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- ===Introduction and Philosophical Starting Points (230 pages and films)=== ...3. (1-27). These documentaries and Nestle's Introduction will quickly put a critique of the US Food System on the table.7 KB (950 words) - 01:01, 5 December 2016
- *[[Spring 2016 Wisdom Student Practice Page for Wiki]] - Introduce yourself. *[ Tell Me] - A general form for telling me anything anonymously or not.13 KB (1,969 words) - 01:43, 18 February 2016
- Back to [[Happiness and Wisdom]] Course Main Page<BR> ...elief. It really involves two basic skills: quieting the mind and becoming a better observer of how the mind works. Quieting the mind is the real challe10 KB (1,752 words) - 05:08, 24 August 2023
- *Follow this pattern to post research results and links to this page: ===Page Organization===29 KB (4,460 words) - 14:23, 15 October 2018
- *Follow this pattern to post research results and links to this page: ===Page Organization===29 KB (4,451 words) - 12:30, 2 October 2018
- ...s, Dr. Almond makes the point that there are certain recurring elements of a revolution and Dr. Almond believes the most substantial element that causes ==The Egyptian Protests Are a Many Constituencied Thing==24 KB (3,514 words) - 19:27, 1 May 2011
- We'll use this page for you to post some practice exam answers. Please follow the pattern belo ...theory states that memes are not consciously reproduced and they are under a selection pressure. Some criticism of meme theory are that bad things or c14 KB (2,393 words) - 06:37, 14 February 2013
- ...Your suggestions for topics were very helpful. I think we can implement a couple of them. is in tracking your reading experience prior to each class and having a sense of the browsing you are doing.18 KB (3,023 words) - 18:01, 3 December 2014
- This page is primarily for notes for class lecture and discusion. ...ns about the nature of the universe and our experience in it. It involves a turn toward "basic questions". It also involves meta-level cognition.22 KB (3,448 words) - 16:29, 11 January 2011
- (at least in the English speaking philosophical community). It's also a class that encourages you to pursue topics of your own choice, and practice ...on Monday and Tuesday. Once we get this right, class discussions start at a more advanced level because the general level of understanding going into t28 KB (4,722 words) - 17:21, 7 December 2011
- ==A Good Death== ::*Many posts could benefit from a sentence or two describing a significant point made in the resource. This is especially true for video r33 KB (5,254 words) - 14:07, 29 April 2017
- ::*we'll try to gloss key terms to develop a common reference and understanding of H's phenomenology ::*absolute subjectivity as a basis for absolute objectivity.41 KB (6,385 words) - 01:04, 7 December 2017
- ::*Starting the discussion about ethics. Course questions. ::*Send me a brief introduction through the "Tell Me" form on the wiki. (Soon, please.)73 KB (10,836 words) - 22:08, 8 March 2017
- ...rom course website). All course information is linked from the course wiki page. ::*Presence of a cheater condition57 KB (8,294 words) - 16:21, 30 April 2015
- ::*Assignment for Friday: Choose your pseudonym (google form), then write a short reconstruction and critical response to the McGinn article. ::*Having a philosophical life --60 KB (9,096 words) - 20:03, 2 December 2015
- ...e of existentialisms. Try to represent their thought in a post or provide a link or resource to read. *Read a work of existential literature, such as a story from Camus, or Sartre's "No Exit"70 KB (11,277 words) - 22:33, 30 November 2010
- :*A typical prep cycle for the course: read, engage, review, prep SQs. 3. Two Roads to Happiness and self-consciousness about Happiness as a global human achievement.49 KB (7,090 words) - 16:56, 13 November 2014
- :*Course Content: A brief look at the major course research questions. ::*Send me a brief introduction through the "Tell Me" form on the wiki. (Soon, please.)99 KB (14,562 words) - 01:10, 6 May 2018
- :*New book on gossip. [ ...n is illegal.[]151 KB (17,836 words) - 01:50, 20 February 2025
- :*Course Content: A brief look at the major course research questions. ::*Send me a brief introduction through the "Tell Me" form on the wiki. (Soon, please.)111 KB (16,462 words) - 18:37, 19 April 2018