Spring 2015 Philosophy of Italian Culutre

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Required Elements

You must have the following elements in your grading scheme. Make sure the percentages total 100.

Preparation (formal, required, 25%)

Your preparation for class will be assessed by short quizzes given at the start of most classes. We will also ask you to write some open book short answer questions to prepare for the exams.

Mid term Exam (formal, required, 10-30%)

An exam in which you write two short essays. Open book and open note.

Final Exam (formal, required, 25-45%)

An exam in which you write two short essays. Open book and open note.

Optional Elements

You may add one or more of the following elements to your grading scheme. Make sure the percentages total 100.

Class Presentation (informal, optional, 10-15%)

A brief (10-15 minute) class presentation of a topic of your choice (in consultation with your professor).

Movie Reflection Paper (informal, optional, 10%)

Write a 3-4 page analysis of the representation of Italian culture one of the films from class or another chosen in consultation with your professors. Must be completed by April 15th.

Short research paper (formal, optional, 10-15%)

This short research assignment allows you to look into a course question or topic of interest to you.