Fall 2008 Critical Thinking Research Topics

From Alfino
Revision as of 17:12, 28 October 2008 by Alfino (talk | contribs)
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Current Topics Under Consideration:

~ Affirmative action (in higher ed admissions)

~ Racial profiling (evaluation of justifications for and against) Is there a "for"?

~ Creationism in high school science curriculum

~ Global job outsourcing

~ Sex education

~ Assisted suicide

~ Death penalty (needs focus)

~ Double standards in athlete code (needs more defintion)

~ Child soldiers

~ Cosmetic surgery (needs focus - Assess evidence of effect on well-being?)

~ Hybrid Cars (Alfino: What about them?) Are they really environmently friendly? The toxic batteries pose huge problems to the environment once dead. Alfino: Ok, maybe "Zero emission vehicles" (the topic could include viewpoints about whether to encourage their production or not.

~ Abortion (maybe not?)