What you need to move to the USA: where to start

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When considering ways to move to the United States, it is important to carefully study all the information available and systematize it. It is necessary to assess your prospects for changing your place of residence under a particular migration program. Learn more at https://www.kuzminalaw.com/. Data collection may take more than one month. But the more seriously you prepare for the most important step in your life, the easier it will be to interact with the authorities. So, where should you start your journey across the ocean: Finish things . This may include payments on loan obligations, termination of employment, obtaining a diploma / certificate in an educational institution. Find support in America. When planning employment, you should find an employer. For applicants, an important step is to find an educational institution and receive an invitation to take exams / study. Collect the required amount. Paperwork, living in America, passing a medical commission - all this requires significant costs. If you do not own your own business, the operation of which will not stop with moving to the USA, then it is better to start raising money in advance. Learn English. For whatever reason you are going to move to the North American continent, knowledge of the language is a prerequisite. Despite the fact that it is possible to master grammar at a sufficient level even after moving, in some cases this knowledge can facilitate the process of obtaining a permit. Thus, passing the interview will cause less difficulties, and having a certificate of language proficiency will increase your score if you apply for a work visa. Considering the possibilities of how to move to live in the United States, one should not discount the element of luck, because this is how many of our compatriots subsequently received American citizenship. We are talking about drawing a green card, participation in which does not require any financial investment, but special abilities. It is enough to have a high school diploma, a valid foreign passport and a biometric photo.