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==General Resources==
==Course Schedule & Reading Notes==
:*[[Philosophy of Food Course Research Questions]]
:*[[Food News!]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Reading Schedule]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Spring 2024 Class Notes and Reading Schedule]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Fall 2018 Class Notes]]
:*[http://Courses.alfino.org Courses.alfino.org]
:*[[Basic Course Information for Philosophy of Food]]
:*[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0io52w81ggn00ev/AAB8uthZEeGXiq2Xun45rJlGa?dl=0 Shared folder for general course documents]
:*[[Philosophical Methods]]
:*[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/frz8n54d4lxww9pvbvanm/h?rlkey=61d3mmuz87ka60zn96vzmk4np&dl=0 Class Audio]
:*[[Advice on Reading]]
:*[[Assignment Rubric]]
:*[[Assignment Rubric]]
:*[[The Short Short Guide to Wiki Edits]]
:*[http://goo.gl/forms/w1lMW5qbsa Tell Me]
:*[[Student Practice Page]]
:*[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIKnwhuAQmBsWZmsYSXGmnv8TxBUVmUOKyVGvV32ysD-nSvA/viewform?usp=sf_link  Practicum / Research Paper Reporting Form]
:*[[Food News!]]
:*[[The $200 / month diet]]. — Let’s use this for any summary of a diet that you would like to share with the class. 
:*[[Group Writing - Food 2018]]
*[https://gonzagau-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/alfino_gonzaga_edu/EgeQPIC33QBPr3qJLh12C5UBeg_Jl8njRP2TUDRGXmxdwg?e=39NRHZ Sharepoint site]
==More Course Information==
*[https://goo.gl/forms/0niZBty8711bPpq63 Roster Information]
:*[https://gonzaga.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3sIAXKvWIeJmUQt First Day Food Survey] Ready for Spring 2024!
*[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1trEfbpCpvZ4pJ-CwwaeiEEVTvh2kgls4awkQfhl2vWd4-w/viewform?usp=send_form Short Objective Quiz]
:*[[Resources for Basic Cooking and Culinary Skills]]
*[http://goo.gl/forms/w1lMW5qbsa Tell Me]
:*[[Nutrition, Satisfaction, Practicality and Dietary Change]]
*[https://goo.gl/forms/3epvTIprjBDXXSLI3 Anonymous Preference Voting]
:*[[Documentaries specific to Food Ethics and Animal Slaughter]]
*[https://goo.gl/forms/3btwCpqvIjQZEVPy2 Small Group Discussion Report - Food]
:*[[Food movies]] - a list of current food movies. Also, try your own searches in youtube and Imdb.
:*[[Philosophy of Food Course Research Questions]]
:*[[Advice on Reading]]
:*[[Philosophical Methods]]
*Worksheets for Nutrition Chapters
==Philosophy of Food Practicum or Research Option==
==Final Paper Options==
:*This semester, I invite you to consider doing a Philosophy of Food "practicum" assignment.  A practicum is typically an experiential learning assignment.  If you choose the practicum, we will work out a customized assignment based on your interests and goals in the next 2-3 weeks.  Some ideas for the practicum are briefly described below. 
:*Your final paper should be a 7-9 page (typed double spaced) paper satisfying one of the following topics:
:*If you prefer not to do a practicum, you may choose a research topicAgain, we will work on the specific topic based on your interests. Your research topic can be on anything in Food Studies.
::*1.  "My Philosophy of Food" -- Put together your best answers to the most basic questions that define a philosophy of foodWhat are the fundamental features of a sound approach to food?  How should we think about food, the Western Diet, and the satisfactions that food makes possible?  What are the implications for your developed philosophy of food in terms of food choices and personal food culture (roughly what to eat and how to eat).
::*2.  Research Paper -- Food topics abound.  Chose something that builds on your disciplinary expertise or not. You may choose an fact-based topic, but you may also want to consider topics that integrate ethical and public policy issues and the food system.
:*First Steps:  In early April, I'll ask you to share some ideas about your topic interests in small group work.
===Ideas for your Practicum===
==Ideas for Food Journaling and Investigations in Florence and Beyond==
:*What would you like to improve about your diet and food habits?  Perhaps you need to acquire some cooking skills, improve your meal planning, or improve your diet?  Maybe you already have great cooking skills and you are good at "sourcing" your diet -- planning meals and managing the "supply chain" for your diet.  In that case, you might consider other goals.  For example, you might like to learn how to make more dishes in the cuisine of your culture of origin or some other cuisine.
Here are some ideas for optional work that helps you connect our Philosophy of Food course to Florence and your study abroad experienceMany of these involve an kind of amateur "ethnography" in which you carefully observe characteristics of the local (or European) food culture for distinctive practices and organization.
:*As you go through the course, you will acquire nutritional information and information about a healthy diet. There are good reasons for average Americans to reduce meat consumption in their diet.  So, a practicum could focus on adding new dishes to your diet that reduce your dependence on meat, ultra-processed foods, control caloric intake, or add new foods that you would like to learn how to enjoy.   
:*Restaurant and Food markets (including supermarket) culture
:*To summarize, here are some practicum goals to consider:
::1. Cooking skills and meal planning.
::2. Diet review and improvement.
::3. Gastronomy, satisfaction, and your diet -- exploring cuisines, learning new skills and ways of improving the satisfaction you experience from eating.
::4. Fixing practical problems in your diet and meal preparation: estimating expense, going to the store less frequently, choosing more varied food stores to supply your diet, making a healthy lunch portable, reducing “continuous eating”
::5. Special topics: mindfulness eating, developing better camping cuisine
::*Visit several supermarkets and at least one open market (Mercato Centrale, but maybe also the [https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g187895-d195019-Reviews-Mercato_di_Sant_Ambrogio-Florence_Tuscany.html Mercato St. Ambrogio], including at least one outside the centro.  Observe the layout of the market, proportions of different kinds of products (industrial, artiginale, local, national brands), notice how food is presented and served to be sold.  If you a quantitatively oriented you might focus on the sizes and prices of foods in comparison to the US.  Qualitatively issues include the aesthetics of the market, quality of products, and how the market is organized. Who is shopping there and what are they buying?  Try an [https://www.promoqui.it/firenze/volantino/esselunga-via-masaccio Esselunga] or Coop ([https://www.coopfirenze.it/punti-vendita/firenze-via-cimabue via Gioberti] or [https://www.coopfirenze.it/punti-vendita/firenze-via-forlanini Novoli] #22 bus from the station).  You can also may comparative observations between Italian food culture and other places in Europe that you visit.
:*Practica in the Community
::*Since you visit restaurants to complete your diet here, try to develop a sense of the variety of Italian eating establishments.  Get outside the Viale for this assignment as well.  Compare menu organization, content, assumptions about diner preferences.  How do Italians eat out? When do they go to dinner?  How to they take apperitivi?  You make need to research the different types of restaurants to understand your experience. 
:*Street Food, Cafes and coffee culture, gelato, and Specialty food stores
*[[Resources for Basic Cooking and Culinary Skills]]
::*Florence has some distinctive street foods.  Read about [https://www.visitflorence.com/eating-and-drinking-in-florence/florence-street-food.html Tripa and Lampradotta] and, if you are brave, go find some and try it.
===Ideas for the Research Option===
::*Read about how Italian take their coffee, learn how to order coffee and pastries and then sample a variety of cafes from the fancy places in and just off Piazza Repubblica ([https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A8_Gilli Gigli], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A8_Giubbe_Rosse Giubbe Rosso], or the [http://www.lostinflorence.it/wine/articles/caffe-giacosa Giacosa], which is frequented more by Florentines.
::*Specialty stores with unique assortments of Italian foods can be found all over Florence.  I'll start making a list, but again, you should sample some inside and outside the centro.  For example, in my neighborhood there is a specialty shop for [https://www.tripadvisor.it/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g187895-d6351758-i227462520-Panificio_Maddaloni_di_Maddaloni_Gennaro-Florence_Tuscany.html Mozzarella di Bufala].  Outside the viale you can still find butcher shops and shops that sell fruit and vegetables. Learn about Vino Sfuso.
These experiences can be processed for the course as journal assignments (3 or 6 for 5% or 10% of your grade) or short research papers.  You should take a notebook or other device for writing down observations.  Your journals should synthesis your observations rather than present raw data. Record both things you observe and think you understand as well as things that are puzzling to you. Research some the puzzles. Often this requires finding Italians who can be "informants" or you. Please pick a few highlights to share with the class.
:*Your research options can involve traditional book and article research or research that takes you out into the community.  For example, you might volunteer at the food bank and learn about "food security" in Spokane.  You could visit a food producer or restaurant that is doing something interesting or innovative (Ex. The Grain Shed, Pure Eire Dairy). You might explore the world of online food bloggers.  
==Rough Outline of Optional Philosophy of Food Assignments and Topic Ideas==
:*Again, you may choose the practicum or the research option.  Either way, the first step is to think about your goals and then make an appointment with me to discuss your choices.  Please try to do this within the first 3 weeks of the course.
I will work on some new assignments for the Florence version of the course.  Some of the assignments listed below may not be practical under conditions in Florence:
*[[Some suggestions for Research topics]]
:*'''Diet Review and Improvement''' -- Review your own diet and consider the effects of specific changes you might make.
==Final Paper: “My Philosophy of Food”==
::*Choose 1, 2, or all three of these options:
:*"My Philosophy of Food" -- Put together your best answers to the most basic questions that define a philosophy of food.  What are the fundamental features of a sound approach to food? How should we think about food, the Western Diet, and the satisfactions that food makes possible? What are the implications for your developed philosophy of food in terms of food choices and personal food culture (roughly what to eat and how to eat).
:::*1. '''Tracking.''' Use an online diet tracking site to create a "baseline" analysis of your diet. Compare your diet to US Dietary Guidelines [https://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/].  You can start this assignment between Feb 1 and March 1.  Consider Myfitnesspal or any food/diet site that is connected to the large food and nutrition databasesEnter most of the foods you eat over a 7-10 day period. We will get into more detail on this, but try to look up nutritional norms for your age, health, and weight.  Compare with your actual diet and the US Dietary Guidelines. Write up your observations in a 3-4 paper.  You may want to focus on a general comparison of your diet to the guidelines, things you didn't notice or were surprised by about your diet, the proportion of whole food vs. industrial food products, the regularity or lack of regularity in the diet, etc.  Due no later than March 1. 
:*Your final paper should be a 7-9 page (typed double spaced).
:::*2. '''Elimination Diet.'''Try small changes in your diet by eliminating some or all of the following: industrial processed food, sodas, eating between meals, and refined carbohydrates, especially refined sugar.  Consider re-sourcing industrial meat to local organic. Try adding a non-meat protein dinner, such as a lentil or bean dish.  Try the same as a restaurant.  Use a journal to track your experience of these changes.  Using the journal as a source, report on your experience in a 2-3 reflection paper. Start as soon as mid-February but finish no later than late March.
:::*3. '''3 Way Diet analysis.'''In light of your study of nutrition this semester, make an analysis of your diet that considers three standards: nutrition, satisfaction, and practicality. Late April.
:*'''Food System Research, Food Journalism, & Food Activism''' -- Research a specific aspect of food production and distribution in your local food system.  A research focus involves documenting the issue and giving your analysis of it, whereas an activism focus may involve trying to promote positive change.  Here are a few examples:
==Miscellaneous Food News and Food Culture==
:::*Research a particular grocery store's sourcing choices.
:*Mid 20th century food songs (good for food and gender reflection):
:::*Why does a local store sell peppers from Holland?  Can they be sourced locally?
::*The Newbeats, "Bread and Butter" 1964 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06hB4oep4XY]
:::*What organizations exist in Spokane to help promote local food production? 
::*Nancy Walker, "I Can Cook, Too!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yes-hOM6vcA]
:::*Investigate Sodexho's dietary standards and sourcing choices? 
::*"You've got to eat your spinach, baby" (Many recordings, but Tommy Dorsey with Edythe Wright singing is the best!)
:::*Take a favorite food product, food, or meal in your life and investigate or compare sourcing options.  This could involved documenting the sources of a food product, making a dish from differently sourced ingredients, or other possibilities.
:*Jared Diamond, The World Until Yesterday, note on gluttony (see links)
:::*Visit a local supplier of organic foods or a local producer of industrial foods. Integrate relevant course issues into your analysis and reflection on your visit.
:::*Visit Pure Eiyre Dairy in Othello, which touts its humane and organic methods.  Sample their products, comparing them to industrial equivalents.  http://www.pureeiredairy.com
:::*Try to visit Snyder's bread factory and then one of the artisan bakers in town: Common Crumb, Luna (Boosie's), Petite Chat. 
:::*Assess one or more restaurant menus in terms of nutrition, sourcing, or gastronomy. 
:::*Visit a local organic ranch or farm to gain insight into their values and challenges.  What are the economics of such an enterprise.
:::*Food security topic -- Learn about the food distribution systems that supply food banks, community food pantries, and free meals.  Where does the food come from?  Who uses or depends upon this food system?  How well does it work to provide food security?
:*'''Food movie and book groups''' -- Get together with other students or work on your own to deepen your understanding of an additional book or movie source on food.  Choose journals and/or class reporting as part of this assignment. [[Food movies]]
==Office Use Only==
::*Some possible books:
:::*''Catching Fire'' Richard Wrangham -- This book by a leading medical anthropologist has been widely discussed and referenced in the last year.  It brings together a  fascinating literature on the effects of cooking on human evolution.
:::*''The Good Gut'' Justin and Erica Sonnenburg  -- This microbiology couple at Stanford contributed this volume to the current discussion gut bacterial" or your microbiome.
:::*''Mindful Eating'' Jan Chozen Bays -- In this work, the author, a medical doctor, explores the ways that becoming a more mindful eater can improve your awareness of the importance of eating, your diet, control of appetite, and enjoyment of food.
:::*''In Meat We Trust'' Maureen Ogle -- Historians will like this story of the US cultural and dietary relationship with meat. 
:::*''Philosophers at Table'' Raymond Boisvert and Lisa Heldke -- A recent work in philosophy on the nature of food and being human.
:::*''More Than a Meal: The Turkey in History, Myth, Rituah and Reality.''Karen Davis,  (New York: Lantern Books, 2001)
:::*''Caffeinated'' Murray Carpenter
:*'''Short Term Research''' - Many of the issues and topics we discuss are in flux due to emerging research and changes in food production and consumption.  Here are some suggested topics for further research.
::*What are the alternatives to "culling" of male layers or treatment of male calves at dairy operations?
::*Can we breed animals "back" to conditions prior to the distorted breeding programs of industrial agriculture?
::*Food ethnography: Study a food or food system from your ethnic, regional, or class identity. The specific goal of the study will depend upon your interests.  You might want to explore a food from your family life or make a critical study of the disruption of a food culture.
::*Research a fad diet from the last few years in light of research and reflection.
::*Are we getting better at farm raised fish?
==Other Resources==
:*[[Food movies]]
:*[[Pieces from Jan24 revisions to Philosophy of Food]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Spring 2023 Class Notes and Reading Schedule]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Spring 2022 Class Notes and Reading Schedule]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Spring 2019 Class Notes and Reading Schedule]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Fall 2020 Class Notes and Reading Schedule]]
:*[[Basic Course Information for Philosophy of Food]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Course Core Course Proposal]]
:*[[Philosophy of Food Course Core Course Proposal]]
===Miscellaneous Food News and Food Culture===
:*Electric Spoon [[http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2016/10/18/electric-spoon-could-make-veggies-taste-like-chocolate-or-cheeseburgers/]]
:*Fasting -- Mark Mattson: Why fasting bolsters brain power.  [https://shar.es/1GjYDE]
:*Weird food songs (good for food and gender reflection):
::*The Newbeats, "Bread and Butter" 1964 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06hB4oep4XY]
::*Nancy Walker, "I Can Cook, Too!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yes-hOM6vcA]
:*Jared Diamond, The World Until Yesterday, note on gluttony (see links)
:*[[Philosophy of Food Spring 2018 Class Notes]]

Latest revision as of 23:00, 17 January 2024

Course Schedule & Reading Notes

More Course Information

Philosophy of Food Practicum or Research Option

  • This semester, I invite you to consider doing a Philosophy of Food "practicum" assignment. A practicum is typically an experiential learning assignment. If you choose the practicum, we will work out a customized assignment based on your interests and goals in the next 2-3 weeks. Some ideas for the practicum are briefly described below.
  • If you prefer not to do a practicum, you may choose a research topic. Again, we will work on the specific topic based on your interests. Your research topic can be on anything in Food Studies.

Ideas for your Practicum

  • What would you like to improve about your diet and food habits? Perhaps you need to acquire some cooking skills, improve your meal planning, or improve your diet? Maybe you already have great cooking skills and you are good at "sourcing" your diet -- planning meals and managing the "supply chain" for your diet. In that case, you might consider other goals. For example, you might like to learn how to make more dishes in the cuisine of your culture of origin or some other cuisine.
  • As you go through the course, you will acquire nutritional information and information about a healthy diet. There are good reasons for average Americans to reduce meat consumption in their diet. So, a practicum could focus on adding new dishes to your diet that reduce your dependence on meat, ultra-processed foods, control caloric intake, or add new foods that you would like to learn how to enjoy.
  • To summarize, here are some practicum goals to consider:
1. Cooking skills and meal planning.
2. Diet review and improvement.
3. Gastronomy, satisfaction, and your diet -- exploring cuisines, learning new skills and ways of improving the satisfaction you experience from eating.
4. Fixing practical problems in your diet and meal preparation: estimating expense, going to the store less frequently, choosing more varied food stores to supply your diet, making a healthy lunch portable, reducing “continuous eating”
5. Special topics: mindfulness eating, developing better camping cuisine
  • Practica in the Community

Ideas for the Research Option

  • Your research options can involve traditional book and article research or research that takes you out into the community. For example, you might volunteer at the food bank and learn about "food security" in Spokane. You could visit a food producer or restaurant that is doing something interesting or innovative (Ex. The Grain Shed, Pure Eire Dairy). You might explore the world of online food bloggers.
  • Again, you may choose the practicum or the research option. Either way, the first step is to think about your goals and then make an appointment with me to discuss your choices. Please try to do this within the first 3 weeks of the course.

Final Paper: “My Philosophy of Food”

  • "My Philosophy of Food" -- Put together your best answers to the most basic questions that define a philosophy of food. What are the fundamental features of a sound approach to food? How should we think about food, the Western Diet, and the satisfactions that food makes possible? What are the implications for your developed philosophy of food in terms of food choices and personal food culture (roughly what to eat and how to eat).
  • Your final paper should be a 7-9 page (typed double spaced).

Miscellaneous Food News and Food Culture

  • Mid 20th century food songs (good for food and gender reflection):
  • The Newbeats, "Bread and Butter" 1964 [1]
  • Nancy Walker, "I Can Cook, Too!" [2]
  • "You've got to eat your spinach, baby" (Many recordings, but Tommy Dorsey with Edythe Wright singing is the best!)
  • Jared Diamond, The World Until Yesterday, note on gluttony (see links)

Office Use Only