Global Dimming
Research Findings for Global Dimming
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Global Dimming Resources
- There is also an interesting documentary titled "Horizons" that was produced by the BBC
Sunshine Levels Diminishing
Chang, Kenneth. "Globe Grows Darker as Sunshine Diminishes 10% to 37%." Common Dreams Newscenter. 13 May 2004. Common Dreams. 30 Mar 2008 <>.
Chang's article was writtin in 2004 for the New York Times. It addresses the idea that the amount of sunshine reaching earth has diminished anywhere from 10% to 37% in the 20th century. The article's main point is to make the reader aware that many scientists have been studying the dimming phenomenon, and that they are compiling more and more evidence that supports the theory of global dimming. There is also explanation included of how these scientists perform their studies. The article completely supports the scientist's findings and is not an argument for or against global dimming
Geneva Granatstein
History of Global Warming
Adam, David. "Goodbye Sunshine." The Guardian. 18 Dec 2003. 30 Mar 2008 <>.
Adam's article gives a detailed summary of who first discovered the idea of global warming, and the different scientists that have published related research since then. Atsumu Ohmura first published research on global warming in 1985, when he recorded that since the 1960's, the amount of sunshine penetrating Europe had declined by 10%. Since Ohmura's article was published, several other research papers were published during the 1990s on global dimming. All of these papers provided additional evidence to support Ohmura's theory. It was reported that sunshine in Ireland was decreasing, both the Arctic and the Antarctic were getting darker and that light in Japan was also decreasing. The most surprising evidence was that levels of solar radiation in the former Soviet Union had gone down almost 20% between 1960 and 1987. Since then, many more scientists have begun their own research around the world, and are continuing to find evidence that supports Ohmura's original claim.
Geneva Granatstein