2015 Fall Proseminar Student Introductions

From Alfino
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Alfino, Mark

Introduction: Originally from the East coast, I studied philosophy at The University of Texas at Austin in the 1980s and have worked at Gonzaga since 1989. I am married and have two adult sons, Christopher and Nicholas. I have taught a wide range of philosophical topics, especially focusing on practical philosophy, including ethics, happiness, and wisdom. Currently, I am working on topics in Philosphy of Culture and the nature of food.

McGaughey, Eric

Hey all, I'm excited for the semester! I'm from Spokane, I like hip hop, edm, jazz fusion, and basically anything from the Beach Boys to Toro y Moi, but my all-time favorite artist is probably Das Racist. My favorite TV shows include 30 Rock, Arrested Development and the entire Food Network lineup. I work at a burrito place on the South Hill and in my free time I mostly like to chill out, listen to music, watch Netflix, or read. My favorite author is probably David Sedaris, who I highly recommend. If you like any of the same media I do, we'll probably get along, and if you don't, well we'll probably get along anyway! Looking forward to getting to know you all!

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