Spring 2011 Philosophy of Human Nature Lecture Notes

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January 11, 2011 (1)

  1. Three Web Sites!
  2. Course Goals
  3. Roll Call
  4. Schedule, Grading Schemes, Wiki, Study Questions
  5. Philosophy

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is a discipline of inquiry directed toward a wide range of basic questions about the nature of the universe and our experience in it. It involves a turn toward "basic questions". It also involves meta-level cognition.
Philosophy uses general tools of reasoning and knowledge to answer basic questions and to develop theories about the nature of reality, both as a whole and in parts.
Philosophy is an activity that involves the use of thought, experience, and judgement to order one's life and thinking about the universe.

Philosophical Methods

Go to Philosophical Methods
Go to General Overview of Critical Thinking Concepts

What is Real? (1st Exercise)

In small groups, generate a list of criteria or a definition for calling something "real". Then try to figure out if you can find reasons for preferring one set of criteria or definition over another.

January 11, 2011 (2)

Continuation of exercise on "What is Real?" -- Try to keep track of methods used.
Review of Socrates' life and methods. Socrates as an image of the philosopher.
Fields of Philosophy and major questions
Logos, Mythos, and Theos
How is philosophy related to and different from science, theology, and literature.
Course matters: How timeline assignment works.

January 13, 2011 (3)

January 18, 2011 (4)

January 20, 2011 (5)

January 25, 2011 (6)

January 27, 2011 (7)