U.S. involvement in Afghanistan
From Alfino
Preliminary Inquiry
History of involvement?
What caused current involvement?
Future Goals for Afghanistan?
Stats of # of troops there?
Actions of troops?
Effects of leaving other wars, similar situations?
-http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=6&did=1874590201&SrchMode=2&sid=1&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1257456292&clientId=10553 This article talks about the vietnam war, in relation to afghanistan, it compares and contrasts the leaders at the time, and the experience of the people running the war
Assesments by officials...
Authoritative sources?
State of Afghan politics?
Elite journals in Afghan war field,
politcal science,
Russia in Afghanistan...
Have we improved the situation?
Government control over tribes, relation with US?