Less Recent Stuff

From Alfino
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  • "Top Ten Happiness Ideas from Fall 2012," [Prezi], and [MP3]. Load the prezi and start the mp3.
  • "Techno-Rationality and the Modern Academy," talk for George Washington University Philosophy Alumni Conference, Washington, D.C., September 28, 2012. [[4]]
  • ["Gaming Wisdom"], April 11, 2012, Nammour Symposium, UCSU, Sacramento, California.
  • [Powerpoint] and [Audio] for "What Can We Learn from Postmodern Theories of Meaning and Truth?," talk, Gonzaga University, March 27, 2012.
  • [Powerpoint] and [Audio] for "Darwin for Everyone!" talk, Spokane Secular Society, February 11, 2012. Runs about 40 minutes.