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4: SEP 11


  • McMahon Chapter 1, Part Three “Highest Good” (50-65)
  • Epictetus, Enchiridion (12)


  • Lecture notes on modern stoicism (Irving)
  • The Stoic Worldview
  • Some writing concepts

"The Stoic Worldview"

  • Example of modern stoic / CBT connection: [1] and a broader net. [2]
Briefly on Stoic "Theology & Ontology" -
  • pantheism -- theos is in all things - pneuma = fine matter.
  • ontology - All is corporeal, yet pneuma distinguishes life and force from dead matter.
  • determinism and freedom - Ench. #1
  • The Hegimonikon ("A ruling or governing power; specifically human reason"): God in us.
  • Model of Growth and Development toward Sagehood & Wisdom - Soul-training. Realizing the divine in you.
  • Some similarities to Ashtanga philosophies like Buddhism.

Epictetus, The Enchiridion

  • Our challenge is to pick through Epictetus' language and give the most useful reconstruction we can. Often this involves re-interpreting some of the radical claims.
  • Key Idea: To realize our rational nature (and the freedom, joy and, really, connection to the divine, that only rational being can know), we need to adjust our thinking about our lives to what we know about reality.
  • Key Claim: You need wisdom (soul training) to realize your nature, but if you succeed, you will flourish and be happy. (This is a typical way to unite wisdom and happiness.)
  • Some passages that define the practical philosophy:
  • 1: A first principle, really. "Some things are in our control and others are not."
  • Notice the "re-orientation" which is recommended in #1 and #2. "confine your aversions" and understand the limits of things. (Sounds like an “aversion” retraining program based on knowledge claims.)
  • 3: Infamous. ceramic cups, but then at #11, your partner's death. Read with #7, #8, and #14, in case we’re being too subtle. "confine your attractions". Very much like "attachment" in Buddhism. Or, in CBT.
  • 4: Something like mindfulness?
  • 6: Limits of pride. Catching the mind exaggerating.
  • 8: Alignment
  • 11: awareness of change
  • 15: Desire,
  • 26: observing asymmetries. I find this interesting and challenging. It might need modification.
  • importance of commitment
  • 34: note specific advice in 34 (attend to the phenomenology of desire and future pleasure), 35 (own it). "measure" in 39, read 41. 43
  • 46: Advice about comportment. -- stay inside yourself, don't be showy or ostentatious.