What do we pay attention to when choosing IT courses?

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One-day courses are not an option for getting a new profession And not only in the field of information technology. You are unlikely to be taught how to cook restaurant-grade meals in a week, so why should this work for such a complex topic as programming. You will understand the terms, learn the language and take the first practical steps for at least a couple of months. All courses that promise to teach this in a few days have one goal - to lure money out of gullible seekers. Find out more at https://iampm.club/dao-pm-online/. Promises “you are guaranteed to get a job after completing courses” should not be taken seriously Gaining knowledge on courses is only a third of future success. Another third is your independent work and aspirations. And the last third depends only on the employer: if a promising IT company does not want to give you a chance, no courses will help. Such promises lead to mistrust of the school. A good school has a good website Where all courses are detailed, information is given about their beginning, the number of available places, the program is indicated. On such a site, you can find out everything about the coaches, get current contacts and leave an application for participation. Studying the reviews is not superfluous And not only on the school website, but also on the corresponding forums and social networks. If you are afraid that they are all written by fakes or paid for, contact your IT specialists or acquaintances of your acquaintances: they have definitely heard about good, proven courses. The experience of coaches is also important The main plus if the courses are taught by coaches who hold important positions (managers or seniors) in leading IT companies. In good schools, the practical experience of teachers and their achievements in the field of information programming will definitely be indicated. All additional information and notes are also a plus It is very important if the student additionally receives recordings of webinars, links to books and useful articles, as well as any other source of knowledge. All this will come in handy in the future, when you need to remember something or clarify the details. Pay attention to additional bonuses Visiting leading IT companies, helping with resume writing, rehearsing an interview with an HR, a completed project that can be added to a portfolio are all goodies that show that the school leaders are really trying to help you. Therefore, do not be afraid to take the maximum from the courses.