Digital Volcano Vaporizer

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Describing Digital Volcano Vaporizer

The Digital Volcano Vaporizer advantage lies in its large LED display, which informs the user immediately and precisely the state of operation.

The Volcano communicates well with the user and the electronic control system works more precisely than bi-metal regulator of Classic Volcano accurate electronic. The regular large, digital display actual temperature and ideal temperature set between 40 ° and 230 ° C (104 ° and 446 ° F) Accuracy of temperature ± 1.5 ° C (2.7 ° F) Digital display switchable between ° Celsius and ° Fahrenheit

Two year warranty Automatic Disconnection

Both Volcano vaporizers come with an attractive brushed metal cone. In choosing the material, has paid special attention to use neutral materials flavorless groceries.

Both the high-performance heating cartridge and the strong diaphragm pump can withstand large cartridges. The independent temperature fuse, air filter and muffler are a must in Volcano vaporizers, and the aluminum block heater specially designed which brings the air to the desired temperature in a clean and reliable manner.

The advantage of Volcano Digit lies in its large LED digital indicators, which inform the user immediately and precisely the state of operation. The following features best describes the volcano vaporizer.

   Product safety and quality tested and certified
   Electronic accurate
   Large LED digital display for actual temperature and optimum temperature
   Adjustable temperature between 40 ° and 230 ° C (104 ° and 446 ° F)
   Temperature accuracy ± 1.5 ° C (2.7 ° F)
   Digital display switchable between ° Celsius and ° Fahrenheit
   Three year warranty
   Automatic disconnection

Both Volcano vaporizers come with an attractive brushed metal cone. In choosing the material, it has paid special attention to use materials and flavorless food unfit for consumption. Both the high-performance heating cartridge and the strong diaphragm pump can withstand heavy loads.

Independent temperature fuse, air filter and muffler are a must in a Digital Volcano Vaporizer, and the aluminum heating block special design brings the air to the desired temperature in a clean way.