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25: DEC 4


  • Hertz, Noreena, Chatper 6, "Our Screens, Our Selves"
  • Zhang, et. al, "The Effect of Problematic Social Media Use on Happiness among Adolescents"

Hertz, Noreena C6, “Our Screens, Our Selves”

  • Kaleidoscopes - popular and disparaged by elites. Is the comparison to screens reasonable? doubts, also, about printed writing over hand copies. (Print pdfs over screen reading.)
  • We check our phone 221 times a day.
  • thesis, 94: Cell phone use is contributing to loneliness. Hmm?
  • trading off digitally mediated interactions for live ones. Everyone?
  • evidence of impaired language skills. Parents distracted from kids.
  • 97: study showing effect of smartphone on table on “closeness” bt couples.
  • Jamil Zkai - “thinned” relationships reduce empathy.
  • Covid - large increase in phone volume. Video.
  • 99: evidence from empathy neuroscience - emotional engagement distinctive. Claims video interaction not the same.
  • ”How to read a face” - Cites educators who claim that students are not reading faces and non-verbal information well due to cell phone use. 102: U Bristol study on kids and emo expression. Other studies…. Intervention studies show improvement after screen-free days.
  • Would you advocate for “no cell phone” policies at your kid’s school? Harder for low income people to avoid using tech as a babysitter.
  • Acknowledges that digital media and internet connect some people more than they used to be. Example of lgbt folks finding community digitally when their live community is not supportive.
  • 106: studies connecting phone use and loneliness in adolescents. Direction of causation problem. Maybe lonely people use their phone more?
  • 107: Best Intervention studies so far. Hunt Allcott. [1].
  • 107 - trolling, doxxing, swatting, abusive language, threatening behavior, cyberbullies, “…a mean cruel world is a lonely one.” 109.
  • BOMP - FOMO - digital exclusion - heightened adverse social comparison for some.
  • Remedies - self-regulation, parental regulation of minors, age limits on some media.