Talk:Critical Thinking

From Alfino
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Field Observation 1:

Last week I was at my Coach's house for our start of the season dinner where we discuss practice and get our gear. This year we got Sun Mountain golf bags instead of PING. This caused quite a controversey because we all liked the PING bags a lot and have never been fans of the Sun Mountain bags. We all started giving Coach reasons as to why the PING bags were better such as lighter, more stylish, etc... to make it known we weren't happy about the change and to voice our opinion that PING is better. The overall tone was very argumentative and focused on reasons why PING bags are better. None of the participants used thinking in stereo to my knowledge. The resolution amongst our team was that PING bags are better and our coach realized that but gave his reasoning for switching which was that the PING bags would have taken 7months to get off back order and we wouldn't have had them in time.