Spring 2014 Philosophy of Italian Culture Paper Topics

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Abbreviated Rubric

  • The thesis unambiguously identifies an interpretative claim and introduces the points of argumentation and evidence to be produced in the body. The argument develops logically and in a sequential order from the thesis; it is unambiguously based on logically provided evidence.
  • The quality of the writing allows the author to express complex and detailed ideas and information in support of the thesis. The author takes good care of the reader with good organization, transitions, and internal summaries. Errors in grammar and spelling are controlled.

Required Paper Topic

Choose a theme or topic from the course material and develop a thesis on this topic using at least two of the readings from the course and five total sources (course movies can count toward the five source total). The paper should be 5-6 pages long, typed and doubled spaced. Please look at the rubric and consult with us for guidance.

General Paper Topics

Many of the things we read and discuss in class allow for further research and writing as general paper topics (short research or research paper in "Assignments") and topics for short class presentations. Here are some specific suggestions:

  1. Some scholars have been paying attention to the concept of "omerta" in Mafia music (google: omerta mafia lyrics in contemporary italian music). Read/listen to some of this material and analyze the concept of "honor" in relation to other course readings and your own research.
  2. Within our recent work on fascism, consider researching further: the Amendola case, futurism as fascist/non-fascist art, the Aventine Secession, italian anarchism, famous "fuorusciti" such as Salvemini, the Lateran Accords, the case of Carlo Rosselli, the Palazzo Chigi Pact (1923) and Palazzo Vidoni Pact (1925).
  3. Research and report on the "dopolavoro" programs of the Fascists.
  4. Research and report on "duelling" in 19th Century Italian culture.